
Episode 4: Weirdos!

A onesome's mind that very much looked sad. Parching eyes that would need to sleep. She was a sith and yet, I felt pity when I looked at her.

I'm Sony and I am one of The Survivors of The Jedi's Padawan from Drakan's Royal Insurgence eight years ago.

Eight years ago, A little girl that no one had heard of invaded Drakan's Rebel Hideout.

The only thing I remember from that event was that I was much unlucky.

I was separated from my group in a surprise attack and since then, I grew up on my own.

I fought for my food.

I fought for my money.

I fought to survive.

And I never really trusted another smart being.

I knew that if I was to survive, I had to be on my own.

And despite that happened, I didn't know I would end up to this point.

I didn't know my misluck would last this long.

"Your eyes are telling me that you want to run away.. Is that a thing to flee from every combat?--You must be a loser for avoiding your fate every single time. What about my proposition? Either you get through it and you stay alive or else..."

Said the Sith, getting bored from the time that has passed.

"...You seriously.. Okay! I get it. I'm Your Friend!"

"Nice to see you accepted the truth.. I'm Val. And I must be the same age as you. Twenty Years Old.."

That was a meeting that neither Sony nor Val expected.

The fear and anger of Sony towards Val and the thrill and excitement from Val made quite an unprecedented move forward friendship.

Something that would usually never happen.

"Tell your mate to come. I want to talk."

Asked Val, smirking as she sat down on the dirty ground.

Sony was speechless at the situation but waved at Kkoda to come over.

"I see you got yourself a 9-translator fri.. That shit can translate information of every language at the speed of light.. I wonder how you got it... Anyway, nice meeting you, Wookie. I'm Val. Friend?"

Val was on a streak of friendship this time.

"...Sony, can you explain? Why did you stop me from killing her back at the bar..?"

Said Kkoda, amgry at Sony for ruining the safety plan that they made for this type of situation.

"Calm down, Kkoda. It's useless to overthink it.. Don't you realize she controlled me into this situation? My judgement that made me run with her; she mind controlled me."

Val was next to them and intervened with this:

"I didn't mind control you, not yet I mean. The reason you made me run with you is kind of a mystery to myself."

"Anyway! It's all over now. We don't need to overthink this. I lost. Kkoda, let's just turn the page and not ask anything more."

Kkoda was triggered.

Sony was apologetic.

And Val knew that this was love; Kkoda was worried about Sony.

"This is like a Mother to a son relationship.. Y'all are funny. I will take the lightsaber you stole back, and I will let you live, my friend. If you want to contact me, I'll be at The Palace. See you, Weirdos!"

I demand gore...

Next chapter, old frienemies meet again.

Val And Mertens!

HobiTAcreators' thoughts