The group of Dwarves had been sitting at a table after having been invited for dinner. Lord Elrond, Gandalf, and Thorin were sitting at another table and were discussing both the weapons they discovered and Rozahr's condition.
"Rozahr has responded well to my healing and I expect he will awaken sometime soon. These weapons however are rather interesting. This is 'Orcrist: The Goblin Cleaver,' a famous blade. Forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin. May it serve you well." Lord Elrond said as he held up Thorin's new sword.
"And this is 'Glamdring: The Foehammer.' Sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin Wars of the First Age." Lord Elrond continues.
"This spear that I found with Rozahr however, is a legendary weapon. It is called 'Aeglos Môr: The Spear of Night.' It was long thought to be lost and legend has it that it was capable of summoning the wrath of the heavens, sending stars from the sky down on one's enemies. How did you come by these?" Lord Elrond finished his explanation as he asked.
"We found them in a Troll-Hoard on the Great East-Road, shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs." Gandalf explained.
"And what were you doing on the Great East-Road?" Lord Elrond asked amusedly.
(Some time later)
"Our business is no concern of Elves" Thorin said as he looked at Lord Elrond.
"For goodness sake Thorin, show him the map" Gandalf said.
Thorin argued with Gandalf about the map and eventually they showed it to Lord Elrond and they found that it contained 'Moon Runes.' These runes could only be seen under the light of the moon by which they were first inscribed.
Lord Elrond then put the map down on a pedestal and the light of the moon fell upon them quite luckily the very moonlight that they needed to read the runes.
The runes read as such.
'Stand by the grey stone when the Thrush knocks. And the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day. Will shine upon the keyhole.'
Balin started to discuss about what they had to do to enter the mountain and it gave away information to Lord Elrond.
"So this is your purpose, to enter the mountain?" He asked.
"What of it?" Thorin replied.
"There are some who would not deem it wise." Lord Elrond said.
"What do you mean?" Gandalf asked.
"You are not the only one to stand watch over middle-earth." Lord Elrond remarked.
"With or without our help, these dwarves will march on the mountain. They are determined to reclaim their homeland. I do not believe Thorin Okenshield feels he is answerable to anyone. Nor for that matter am I." Gandalf said as he and Lord Elrond walked up the steps to a meeting area overlooking the ocean.
"It is not me you must answer to." Lord Elrond said as he gestured with his head toward an individual.
Gandalf stood shocked as he discovered the identity of the individual.
"Lady Galadriel." Gandalf said in wonder.
The lady in question turned to face Gandalf.
"Mithrandir, it has been a long time." Galadriel said in Elvish.
"Age may have changed me, but not the Lady of Lorien." Gandalf replied in Elvish.
Galadriel smiled at him for the compliment.
"I did not know Lord Elrond had sent for you." Gandalf remarked in common.
"He didn't. I did." Another voice said as an older man in a white cloak walked in.
"Saruman." Gandalf stated.
"You've been busy of late, my friend" Saruman said.
"We both have." Another voice said.
The group of four heard the voice from the sky and saw me flying down with my Mage Wings landed in the middle of the group.
Galadriel perked up at my entrance.
"Ithildin. It has been far too long." she said in Elvish.
"Yes it has and I must say you look as beautiful as the day we first met." I replied in Elvish.
I was the only one who could get away with being so bold with the Lady Galadriel. Even Saruman was respectful to me as I was actually the secret leader of the Order of Wizards. I was confurred this title by Manwë the Elder King of the Valor. Saruman is only the public leader of the Order. He is outmatched by me in both standing and power.
The Lady Galadriel has been fascinated with my esoteric magic for years and the only person in middle-earth aside from my self that has mastered one of my magics. She has mastered Moon Magic as one day when I had off-handedly remarked about the Arcanums and how they connect to the Primal Sources she figured out the Moon Arcanum all by herself. That alone granted her a higher status.
Saruman was less than pleased that I seemed to be on the side of Gandalf, but did his duty regardless as he was required to ask about our quest as it could invite more death and destruction.
"Tell me Gandalf, did you think these schemes and plans of yours would go unnoticed?" Saruman asked.
"Unnoticed? No, I am simply doing what I believe to be right." Gandalf defended.
"The dragon has long been on your mind, and you already knew of Rozahr's hatred of Smaug and have pulled him into this as well." Galadriel said.
"I find it offending that you believe I am so impressionable that one could make my decisions for me." I stated with a little bite to my voice.
"That was not my intention Rozahr, but you cannot deny that you have been waiting for a chance such as this." Galadriel stated.
"You are right. I cannot deny that I have waited for this moment. Were it not for the war in the East, Smaug would not have taken Erebor in the first place. I would have stopped him. But there is more to this than you know." I explained.
My words seemed to put the group in contemplation, but Gandalf replied to what Galadriel had said.
"It is true, my lady. Smaug owes his allegiance to no one, but should he side with the enemy, a dragon could be used to terrible effect."
"What enemy? Gandalf, the enemy is defeated. Sauron is vanquished, he can never regain his full strength." Saruman said.
"Gandalf for 400 years we have been at peace, a hard won, watchful peace." Lord Elrond remarked.
"Are we? Are we at peace? Trolls have come down from the mountains. They are raiding villages, destroying farms. Orcs have attacked us on the road." Gandalf defended.
"Hardly a prelude to war" Lord Elrond remarked off-handedly.
"Always you must meddle, looking for trouble where none exists." Saruman exclaimed.
"None exists you say? This is not the first time a fallen enemy has risen again. Whether it was the same enemy or a related one. As long as the light exists, the darkness will always rise to try to fight it, A constant struggle for balance." I said seriously.
Galadriel agreed with me as I was speaking in terms of the Arcanum of the Moon. Moon Magic deals with understanding the relationship between appearance and reality. And part of that involves finding a balance between the two. Reality is often different than what it seems and what Moon Magic does is breach the gap and make the appearance become the reality. The truth of the Moon Arcanum is Duality. The forces of Darkness, and Light that we represent are a perfect example of this Duality.
"Let him speak." Galadriel stated referring to Gandalf.
"There is something at work beyond the evil of Smaug, something far more powerful. We can remain blind to it, but it will not be ignoring us, that I can promise you. A sickness lies over the greenwood, the woodsman who live there now call it Mirkwood, and they say." Gandalf paused.
"Well don't stop now. What do the woodsman say?" Saruman asked.
"They speak of a necromancer living in Dol Goldur, a sorcerer who can summon the dead." Gandalf said.
"That's absurd, no such power exists in this world. This, necromancer is nothing more than a mortal man, a conjurer dabbling in black magic." Saruman exclaimed.
"And so I thought to, but Radagast has seen..." Gandalf started before being interrupted by Saruman.
"Radagast?!? Do not speak to me of Radagast the Brown. He is a foolish fellow."
"Well he is odd I grant you, he lives a solitary life...." Gandalf started before being interrupted again.
"It is not that, it is his excessive consumption of mushrooms. They've addled his brain and yellowed his teeth. I warned him...." Saruman went on a long tangent about Radagast while Galadriel spoke to myself and Gandalf in our minds.
AN: < > This will show communication with the mind.
<You carry something, it came to you from Radagast, he showed and said found in Dol Goldur>
<Yes >
<Show me>
Gandalf began to take out the covered blade and place it on the table.
"What is that?" Lord Elrond asked as he brought his hand close to it.
"A relic of Mordor" Galadriel stated as Lord Elrond brought his hand back in shock before going back and unraveling the cloth covering the blade.
"A morgul blade" Lord Elrond remarked.
"Made for the Witchking of Angmar, and buried with him. When Angmar fell, the men of the North took his body and all that he possessed and sealed it within the High fells of Rhudaur. Deep within the rock they buried him. In a tomb so dark it would never come to light." Galadriel stated and was shocked as she remembered it was buried with him and showed in her words when she mentioned it.
"This is not possible. A powerful spell lies upon those tombs they cannot be opened. " Lord Elrond said.
"What proof do we have that this weapon came from Angmar's grave?" Saruman asked.
"I have none." Gandalf replied.
"Because there is none." Saruman exclaimed.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that. If nothing else this blade itself is enough proof that there are dark forces gathering once more." I commented.
"Let us examine what we know. A single Orc pack has dared cross the Bruenen. A dagger from a bygone age has been found. And a human sorcerer who calls himself 'The Necromancer' has taken up residence in a ruined fortress. It's not so very much at all. The question of this Dwarvish company however, troubles me deeply. I am not convinced Gandalf, I do not know that I can condone such a quest..." Saruman explained before being interrupted.
A powerful aura could be felt growing stronger by the second and when the group turned, they could see it was coming from me.
"You have grown too comfortable in your public position Saruman, or did you forget that I, not you am the leader of this Order and I have elected we investigate this occurrence. For one, when was the last time you met a 'Human Sorcerer?' Any of you? I cannot remember a time. For another, you disregard the knowledge of the Lady Galadriel. If she recognizes this blade as belonging to the Witchking, then it belongs to him. Dark forces are gathering and I for one will not be caught unprepared if and when the dark forces decide to attack." I said my aura slowly lessening until completely dissipating at the end.
"Very well, we will make preparations for an attack regardless of it's possibility." Saruman said but i knew he was upset at having his so called "authority" questioned.
After this Lady Galadriel paused and spoke in mine and Gandalf's mind.
<They are leaving>
We both turned to look at her but Gandalf replied.
<Yes >
<You knew?>
Just then Landir walked up to the group.
"My Lord Elrond, the dwarves, they're gone"
"I suppose that is my prompt." I said before turning toward Gandalf.
"I will catch up to them through flight, meet us as soon as you can." I said and stood up.
'Manus, Pluma, Volantus'
My Mage Wings grew again and I took off but not before leaving a message for Galadriel.
<Please keep an eye on Saruman and it was indeed wonderful to see you again>
Galadriel merely nodded imperceptibly, and turned toward Gandalf motioning she wanted to talk.
"You are right to help Thorin Okenshield, regardless of what Rozahr said I would still agree. But I fear this quest has set in motion forces that we do not yet understand. The riddle of the Morgul blade must be answered. Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from our sight. And it will not show itself. Not yet. But everyday it grows in strength, you must be careful." Galadriel said as Gandalf nodded and walked away.
What did you think about the changes I made to the discussion?
Do you think I shouldn't have changed anything and just left secretly with the dwarves?
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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