
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest of the Other World

This is a truly true thing that happened to me,Strange questions, strange answers, supernatural phenomena all happen around us

YiRenLife · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Flying knife

The three Musketeers can not help feeling helpless, this time if you can take the three leaves back, it is a great feat, but suddenly drill out such two people, kung fu is surprisingly high, see the fat of the mouth is taken away by the horizontal knife, it is not willing to, but he is not the opponent of others, there is no way.

Just a move to remove the three long sword, this kung fu is much stronger than them, I am afraid that only the ink palace master can and this person have a few moves, and these two people have a brother did not shoot, since they can be the big brother, I am afraid more powerful.

Lu Zhongyuan smiled and said,"Also, the tears of the ice God have to be fixed for two people, go back and tell Mo Wufeng, don't rob us." Otherwise I will kill you."

He said such harsh words with a smile on his face, as if he had no power.

The heart of the three musketeers is well aware that these two people have such a great reputation, such a high Jianghu status, both acts of spicy and ruthless, absolutely said to do, said that you will be black cloud mountain cloud ink Palace to kill chickens and dogs, will never leave a live.

Du Wanfeng laughed and said,"The seniors laughed, I can't be the master of this matter, but the master of our ink palace will soon arrive, and he admires the style of the two of them, so how about waiting for a moment, when the master of our Ink Palace comes to do the host's honor, here is quite close to the Black Cloud Mountain, we are also the master."

When the two guests want to take away the three leaves, I think the Lord of my ink Palace will agree."

In fact, where ink feng will come, Du Wanting just delay time, maybe things will soon have a turn.

Lu Zhongda saw that this person was so ungrateful, the heart was furious, his right hand swung into the air, and somehow, that Du Wanting was far away from him, but his face snapped, and he was slapped in the face.

This was much heavier than the one Du Wan River had suffered, but listening to Du Wanting's "ah" cry, his mouth erupted a mouthful of blood, and the blood spilled on the ground made a jingling sound, even mixed with several teeth.

The rest of us won't dare say another word.

Lu Zhong Yuan Dao:"Big brother! We don't have to tell them anything. We'll take it with us."

Yi Xiaochuan heart very angry, these people are to take the three leaves, but no one asked him the master of the three leaves, as if he did not exist, it is too much, but he is also too bad, no attention to others, that what way, think of here can not help but sigh.

But let him not think too much, Lu Zhongyuan took three steps closer, and a big hand grabbed the Sanyezhi in his hand.

Yi Xiaochuan had been far away from the road more than three zhangs, but this person because of his extremely high, legs will be very long, a step out of the time will be close to a zhangs far, three steps have been in front of Yi Xiaochuan, the step is really unusually big, ordinary people, let alone a step out of the distance, is to let you stand in place to jump forward hard, may not be able to jump out of a zhangs.

Although Yi Xiaochuan is very tall, then standing in front of a contrast, the head to the lower abdomen of Lu Zhongyuan, he was frightened, even back three steps, while swinging the knife to Lu Zhongyuan hands cut off.

Lu Zhongyuan's grip did not change because of his knife.

When the blade cut, the index finger flicked gently on the tip of the knife. Yi Xiaochuan only felt a huge shock in his right arm, couldn't hold the long knife, flew out and touched the wall.

Three steps back after the big shock.

Lu Zhong yuan figure does not move, this move is still unchanged, still to Yi Xiaochuan hands three leaves Zhi catch. Suddenly Yi Xiaochuan feel a tight wrist, look down, I do not know when to be Lu Zhongyuan tightly clenched in the hand, then the whole body numb, no resistance.

Yi Xiaochuan heart under the panic, from Lu Zhong far this has two steps away, and back twice, each time three steps back, then has eight steps away from Lu Zhong far.

It should be said that he could not reach himself with the same move, and though this man was tall, his arms were obviously not so long, and the difference was not even a little, and in order to grasp himself, he had to move forward.

But Lu Zhongyuan is this flat light grasp, neither lean forward, nor move forward, can cover such a large distance, although from Yi Xiaochuan so far away, but still caught him. Yi Xiaochuan heart admire, know that this person's martial arts is no small matter.

After Yi Xiaochuan's single knife flew out of his hand, it hit the wall and fell in the air before landing on the ground. Suddenly the knife moved without warning, hovering in the air, flying out of thin air, as if there was something invisible to pull the general, flying, straight cut Lu Zhongyuan wrist.

Rao is Lu Zhongyuan martial arts strong, but also by this sudden attack of a knife, he was holding Yi Xiaochuan, then had to put off his hand.

He turned his head and stared at Chang Xiao, with a look of disbelief, and said:"Good boy, I looked wrong, it turned out that you are also a hidden master."

Originally after Yi Xiaochuan was unholed, he picked up a knife protector on the ground, but when Chang Xiao threw out his knife, Yi Xiaochuan knew that this was a sharp weapon, much stronger than the knife in his hand, and he did not know anything about martial arts, holding a knife that cut iron and mud, of course, more secure, he threw down the knife in his hand.

Instead will often Xiao that handle picked up, is to cut to the wrist of Lu Zhong yuan that knife, it is often Xiao all. Lu Zhong yuan know often Xiao can control the thread in the handle of the knife single-blade flight attack the enemy, so it is natural that often Xiao to their surprise attack.

Moreover, if these people fight alone, only often Xiao kung Fu is the highest, and the other few people absolutely do not have this skill, and the knife happens to be his, of course, he is the most suspected.

Often Xiao is well aware that the knife is not their own hair, although their flying knife can do this, but only by the silk line control, can only attack directly, very stupid, determined not to circle back and forth in the air like just now, swift and silent, smart, like a flexible eagle.

So who was responsible for the stab? I don't think this knife's gonna make it.

Lu Zhongda was in the southwest corner, saw that his brother had changed, and the gray shadow flashed and rushed towards that side.

As a big brother, of course, he is a higher kung fu, and at the moment it is a brother in trouble, the speed is suddenly all out, thinking of rushing there with the fastest speed, in terms of his kung Fu, on the reaction speed can be said that no one can match on the spot, between the flash of fire and stone, and unexpectedly the body was about to jump, suddenly someone whispered a word in his ear, although only a harmless speech, However, he was so shocked that the cold sweat began to stream down his forehead, and he almost cried out in horror:

"There is still a top master hidden here."

The words ringing in his ear were:

"What did you go over there to help your brother?" If it was, I wasn't there." The voice was small and very clear, cold and without any emotion.

Someone whispered a word in his ear at a time like this.

He clearly remembered that he had been standing against the wall, there was no one behind him, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he was:"Who is this person?"

When did he get behind me? How come I didn't notice until he made a noise? If he had wanted to take my life, I would already be dead."

Martial arts masters really react cleverly, this mental activity is a long story, but in his mind is only a moment, the man said this sentence, he immediately backhanded to clap behind him, then leap forward, to the opposite wall, and then turn around, first to see who is behind him.

Everyone just felt the sight of the moment, Lu Zhongda from the northwest corner of the tavern to the southeast corner, as for how he passed, no one saw clearly, the speed is really fast.

This palm emergency under the use of all, palm wind fierce. Although Du Wanting and others are only standing on the side, they can also be swept over the aftereffects of the gas they are forced to breathe, the face is as painful as a knife, the wind blew more three people back five steps.