
The Lost Amethyst

In the land of Marinda, where magic reigns and clans possess unique powers, "The Lost Amethyst" tells a captivating tale of conflict and intrigue. As tensions rise between the Viper clan, the Wolf-monkey clan, and the Great Dragon clan, a purple crystal stone called Amethyst becomes the source of envy and chaos. Amidst this turmoil, Jin Li, the revered leader of the Great Dragon clan, makes the difficult decision to send his newborn daughter Mae Li to Earth, along with the precious Amethyst stone, to protect her from harm. Mae Li's journey on Earth is fraught with hardship and isolation, as she struggles to fit in with the humans around her. In Marinda, Master Yuze's insatiable greed leads him to vow to obtain the powerful Amethyst at any cost. To carry out his plan, he commands an enslaved Wolf-monkey, Chen Zhao, to venture down to Earth in human form. Meanwhile, Liang Fang, the son of the Viper Queen, also seeks to prove his worth by obtaining the Amethyst on Earth. However, taking human form comes at a terrific price for each of them. Mae Li’s life was jinxed, and her grandmother gave up her sight to live on Earth. Chen Zhao’s health is severely compromised hence, he was indebtedly loyal to Master Yuze, being the only provider of his medicine. It wasn't any better for Liang Fang as he was unable to feel emotions. In the same degree, they embark on their quest, the question remains: how long can they sustain this guise and withstand the challenges that lie ahead? As Mae Li navigates the challenges of high school, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with Liang Fang and Chen Zhao, both of whom have their own agendas. However, Jade Qing, the queen bee of JM Memorial High School had eyes for the Viper Prince. What adversity awaits in this love cube? Liang Fang's charming demeanor hides a dark secret, and when he betrays Mae Li, she is forced to confront the danger that surrounds her. Will she be able to protect the Amethyst stone and herself from harm, and what consequences will her actions have for Marinda and the clans involved? "The Lost Amethyst" is a thrilling and magical novel that explores themes of power, betrayal, and love in a world where anything is possible.

Sonita_Osaisai · Fantasy
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160 Chs

CHAPTER 18: The Birthday Bash.

Mae arrived at the marina to see the Silver Star gleaming in the late afternoon sun. The yacht was even more impressive up close than it had been in the photo on the recent invitation. She couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the opulence of it all.

As Mae stepped onto the yacht, in a chic outfit that exudes effortless elegance and sophistication, carefully curated with each piece complimenting the others, creating a cohesive and stylish look.

"You look pretty ma'am, enjoy the rest of the evening" the captain greeted as she boarded the yacht.

Mae smiled softly, followed by a slight nod on hearing his compliment. Her cheeks flushed with a delicate pink.

She was ushered to the upper deck, where tables were set up with crisp white linens, sparkling silverware, and crystal goblets. The guests were seated at the tables, each with a stunning view of the sea and the glittering lights of the city in the distance.

As the yacht began to set sail, waitstaff appeared, carrying trays of champagne flutes and hors d'oeuvres. The champagne flowed freely, and guests nibbled on delicate canapés of smoked salmon, caviar, and foie gras.

The yacht was decorated with streamers, balloons, and elegant floral arrangements, creating an atmosphere of extravagance and elegance. Soft music played in the background, adding to the ambiance of the celebration.

Mae stood alone with her hands to herself, curling her toes in her sandals as she searched with her neck stretched out to see if she would spot Chen or Liang among the guests. Her gaze dazzled when she spotted Chen sipping champagne in the midst of beautiful ladies flocking around him, as others sunbathed. She watched as they chatted and laughed in between.

Soon, flashes of cameras clustered around her, taking pictures of her.

"You look pretty ma'am, How much did you get those bracelets? Are they diamond?"

"Are you the new fashion police of JM Memorial High?"

The paparazzi kept on throwing questions at her. Mae felt really shy, refusing to acknowledge them. She decided to walk up to Chen when she was greeted midway by a smiling Jade and a glass of champagne. Jade looked stunning in a flowing silk dress that shimmered in the sunlight.

"Hi.. It's nice to see you." She hugged Mae warmly, smiling for the paparazzi to capture her best feature. Then she whispered in Mae's ear "I appreciate you came looking less of a zombie".

Jade brushed the breezy hair off her face as she interacted confidently with Mae "My friends are here today. Look over there" she said, pointing over to them.

Mae turned to look dubious at a group of cool, rich girls gathered together in chic and style. Dressed to impress, they were all impeccably put together, with perfectly coiffed hair and flawless makeup. Each outfit was carefully curated, with a combination of classic pieces and trendy accessories that showcased their individual personalities.

As they chatted and laughed, glasses of champagne in hand, the girls exuded a sense of confidence and ease. They were clearly comfortable in each other's company, their conversations flowing easily from one topic to the next. Some were perched on plush velvet sofas, while others lounged in elegant armchairs.

"Um.. Um..." Mae scratched on her head, not knowing how to tell Jade she feels intimated by them.

"They just came into the city to celebrate with me. Come, let me introduce you to them" she smiled radially and pulled Mae's hand softly.

The paparazzi did not give them breathing space. They persistently took pictures of Jade and her interaction with her friends.

Jade's minions, Gina and Lisa, shielded the paparazzi from getting any nearer to them.

The girls nibbled on delicate hors d'oeuvres, served on silver platters by white-gloved waitstaff, and sipped champagne from crystal flutes. It was clear that these girls were used to the finer things in life, but they carried themselves with a grace and poise that belied their wealth.

Mae sat in their midst, copying the pattern of how they held and sip from the champagne glass. She smiled and nodded to every conversation as they discussed everything from the latest fashion trends to their travels around the world.

One of the girls said "Omg! One time my little brother and I went to the amusement park. It was his birthday and he said his one wish was for me to ride on a rollercoaster with him. Really? Moi? Jenna? Haha no, no."

"What happened Jenner, did you grant the little boy his wish?" Mae asked curiously.

"It was a cry for help. Ever since I was a kid, I have this phobia for height. Gosh, you won't believe what happened to me" her voice laced with a hint of amusement and intrigue.

"She threw up on a guy. Plot twist, they hooked up later that evening" another girl in the group concluded.

"Oh my God... No way.." Mae covered her mouth amused.

"Yes way!" the girls chorused in laughter.

Jade saw how her friends enjoyed the company of Mae. She felt jealous and excluded.

"Mae is the coolest girl in my school, she is a smart and intelligent student. I mean, all the teachers love her, including the students. Right Mae?"

Mae smiled shying, picking on her nails as she spoke softly "I won't say that about myself".

"C'mon Mae, tell them about your vacation in Miami... How you flew first class to Tokyo... Come on..." Jade pouted her lips, portraying puppy dog eyes.

"Omg Mae, Tell us... Tell us." One of the girls shook Mae's legs excitedly.

"Gee... I envy you. My dad never lets me fly first class. He always says money doesn't grow on trees so we ought to learn discipline. Tsk! You are so lucky girl" another girl stated.

Mae darted blankly at them. She saw how curious and excited they were to hear about her story. But what story does she have to tell? A tale of poverty? She felt embarrassed and too dumbfounded to speak as she couldn't relate to the girls luxurious tales. It would go bad if she tries to lie about her status considering what Jade intends to achieve.

"Actually guys, my dad is late" She said in a low tone, picking on her nails again as she anticipates their reactions.

The girls gasped out of pity and consoled her. "We are so sorry to hear that Mae" they said.

"Did he die in a plane crash?" Jade gasped in pretense.

Mae looked up at Jade, understanding what she's trying to do. She shook her head in response.

"You don't have to talk about it honey, just take in a deep breath and let's talk about something else to lighten the atmosphere" Jenner encouraged, patting Mae on the back.

"Jade is nothing like her friends. They are rich yet humble and classy. Perhaps upbringing matters" Mae thought.

"Absolutely, let's talk about something else to lighten the mood." One of the girls said.

As the evening wore on, the conversations continued, punctuated by bursts of laughter and clinking glasses. And for a few hours, they were content to simply enjoy each other's company, relishing in the joy of friendship and the pleasures of a life well-lived.

Jade gave Mae and her friends a quick tour of the yacht, showing them the bedrooms where they would be staying and the various lounges and entertainment areas. She explained that there would be a DJ on board for the entire weekend and that there would be plenty of food and drinks available at all times.

As the sun began to set, the yacht moved out of the marina and into the open sea. The view from the upper deck was breathtaking, with the orange and pink hues of the sunset casting a warm glow over the water.

Mae stood on the yacht's deck, gazing out at the vibrant hues of the setting sun, a gust of wind suddenly swept across the water. Her hat, a delicate beige sunhat adorned with a black ribbon, was no match for the powerful breeze. With a quick whoosh, it lifted off her head and tumbled over the edge of the yacht, rolling swiftly towards the other end of the deck.

Just as she let out a gasp of surprise, Liang appeared out of nowhere and deftly caught the hat in his outstretched hand. He turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers as he extended the hat back to her.

"Your hat, miss." he said in a smooth, deep voice.

Mae blushed as she took the hat from him, feeling a flutter in her chest as she looked up at his chiseled features. She tried to say something, but the words caught in her throat as she struggled to form a coherent sentence.

But before she could gather her thoughts, Liang had already turned away, walking back towards the other end of the deck without a second glance. She watched him go, feeling a pang of disappointment as she realized he wasn't interested in her.

With a sigh, she settled her hat back onto her head and turned back towards the sunset, trying to push his thought out of her mind.

To her surprise, he came back. He took her hand and led her to the back of the yacht, where a table was set up for dinner.

The table was elegantly set with fine china and crystal glassware. The chef had prepared a gourmet feast, with fresh seafood, roasted vegetables, and decadent desserts. Liang drew out a chair for Mae to sit on.

"What a gentleman" she thought.

She had felt full after eating with Jade's friends as they regaled her with stories of their latest business deals and glamorous vacations. But of course it was Liang. She wouldn't be that foolish to turn down his offer, considering this dinner to be a "date" in her head.

They were presented with a beautifully plated dish of lobster tail, accompanied by truffled potatoes and a crisp salad. Mae couldn't stop smiling as they had light discussions, enjoying their meal.

After dinner, the party really got started. The DJ began playing upbeat music, and Liang invited Mae to dance under the stars on the upper deck with him.

"You are so mysterious. I never figured you to be fun at parties" Mae said over the loud music as she took his hand.

"Where I am from, my mother organizes parties all the time. Just in a different approach" Liang responded.

Mae could feel the warmth of the sea breeze on her skin and the pulsing beat of the music in her bones. It was a night that she would never forget.

The birthday cake, crafted with precision and artistry that only a skilled pastry chef could achieve; a towering masterpiece, standing tall on a gleaming silver pedestal that shone under the bright lights is brought out, and Jade blows out the candles, surrounded by her loved ones and well-wishers as they sang happy birthday to her.

The paparazzi got as many shots as possible of Jade and her guests, capturing candid moments and any signs of luxury or extravagance.

As the celebrant stood before her guests, the room fell silent in anticipation of her birthday speech. Dressed in an elegant gown that shimmered in the light, she took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Thank you all for being here to celebrate with me on my special day," she began, her voice confident and clear. "It means the world to me to have such wonderful friends and family by my side."

As she continued to speak, the celebrant's eyes lit up with excitement as she shared stories of the past year and her hopes for the future. The guests listened intently, hanging on her every word and applauding enthusiastically as she finished.

But just when it seemed like the speech was coming to a close, Jade surprised everyone by calling on a guest to enter a cage.

"Wait, before we move on to the next part of the celebration, I have a surprise for everyone," she said, her tone playful and mischievous. "I have a special guest who's going to entertain us all!"

As the crowd murmured with curiosity, a man dressed in a striped shirt and pants entered the room, leading an enormous cage behind him. Jade Qing gestured for him to bring the cage closer.

"Who's brave enough to enter the cage and join 'the entertainer' for a dance with sharks underwater?" Jade asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The crowd gasped, feeling nervous about it.

"Oh come on. This is going to be fun! Don't you want fun?" Jade asked, her eyes darting across the room to see the reaction of the crowd.

Her fixed gaze darkened when she glanced at Mae in the crowd, standing beside Liang with her hands wrapped in his arm. Jade gave a condescending sneer, causing Mae to feel uneasy as she gulped in saliva.

"You there! That pretty lady over there, standing with that tall gentleman. Please come forward". Jade said, pointing at Mae.

Now Mae was in the spotlight and the guest gave way for her to walk through to the front.

The entertainer opened the cage for her to enter and he went in with her, assisting her to put on a diving suit with oxygen mask.

The cage was drawn beneath the waters and they both danced with cool blues playing on the deck of the yacht.

"Where is the fun? This is so boring." a guest mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"We need sharks. Give us action!" A guy yelled from the crowd, and the other guest accompanied with murmurings.

The cage was pulled up and the man assigned to entertain the audience came out of the cage, leaving Mae to go back deeper into the sea. He entertained the guest, chopping small fishes into buckets with martial art skills and discarding them in the sea.

Mae waited patiently inside the cage, floating underwater in her diving suit. She looked up, tensed to see small particles of fish dumped into the water and blood spreading over the cage. She shook the cage for them to pull her up, sensing this would invite sharks when they smell the blood in the sea.

"Look! A shark." Lisa hollered on the deck when she sighted the dorsal fin of a shark cutting through the water towards the yacht.

The other guests got up curiously and surrounded the edge of the deck, awaiting amusement.

Oh no. How would Mae navigate herself out of this crisis? Would she get bashed under water? Let's find out in the next chapter.

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