
§ The Edges Of Time

This empty void was not similar to what Ryukka made during her destruction of the rift between Netherworld and the real world.

This was pure nothingness. Hers had the limitations of space contained by a hyperspace, making the effects completely different.

Oliver felt his blood boil. His skin was being scorched from the inside and outside at the same time. His body was slowly dying and his consciousness fading. He thought he was being killed by the effects of being in the vacuum of space.

But his eyes snapped. None of what he felt was real. Was this some kind of self preservation? He was in a place without meaning. Emptiness without and sense or logical reasoning or explanation behind its existence. Or rather, Nonexistence.

He was there, wherever it was. But also, he wasn't there, because there was nothing or space for him to be in. The longer he remained, the more he slipped away from a state of being to a state of nothing.