
The Lost Alpha.

The Alpha and Luna of the Golden moon park bore a baby lycan. Soon after the birth of the baby lycan, the Alpha of the park died in a fierce battle. The pack members came to a conclusion of making the baby lycan, Louis the Alpha when he becomes 18 years of age but his mother should take over for now. Through out Louis growth, he didn't show any trait of being a lycan which caused an uproar in the park. Park members refused to have a weakling as their Alpha. What will happen to the park?? , what is wrong with Louis??. Read this adventurous and thrilling story to find out, I promise this story will be the best of the super natural stories you've read Much love from Angel Tomes

Angeltomes · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The next day,

It was finally the day for celebrating and welcoming the new Alpha of the Golden moon pack. The Alpha's younger brother had to be there as he would be the new Beta. He boarded a flight and arrived at the castle very early in the morning.

He was finally back after 21 years, he left the castle for the human world since he was 5. But the Alpha and Luna usually go there to visit him.

The party was over but people were still going all about in the castle. Lycans and wolves were known for their late partying

Brian and Luthan were seen discussing in Luthan's private garden.

Luthan was starting to get fed off of his brother's talkative nature. He was the quiet type but his brother was the opposite, "is it because you've been among the humans for so long that made you a talkative", Luthan said coldly not even minding to hurt his brother's feelings

"Aren't you happy to meet me, we've been apart for 21years we have a lot to catch up on", Brian said even though he was only whining he already knew his brother's nature.

"That's the reason am here, count your self lucky am here talking to you many are looking for the opportunity to glance at my face", Luthan said turning back to his narcissist nature.

"Hey, I have pretty looks than you", Brian said challengingly but In a playful tone.

"Keep on deceiving yourself"

"Should we confirm, let's call a girl", Brian said and looked up to call someone but this intoxicating smell filled his entire lungs and he couldn't breathe well.

"Can you smell it", Brian asked his brother

Luthan looked at his brother thinking he was joking because he has a sharper sense of smell than him.

Brian stood up abruptly and started walking in an unknown direction, Luthan looked side ways to check for any incoming danger but there was none.

Brian was feeling his beast fighting to be set free, it was going crazy in his head and his leg was just him to a place he don't know but the smell was becoming more intoxicating. "What sort of fragrance is this, why is this happening", Brian thought to himself as his leg kept on moving

Luthan seeing his brother moving very fast and not looking back made him follow him because his brother doesn't know anywhere in the castle.

Brian's leg finally stopped moving and when he looked up, he was at the front of a girl who looked like she have been crying since. Her face looked a bit pale, but something about her attracted him.

His beast was running mad in his head, he felt like holding her and inhale her scent.

Luthan already knew what was happening which made a whole lot of sense to him. He smiled for a second and walked away giving them a bit of privacy.

Melinda also smelling something intoxicating looked up and when she saw Luthan at her front, her face lit up immediately and huge smile appeared on her lips. She tried to move but couldn't, it was asif her body was fixed to the ground but Luthan left and the intoxicating smell was still there. She looked to her side and saw an handsome looking young man who had a similar look to Luthan

Brian hugged her tightly and her scent made his beast at bay a bit, Melinda's first instinct made her hugged him bay, she already knew what was happening.

Brian's fang began to grow longer, his mouth started aching, then he knew what was happening, "MATE", he said in disbelief and pulled out from the hug.

Melinda not wanting to believe started moving back bit by bit.

"Why do you have to come this soon", Brian asked, his fangs aching to mark his mate.

When he knew what was happening, he tried to control his beast not to give a wrong first impression to his mate.

"No, no,no, this can't be", Melinda said and used all of her strength to run away not wanting to believe that Luthan was not her mate.

Brian on the other hand was confused as he has never experienced anything of the sort before. He thought maybe she was overjoyed as well just like him, though he wasn't ready yet.


Back to present,

Till now after 4 month of meeting her mate, she didn't still acknowledge Brian as her mate, though she was already living with him. Her parents had no other choice.

She still had obsession for Luthan even though he had met his mate already, unfortunately for her, the same night she met her mate, he met his also. Though she prays earnestly everyday for the mate bond to remove what so ever thing she have for Luthan. She had gotten it into her skull that it wasn't a dream.

Melinda remembering all this have already wet her already dirty cloth with tears. She harshly used her fingers to clean off the tears on her face.

She looked up with determination and hatred shining brightly in her green eyes, "you bitch, you will suffer for this".

She has developed total hatred for Tabitha because she felt that it was her that came in between the way of her and the Alpha. She also felt some kind of hate to her mate, but she couldn't hate him completely due to the bond between them.

She stood up and adjusted her gown and started walking, it was midnight already. Dews were falling already which made the grass beneath her feet wet. The atmosphere was chilly already but lycans don't get cold easily.

Her hair kept on coming to her face and the little tears there made some strand stick to it.

If anyone see her, they would think of her as a mad woman. She reached her Chambers and found her mate seating on the sofa, holding a novel, though she knew he wasn't reading it

Silly her remembered now, "fuck, I didn't block my mind. He read everything have been thinking since."