
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Who will save me?

With life and death at stake, Yi is scrambling through the vines, but his size is much smaller than the animals behind him, giving him an advantage in this environment.

Some of the vines had thorns that cut him all over and cut his pretty face, but it was too much to care.

The different grass laughed all the time, and its fragrance showed all the animals the way, like a light in the darkness.

After another drill, Yi Xiaochuan was wheezing like an ox and his lungs were bursting with pain. He wanted to lie still on the ground and leave the strange grass far away.

But on second thoughts, God knows how I came to this strange world, and I don't know what I'm going to encounter in the future, but God was so sad that I came across this strange herb, because it is so special and must have an extraordinary origin.

I am alone in this strange world, and I have no one to rely on, and this is probably what I will be able to do until the last moment. Besides, at the last moment, when I am forced to do so, I will leave this herb far away, and the animals will run to it without any trouble.

Think of here to re-play the spirit, summon up the last strength of the head, and to the front of the vine drill, drill for a while, suddenly see the front big bright, ran to the front, standing on the edge of the forest to see, not cry a bitter, I saw a deep bottomless cliff blocked the way, cliff edge from the other side of the foot more than ten feet far, at this time can really become impassable day come.

There was nothing he could do about it. He glanced behind him, and the pile of vines in front of him shook even more, and now and then a crackling of branches signaled the coming of beasts.

When Yi was on the vine, a dozen or so pterosaurs could only hover over him, unable to attack him, but now that Yi was on the edge of the cliff, the pterosaurs let out shrill cries and rushed towards him.

In this case, Yi Xiaochuan took direction from the sun (if the knowledge he had learned could be used here), ran north along the edge of the cliff, and at the end of it stood a green mountain.He had just left here a moment ago, but suddenly he heard the rocks behind him crumble, and the terrified beast roared constantly.

He looked back in his busy schedule, and saw that the beasts had run to the edge of the cliff and were falling straight down the cliff. Some of them reacted and stopped at the edge of the cliff, but they were pushed into the abyss by the incessant crush of other beasts behind them.

Yi Xiaochuan on the edge of the cliff to see clearly, this, I do not know how many animals will fall to pieces, straight on the edge of the cliff hanging into a hundred feet long waterfall, cliff rocks were trampled down by the beasts a good chunk.

With a hint of danger, he ducked into a thicket and missed a grab from two pterosaurs. At this time, the beasts did not recover, still running to the edge of the cliff, and was squeezed down behind the animals, hanging into a very long waterfall flow.

After a long time, the beasts finally turned the corner and followed Yi Xiaochuan.

This cliff also do not know how many years no human animal to come, many huge rocks on its tottering, but always do not fall, Yi Xiaochuan ran all the way to see the bowl mouth thick cracks like swimming dragon in the cliff, forming a fault.

In front of him, he had no trouble crossing these cracks. The beasts behind him, weighing as little as a ton, were rushing along in large groups, and the cliffs behind him were breaking with incredible force.

Loud noises were shaking back and forth across the valley, and the earth on the other side of the cliff was falling down in pieces. Some of the giants were too slow to run away from the falling cliffs, and all fell into them.

The more Yi Xiaochuan ran, the more he felt wrong. It seemed that there was a crack in front of him.

When he reached it, he could not help being foolish. But now he could not care less. He felt the cold sweat pour from behind him and trembled uncontrollably. He could only hear one voice in his heart:

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die."