
§ Prologue: Hook §

"What are are you talking about? No one can find The Triangle of the lost." Katie repelled the strike and jumped back.

"No one has done it before. But you're forgetting that my sister is the queen of the triangle. It is simply preposterous to think o wouldn't be able to enter her domain. Don't you think so?" Ryuga said to Katie in a sarcastic tone.

Katie had a look of obliviousness on her face. Surely Ryuga was jesting about what he said. But what exactly was he planning?

Regardless, he never lies. But even if he's always honesty, his words are often misunderstood. That, was what made Ryuga's personality terrifying.

"My... are you analyzing my words and trying to form some sort of sense out of what I said?" Ryuga said with a smile.

Katie was pulled back out of her thoughts. She held her blade tighter and stood on her guard. Her ohra began building up rapidly with a glint fkashing in her eyes.