
Chapter 1

"p-please don't kill me s-I only get orders agh..."


"Someone else?"

Everyone looked at the man in fear, not for the dead guy but his gaze, it was cold or perhaps the desire to survive or for the bodies around him, every one of them lacks the torso or head, which they would expect if what they face is the last warrior of the tribe they massacred, they thought they were going to go unpunished but not... these are the consequences of their actions.

After intense struggle all the men were dead, some separated in two, others headless, others with cuts so deep that they could see the bone or others that their guts came out, if someone had a new way of killing him had already done them but now he was Bleeding... for the moment I was just waiting to die... Or so I thought...

The next moment he was standing in front of a person, he could not discern his gender but had little mattered to him.

"I will grant you 3 warrior wishes"

He thought it was a dream so he just told him any idea that his head came out.

"mmm... I want to be reincarnated into a fantasy world... I also want the construction system of the ESDLA: OF THE RESURGIR OF THE BRUJO KING together with the corresponding builder of each faction... And... I want a cell phone with the music I listened to when I was a teenager...

"For the first time I hear these desires... I must say that you are very original... even if you came from a tribe you're very modernized..."

"Didn't you expect it, did you?... even if you don't believe it, I'm a descendant of the Mapuche, the son of a military man and a prodigy in the fight may sound narcissistic but it's what I touch and accept it not like others who whine about their shitty life... If you try to change your life but the path I chose is the darkest of all, I suppose you saw how I died... just accept my... nature as a descendant of a warrior tribe... I just wanted revenge... my little girl... My wife... the elders of the tribe... just because they wanted to experiment with their blood... I know it's special... perfect immunity to any new or old disease... who wouldn't covet it?... hahaha... it seems that blood loss is making me lose my sanity... "

But what I expected is not an illusion for blood loss but it was for real. The person in front of him only listened to what he was saying.

"Hehehe... it is not an illusion, this is for real, almost everything reacts like you, quiet, everything I say is true, tell me those are your desires... can I say your name? *Nod with my head* you know Angel, I always had expectations about you and you always surprised me, much more now for your desires... you know Angel I always praise you even if you didn't listen to it, I'm going to say these words that you always expected from your dad, I'm very proud of you, not how I ended your life but how you carried it, having a perfect woman, a beautiful girl and your partner who accompanied you from boy if... your dog too... I suppose you were satisfied with your life except for the greed of people..."

Angel only smiles for praise but something doesn't please him is that you expected those words from his father but he no longer cares, at least someone for the first time in his life told him they were proud of him, if it weren't for that horrible death that happened would be satisfied now but you had to accept the changes whether you wanted it or not.

"Well Angel our conversation ends here, believe me I want to keep talking to you but more souls need me, all souls deserve a chance of reincarnation, don't you think?"

"If enough of my... I hope the next person after me hasn't suffered a tragedy like mine...

"Certainly I almost forget, the world in which you go is a thousand times greater than that of the earth with the law of the jungle, so I say that you go back to that personality of yours or you will suffer, also the women there are beautiful and as a last gift I will leave you at your best time, by the way, the life expectancy there is much longer than that of the earth, then we see each other"

The next moment Angel appeared on a plain but in the distance you could see a forest, he assumed that he was lucky.

"Master what your orders are"

When he turned around there they were, the builders of their favorite game. But from what I saw were the goblin builders, how did you know? was by his figure, small but with certain charm? "Master what your orders are"

"Okay, let's start by collecting resources to build the goblin cave"

"Whatever my king commands, to see a bunch of useless, you've already listened to the master to look for resources now!"

The goblin horde immediately mobilized, they began cutting down trees and digging to build the goblin cave. After building the cave immediately came hordes of archers, they looked just like the game but more realistic, their helmets and their way of walking, and not to mention the warrior goblins, their large eyes with pupils of snakes and their swords soaked with venom, Angel's face was full of nostalgia, now that he began to remember he saw his new body, as he said he was at his best, his sculptural body that made bodybuilders give him looks of envy, his skin hairless and tanned by the sun without any sunbed help, there was only one word to describe his body: perfection. And her face, tanned lips, sharp eyebrows, black eyes and her hair like the jet being pulled back just to further increase her beauty 'please, make me blush' (I just write the facts, it's not my fault you are).

Several days passed and more goblins leave the caves, thanks to them is already made the networks of tunnels, their information network increased every day, What information came you wonders? The most stealthy goblins explored a hundred-kilometer radius just to bring urgent information for their master.

"M-Master we bring news, in our exploration we pick up the smells of humans, we follow the trail of the smell and we saw them, we're wearing armor so we followed him until we saw his city, not my lord's villages but a walled city, what do my master do?"

"Ok... watch the city, study its forces and defenses, if you can capture one of them bring them... and if they don't work, it'll be their dinner."

Upon hearing the orders, the goblins immediately went to watch over the city and capture people who were lucky enough to meet them.

Several weeks after planning Angel is finally going to attack the city, for the information he got from the people, the city was in an internal fight to see who is next in running the city but they're not like Angel's subordinates, they just they answered him and his offspring, to no one else, if there was a person who insulted him or his firstborn would eat them alive.

When they entered the city through the network of tunnels that created the goblins began with the plan, the first thing they did was kill the sentries that sound the alarm, the next thing they did was create fires and leave a horde of goblins to get attention and thus close the city gates, this would be the definition of unilateral massacre Why would you say? They were for the weapons that Angel created along with the transgressed blacksmiths, any sword, spear or arrow were all soaked with deadly poison even for goblins.

After several hours all people except a few are dead or being goblin dinner. People who are still alive are trembling with fear in front of Angel, they were the former leader of the city and traders, with only a few threats began speaking like parrots, in the forest that lives Angel is the forest of resources of several cities, as its name says this forest was full of resources such as magic wood, iron, rock and magic lime, any resource of the forest was of high quality for the cities around it. They also said that the current continent is called krakarak is the smallest continent of the 10 out there, the largest being Lustria was 100 times larger than krakarak, but that was all the information it could get from the continents.

Traders also said that krakarak's economy was the export of commodities such as metals, wood, condiments, grains, slaves mainly. The city that is currently part of the empire that commands over krakarak, the empire being called Nuptum with hundreds of subordinate kingdoms, the kingdom that this Angel is called the Golden Tower, being the most important kingdom of Nuptum to produce wizards, sorcerers and master-class archmages.

'hmmp... Wait till you meet the sorcerer-king, Gandalf, Saruman and there I will teach you the true magic' thought Angel. After getting the information he wanted, he gave it to the goblins to eat, would you wonder what happened to women, children and the elderly, right? All of them were either food for goblins or killed by them.

When I was about to go the goblins brought middle-aged people "Master we captured this foo- I say, slaves, they are all blacksmiths my king, we thought he would be interested to know this" "All right Ragash, tell the goblins to gather the bodies so that they make a feast and bring me beef and some wine, and let it be now."

"Immediately my lord, let's go scum to work now!"

"And last thing Ragash bring me a slave if he survived any and these blacksmiths imprisoned them and give them water and food."

"At your command, my king"

After a while Angel finally arrived at her tent in the woods only to receive a woman who by her looks it was her 30 but had a beautiful figure, she hoped to meet one of those horrible and gruesome creatures instead for the better she found herself with a man too beautiful but instantly knows why those things brought her here when she realized the situation in which she began to undress and accept her fate, from the outside you could hear groans of a man and a woman when she heard this the goblins they paid attention to the sounds from where they came from, but this alone led to them being hit in the head to follow their duties.

After having sex, Angel began talking to goblin builders about how to create the fissure to produce the lancer and swordsmen semi-trolls, and especially the giants of the mountain.

Several months later finally created the fissure, a large horde of semi-trolls could be created, the goblin blacksmiths took action on how to make the armor for them, Angel's abilities and goblin blacksmiths received a major upgrade after stealing the slave-man techniques, their destiny? In the stomachs of semi-trolls.

Several weeks later there was a couple of giants of the mountain, in the game it was noticed as they were big but this... it was much more exaggerated Angel calculated about 4-4.5 m but a monstrous 8m was simply... great, not only the help they could bring but the havoc they could do in a large-scale battle.

Angel did not waste this time only to create the buildings but also by having sex, dismantling the city and creating defenses against a possible attack from the kingdom of the Golden Tower, the kingdom would suspect, an entire city seemed What were they going to Think? And the last most important thing, the creation of walls and the innovation of weapons and armor, in the game the semi-trolls only had two armors, the iron and gold but now they had magic metals, their armor with an ugly aesthetic are now cooler, the goblins coated the armors made of magic metal in an innovative product that I think Angel recently, blessed it as 'black steel coating of darkness', this coating increases the quality of the armor to such an extent that the normal magic metal can cause real damage only if you hit it more than 15 times and not to mention spears and swords, in this part I use the ancient techniques of Mapuche and the techniques of this world, the spears are now more penetrating and more durable and the swords with the design of 'gladius'.

Several weeks later they were finally able to complete the set of armor and weapons of the giants of the mountains consisted of a breast protecting the vital points, a shoulder pad on the right shoulder protecting the joints and tendons, braces with skewers, grebes protecting their thighs and knees the whole set covered with black steel from the dark and finally their weapons, at first they did not know which weapons they like, they liked to throw big stones that easily weighed about 3 tons but in the end, they liked the sledgehammers with sharp tips on the top of the head.

Several days later the goblins saw a large army said it was easily about 30k soldiers, his report said they went to the city that they dismantled and camped over the ruins, but Angel being smarter begins to put together a plan instantly how to get off easily an army of such magnitude.

Hello I'm arkhan descendant galvarino your server

this is my first novel, I guess my idea is original, isn't it? Yep, Lord of the Rings but I will rely on games not on books but my brain will oversteer so much good information do not expect much of grammar crack we do not see bois (O3O)

Galvarinocreators' thoughts
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