
The lore of Plithir

The lore of Plithir takes place just after the dwarf king had died. 300 years before the Planet of Plirhir. There is chaos all around and the races of the planet are vying for their supremacy. Zeus had forbidden sun for the next 500 years and only moonlight shall exist and only at night

DaoistTO1iU9 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The witches of Ulkir

The witches of Ulkir feared no one. They had magical powers within them and some of their ancestors were married to the royalty. One was even married to the king. They were beautiful and not like the other witches of the universe. The darkness was weary on them and did not bode well for their health. Soon they would shift to the planet of Andora and live in the forests of Wilmir. But for now, they lived in the planet of Plithir. A rider came towards them. Who are you? asked a Witch. An elf! replied the rider. We can see that. But who are you? asked the witch. A rider elf, he said and took out his shining blue sword from his cloak and pointed it at the witch. Go away! he said to her. She snared at him. Go away, he said again. Your magic is useless here, he said to her. She cursed him and walked away. The rider continued his journey. Elsewhere there was a secret meeting happening at the palace. Brogovin met a person of vile nature on secrecy. "You give me your men, I will give you your light," he said to him. How? he asked him. Only Zeus has the power to give and take away light, he said. No, not only him. There is a person named Vorin, a bastard son of Zeus. He is under my powers now, said the dark lord. And he can call for Yintir, asked Brogovin. Yes, replied the dark lord but he was clearly lying. Vorin was not worthy enough to call for Yintir. Brogovin stroked his chin as he pondered upon the proposal. There is no time to think, said the dark lord. He spoke in a sinister voice. Every passing minute in the darkness bleeds your race dry. I would like to see Vorin, said Brogovin. So be it, said the dark lord and vanished into thin air. Brogovin soon after consulted with the general Dhorovin about the matters of the dark lord. We cannot trust him, said Dhorovin. I think he lies about it all, he said. What other choice do we have? asked Brogovin. Each day without light, the fear of dwarves increase. He paced in the chambers. With each passing hour, the enemy grows stronger. The enemy indeed was going to get stronger, but not anytime now. Brogovin was only getting afraid with unnecessary fear. But we still have our army, said Dhorovin. If we agree to his terms, we will not have an army and no light, he replied. That is not a situation that we should put ourselves in, said Dhorovin in a firm tone. Brogovin crumbled as he could not bear the weight of the crown. "The king should have made his peace with Zeus, he said" he is after all a god! said Brogovin. You can go now, said Brogivin as he trembled in fear.