
Episode 9: Second'th Bear!

A white haired girl soon arrived as Commander and Arkus were speaking.

Her freezing condescending eyes, that look she gave them was undeniably mocking.

"The Princess Of Chaos, in the bone and flesh itself. To whom should I thank for finally getting a grasp of you?-Though I've already seen you in the Highs* before. But this time, you seem so close, (I could kill you)."

Said with a smile, the cunning Commander to her rival, Seigna.

Seigna didn't spare a second for the commander.

She looked towards Valdor's exo figure as she winced.

The frustration inside her heart was big.

She still couldn't be on the same stage as her Mother.

"Commander Tigressa asked for you, Princess Of Chaos! How dare you not respond to her?!"

Shouted Arkus, but Tigressa quickly calmed him down.

Commander Tigressa knew.

She knew that Seigna was frustrated for not being good enough towards their Savage Deity.

"Shut yer trap, Pisshead! I heard her. I'm just--- I know what she wants, Moon Guy. But do you think she can achieve what I cannot. Bare dreams stay dream if the person behind it is weak."

Replied Seigna with a calmer tone comapared to Arkus.

Arkus atood in front of his Commander.

Seigna was bored.

She had to spend her time with weaklings not even worth her time.

"Mother knows me. She knows. And I do not. I'm missing too much information to be on the same level as her. My force Control is barely at the level of a Master Jed'aii. But My Lightsaber arts are on another level. I bested so many experts, I know I'm good. And it isn't good enough.. Damn...."

"What are you talking about?---"

Questioned Arkus as he couldn't get a graso of the situation at all.

"Right. I guess tradition doesn't change. There really is a difference from the Lows* and the Highs*. Anyway, it should be starting by now. The ‹Second'th Bear› of Mother."

And at the exact moment Seigna enunciated those words, a bright light scintillated in the sky of Valdor.

Residuals of lightning were zapping everywhere on the planet.

Was it 'The Bear', Val's technique to manipulate the Pressure of the atmosphere to the molecule level.


It was Grandly different.

Seigna caught on quickly as she saw it once in the past.

The reason Val gained her Title of Savage Deity by The Pénelopéan people.

And she didn't want to miss a second of it.

Next, the the whole planet started vibrating.

Enough to mess with the core.

In normal circumstances, the effect would be mild earthquakes and cyclonic regions affected.

But this time, it was a whole another dreadful game.

"The planet's gone, for sure."

Was the words Seigna spoke as she was thrilled to see.

But that fire of her's soon extinguished itself as the light blinked off.

It was strange.

Had something happen to Val.

And back on Valdor, Val had stopped stirring up the planet's weakness.

Someone stopped her.

"Stay close to me, Arka and Ben. This one is special. Let's all go home alive, shall we?"

And that someone was the Very Reason Val died that time.

The Commander-In-Chief Of The Aboslute Order and One Of The Ten Council Member Of The Jedi Temple Order.

The Saviour of many.

The Heroine Of Everyone's Story.

"Valérie Mertens..  Let's wham, shan't we??!"

~To Be Continued~

The exciting part is yet to come!

HobiTAcreators' thoughts