
The Lords

There are billions of humans, and there are millions of dreams, and thousands of warriors, and hundreds of half demons, and the grand order that rules them all, and only one of you, and your free will is your only weapon, can you make it?? sure you can, but can you afford the cost??? we'll see.

Lord_Misho · Fantasy
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5 Chs


A quiet night in the city and the sidewalks of the streets are teeming with people Coming and going and one can notice that most of them are couples of all ages, and At a door of a nice looking restaurant that took a large spot outside to place several tables and decorated each of them with a small tree to make such a romantic mode and at one of the tables sat Jolly and a very nice looking young man in a grey suit that gave him an older prestigious look and across the street at a high roof that's not very far from their location there was our mystery man in his majestic black coat wearing his hoodie that shadowed his entire face but not the glimmer of his smile as he looks at them from his set that he took of that antique short wall of the building's roof observing them like a whole other species and said in a loud voice as if he wasn't alone "it's amazing how these old couples are still together after all these years"

And he laughed before he continued "I love the way you think you're watching me, but you just sucks so hard at it"

And he turned back while a voice spoke from a cornered part of that roof "I'm only glad that your time among them made a progress with you, it's clear that something changed inside you"

The Mystery shadow (laughs loud) "changed?, i'm just bored that's all, I guess I just needed a hobby in my eternal prison, Damien"

Damien "I'm not from around here but I'm pretty sure that they don't call following a girl everywhere and observing here from rooftops a {hobby}"

and after that comment a golden light that came out of nowhere forming a vertical circle of light that seemed moving by Damien who was fully appeared now by the ray of light of that mysterious circle - he was a mid-twenties handsome man but his dressing of a long robe didn't fit in with the fashion of our age- and said: anyway, I'm here to warn you that a holly knight has followed you here so, good luck with that.

And he stepped into the circle that disappeared the same way it appeared, the shadow shouted over him: what?, How am I supposed to kill a holly knight now? I'm bound, remember.

but his shouts were wasted in the darkness of the night as his exotic friend and his circle of light vanished into the night or another dimension leaving him angry for the first time but that rage on his face was quickly replaced by a smile as if the rage never belonged or seemed natural on him unlike the glimmer of the smile like he enjoys what's coming as he says: now that should be really fun.


the next day was a very beautiful Saturday morning and the wind was breathing throw the trees of that calm garden and you can see that even the kids are enjoying that quietness of that morning and at a far bench, as usual, sat the calm Keet searching with his phone like everyone else and listening to the songs that are also quite like him and straying into the oblivion when a shy and choppy mid-twenties guy who looked like a friend approached him and pulled his headphones from his ears and funny shouted: from earth to Keet...

and suddenly Keet grabbed that guy's hand from the rests and twisted it as he pulls him from the neck and knocking him on the ground all so fast that the guy didn't even have the chance to say or do anything and the people of the park gathered around in a second whispering what is happening and wondering what's going on in throw the crowd Keet heard a familiar voice that said: Oh god what happened?


His eyes were as red as blood... and his coat was as dark as night... rage was teaming in his soul like a midnight sea storm. And his heart was as cold as vengeance... his body was a vessel that can only be filled with the blood of his enemies... he was the shadow Lord, he stood before an army of thousands with no fear and he bulled his guns… said the old man to the child who seemed not much older than 7 years old who sat and listened to the old man in attention for hours in that old ruins and smiled like he had enjoyed his mentor's stories until his mother interrupted the old man by calling him and as he was running to answer her he was straying in his grandfather's stories and determined to find out who that hero of the story was could it be his grandfather, but on the other hand, his grandfather was a nice, calm, looking, wise, old man and his smile was soft and filled in compassion and he hoped deep down that his student will not abuse his knowledge.....


oh god what happened, her voice woke him up and snatched him from that other world he was in and as he turned around, everyone was looking at him afraid and he just noticed his hand was around his best friend's neck so he let go and his friend Sam yelled at the crowd: ok people that was just a small misunderstanding between friends.

And then jolly said: how did you do this?

And smiled trying to break the tension inside Keet who was still straying elsewhere until he heard her so he took a deep breath and said sarcastically as usual: I've been taking some new self-defense classes you know so I showed Sam some moves.

Jolly looked suspicious as she says: do these self-defense classes make you able to throw a full-grown man to a wall like a paper bag?

Keet didn't seem surprised as she expected him to be when he said: I don't remember doing that but maybe it was just adrenaline rush, or maybe you saw it in a dream.

And he laughed out loud while Sam says: OK we really need to go now.

and the three of them took off as they laugh and joke about it like nothing happened and as they leave the park a pair of eyes were following them as they walk away, he was a full-grown man muscular body and he was wearing outdated cloth as if he was from a different timeline and he seemed interested in all what happened just not enough to join the crowd, he kept watching the three of them until they left the park and he finally put down his outdated newspaper and got up and said: so this is the Dark Lord.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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