
The Lord Of The Darkness (English Version)

You're just silent, behind the curtain that separates you from the crowd of people you call trash. As if you want to prove that no creature could ever touch you. However, it seems that you are starting to doubt what your initial belief was. Even though killing is one of the goals of your life. But, your heart seems to start beating when you whine. Yes... she is. The little woman whose family you have brutally massacred. The little girl you locked up in your majestic castle. That woman was Grace Hester. Then, do you think Grace will accept you after she finds out that you are the one who massacred her family? Moreover, it wasn't the only thing that made you hesitate to approach her. Your imperfect face makes you even more violent than usual. When your heart begins to be touched with love. Can you convince her? Can you get her to stay by your side?

PrincesAuntum · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

Chapter 10

One day, when Grace was bored in the Kyle family's reading room. She caught Elissa's figure. Grace quickly approached Elissa and spoke to her. However, that woman in her 30s chose to ignore it.

Grace walked out onto the bedroom balcony after she finished changing into a thigh-length white shirt and ponytailed her red hair in a random ponytail. Not that she wasn't feeling cold, wearing such thin and short clothes this winter. But Grace felt that her heart was colder than winter in England. Her heart was so... lonely.

Grace sat in a chair on the balcony of the room, her legs crossed. In her right hand, she held the cup filled with hot tea she had just made. While her other hand was holding a sweet frame, there was also a portrait of Korvin. Her beloved brother.

"I missed you, Korvy..." Grace muttered. After she took a sip of her tea, she stroked the photo gently with her thumb.

In fact, without realizing it, her tears just dripped down on the photo. She missed Korvin! She missed Korvin at times like this. She needed friends, to make her feel less lonely.

During times like this, Grace and Korvin spent their winter watching TV at home. Or at the very least, the two of them went for a walk in a reasonably close place. Grace couldn't possibly take Korvin for a long trip because... Grace didn't want to spend her beloved brother's monthly salary.

However, this winter Grace had to swallow her disappointment bitterly. She was far from Korvin, she even didn't know how Korvin could live his life alone. Korvin couldn't bake some bread, nor could he do other easy jobs. And Grace doesn't want to let him do such work anyway. Korvin spent his monthly salary by eating out.

Grace hugged her legs, and her eyes closed as the clear liquid dripped from her eyes. She doesn't know how long she will have to suffer like this. Even Grace felt that her decision to work at Kyle's house was . . . wrong.


"What should I do?" Nicholas asked as Sean had just entered his room.

Sean frowned. He turned his head away—here to find out if it was him that Nicholas was talking to? When he was sure that he was the only person there, Sean approached.

His eyes fell on Nicholas, who was sitting quietly with his chin behind his desk.

"About Omar?" Sean guessed because he didn't understand. He then smiled and handed some documents to Nicholas. "Relax, you don't have to do anything, Nick . . . Marvin and I have taken care of everything." he continued proudly.

Nicholas didn't flinch, his eyes glaring coldly at Sean. And, Sean knew . . . what that look meant.

"What?" he asked cluelessly. Nicholas took a deep breath, and then he pushed the document Sean had just handed over to the side.

"What should I do to make her smile?" asked Nicholas at last.

Sean's brain worked fast, and he was confused as to who his cousin meant. Because, as long as he could remember, Nicholas had never once thought of making other people smile. He never even cared about other people. All he cared about was... how to kill people, and... how to get revenge.

"Who are you talking about?" Sean asked cluelessly. Even though he was afraid of the answer, he chose to ask rather than give the wrong answer and have his life ended because of that.

Nicholas gnashed his jaw, his gaze was focused in Sean's direction. And, Sean gulped with fear. He knew Nicholas Kyle was the type of person who didn't like to be asked questions, didn't like to be bothered, and . . . didn't like things that didn't go his way.

To Nicholas, he was God to himself. Because he can give life to those who beg him to live, and... he can kill people who he thought were not supposed to be left alive. He couldn't believe that there was God in the World, which was Nicholas... the horrible man Sean knew. Moreover, the man was his cousin.

"Sorry, Nick... I—"

"Give her a surprise and he'll be happy." Marvin replied suddenly.

Sean gestured to Marvin as to who Nicholas was referring to. However, Marvin ignored Sean then bowed respectfully in front of Nicholas.

Nicholas stood up, and he slashed at his black robe. His eyes now turned to the balcony of Grace's room, looking at the woman who was crying. He hated this strange feeling, the feeling that bothered him when he saw Grace's tears. And Nicholas wanted to erase that strange feeling in his chest quickly.

"Buy her the most beautiful dress the world has to offer, and prepare a sumptuous dinner for her."

"All right, Mr Kyle." Marvin answered obediently.