
The Lord of Origin

Yuki Suzuki the childhood friend and classmate of Yogiri Takatou their personalities and powers contrast but are similar in away what is the other world to do when these two monsters are summoned in it.

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter: 4

Chapter: 4

"First, Higashida…Die." Yogiri spoke

Hearing what Yogiri said Hanakawa started laughing and mocking Yogiri.

"Gehahaha! Die he says. Such poor vocabulary! Haha! Is there also grass in the meadow, Takatou?"

However, he failed to notice Higashida whose body seemed to have locked up then he collapsed to the ground unmoving, dead. 


"Higashida-dono?! What's wrong?!"

"I said die and he died… guess the relation there and this will be quick," Yogiri said

"Don't move another will be next," I said neutrally

Fukuhara reached down towards Higashida trying to check on him.

"Hey, Higashida! What's…"


Fukuhara didn't get the chance to finish the question as he suddenly faded from existence.

"Wha- what just happened?!"

"Simple we told him not to move he moved and he's gone," I said.

"Alright, I'll explain my power now." 

Yogiri said but he was quickly silenced when I smacked him on the back of his head.

"What was that for?"

"Don't go explaining your powers to enemies idiot."

"But they can't counter it tho."

"...Fair point continue."

After a brief complaint from Tomochika, she said.

"Alright let's hear about your power."

"Well then. Hanakawa was it? Can you go and check if Higashida is actually dead? Don't worry. It's ok if you move."

Hanakawa drops to his knees placing his hand on Higashida and says.


A green light was emitted from Hanakawa's hand onto Higashida attempting to heal him however it failed.

"Heal! Heal! Heeeeal! No matter what kind of injury or illness, everything is healed instantly! Such is this cheat-tier restoration magic that has allowed me to survive in this world despite being clubbed, beaten, and tattered. Fwaa! I'm a healer, alright?! But he's not moving what is this?! Higashida-dono!"

"Um, healing magic isn't working…"

"Do you get it now?" Yogiri asked.

"Y-you monster! Randomly killing people isn't normal."

"To be fair you guys did throw a fireball at us intentionally missing or not," I said nonchalantly

"Even so, Higashida-dono was the one who did it! Fukahara-dono and I didn't do anything! Especially me!"

"You're saying that despite knowing that it's not going to work, right?"

"My power is basically 'instantly kill any target'."

My eyes twitched when Yogiri said this.

How many times do we have to go through this?

"Just thinking about wanting to kill someone they die."

"Are you making fun of parallel universes ?! How does that even work without a status?!"

"I don't even know what this status thing would look like…"

Tomochicka tapped me on the shoulder and asked.

"Is it really a good idea for Yogiri to tell him about his power?"

"It doesn't matter he's explaining it wrong anyway and they can't counter it even if they wanted to plus it works for good intimidation."

"Oh ok, but what is your power?"

"I'll explain later."

"Do you understand now Hanakawa-kun? I'll be annoyed if you don't."

"I definitely understand. Please stop staring at me with those cool protagonist eyes like you're seriously about to kill me."

"Well then, I have some questions for you let's talk over here," Yogiri said pointing over to where the hole in the bus was.

I sensed a spike in killing intent coming from Kanakawa which Yogiri also noticed and stopped him from doing whatever he was planning

"Stop. just now. Did you try something?"

"Wh-wha-what mighteth thee be talking about?"

"There is something I forgot to mention about my power it allows me to recognize intent toward me so if I combine the abilities I can make it so people die the instant they directly kill intent at me."

"Are you kidding me? Your abilities are overpowered!"

"Eh, not really my ability is stronger than Yogiri's but ok," I said.

"Anyway, speaking of abilities, you guys seemed quite used to these 'gifts'," Yogiri said

"And the way you spoke wasn't like someone who has been here before," I said.

Hanakawa started to sweat and fidget a bit before stopping seemingly giving up before explaining.

"Uhh um, well this isn't the first time the other two and I, have been to this world. This sorta like our New game+."

Hanakawa started to tell a story but he did not get far as Yogiri cut him off and summed up the story from the bits he heard.

"So basically you got summoned here to defeat the demon lord defeated it and got sent home. Sounds about right?"

"Would you mind not summing up my adventure in another world like that! Just one sentence…"

"So is this world peaceful since you defeated the demon lord?" I asked 

"Well, there are multiple demon lords. The one we defeated was the only one that was threatening the Iman Kingdom"

"Did you really disappear from our original world for a year?"

"Well… after returning, we realized only a few hours had passed back home. The flow of time between the worlds seems different. Additionally, we lost our abilities in the original world…"

"And after being summoned back to the world, regained your powers, huh?"

That's interesting I wonder… yes that will do nicely.

"Both Higashida-dono and Fukahara-dono knew how to use their powers… so when we got here, we decided to level up separately from everyone in the class.

"Does that mean that three people in my class had different world experiences? I didn't even know."

"There might be others," I said

"Is that all you know? Yogiri asked walking towards Hanakawa.

"Wait! Please wait! Don't kill me, please! I-I-I will be your slave! Please!" Hanakawa shouted as the collar he had earlier appeared in his hand.

"Where did you just get that from?"

Hanakawa then proceeded to put on the collar and explained how it works while attempting to get Tomochika to give him an order which freaked her out of course Yogiri being Yogiri didn't fully buy it and I didn't really care. One thing led to another and Tomochicka transferred ownership to Yogiri.

"Uhm… Hanakawa-kun you guys are strong and familiar with this world, right? Didn't you think about killing the dragon?"

"That's because we were scared."

"Of the dragon?"

"No, the average level of this region's dragons is 1000, and I have the human race limit of 99 but… Higashida had a limit-breaking skill. His level was 1000 and the dragon wouldn't have been able to defeat him… however, I have my status reading skill and that sage was crazy bad news! Her level was over one hundred million and kept going by the second! No way we could fight a monster like that!"

"I see how it is," I said with a hum.

"Hmm, not sure what to do with this."

"I could just kill him now," I said.

"W-wait I could show you to a city."

"Nah, I don't plan on bringing you along."

"Tomochika… no! Dannoura-san! If you could help me convince Takatou-dono and Suzuki-dono here…"

"Hmm… it's thanks to Takatou-kun and Suzuki-kun that I'm alive. While I don't enjoy treating others poorly… I don't think I have the right to complain about how they plan on dealing with you."

"Nooo! Tomochicka-taaan!"

"Well, then it's decided," I said

"Well then. I won't kill you. You see that forest in there what's in it?" Yogiri asked pointing to the forest behind us.

"It's a forest full of magic beasts. As long as you don't step foot in there the beasts won't attack."

"Go there and wait for further orders."

"Wait! I said it was dangerous! Aaaa! My feet are moving on their own!" Hanakawa shouted as he started to run in the direction of the forest.

"Oh right."

"What now?!"

"I forget earlier. Don't tell anyone a single word about us."

"That's…. Of all of the things."

"Oh and leave all your valuables here."

"Are seriously mugging me?!"

Hanakawa dropped his bag out of his inventory and continued running toward the forest.

I pity him… not.

Yogiri took up Hanakawa's bag and started to go through it.

"Gold, silver, and a bunch of unknown things I don't know any of its value in this world though."

"I see potions in there so everything else must have some value."

"Is it ok to leave Hanakawa-kun like that?" Tomochika asked.

"He'll be fine."

"I-if you say so. Um, Yogiri."


"Why are you protecting me Yuki I get he's nice but why are you helping me."

"That's a good question."

"I wouldn't ask that if I were you you're not going to like the answer."

"Ah! Because your boobs were soft?"

"There is not a single decent man in this world! Damn it!"

"I told you that you wouldn't like the answer."


Looking over Tomochika with an analyzing look.

"Hmm yes, she would do nicely."

Chapter 4: End