
The Lord Of The Darkness (English Version)

You're just silent, behind the curtain that separates you from the crowd of people you call trash. As if you want to prove that no creature could ever touch you. However, it seems that you are starting to doubt what your initial belief was. Even though killing is one of the goals of your life. But, your heart seems to start beating when you whine. Yes... she is. The little woman whose family you have brutally massacred. The little girl you locked up in your majestic castle. That woman was Grace Hester. Then, do you think Grace will accept you after she finds out that you are the one who massacred her family? Moreover, it wasn't the only thing that made you hesitate to approach her. Your imperfect face makes you even more violent than usual. When your heart begins to be touched with love. Can you convince her? Can you get her to stay by your side?

PrincesAuntum · Sci-fi
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178 Chs

Nicholas Worry -2

"He is Mr. Michele, he seems like a new businessman. He admires you very much, sir, and I think he would like to have the opportunity to have a deeper conversation with you than ever before, and perhaps to do some very real cooperation, that's the case, if Mr. I'm sure everything will be very pleasant. Would you like to meet him?"

"So you mean this is...."

"Yes sir, actually this party was shown to you, because he really admires you and really wants to work with you, so when he found out that I had a cooperative relationship with you, he was immediately very enthusiastic and said if possible through this event he would be able to get a chance to work together. with Mr., after all anything that can happen is a good thing, if you can work with Mr. Michele, then your business will be the biggest business of the year, and you will become a successful business partner."