
The Lord of Energy

i'll think of one later. ( just for now know this character is going to going into more detail with energy manipulation than my bleach fic.)

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs



*Beep Beep*

The sound of an alarm clock rang out before it was shut off by a hand.


Rubbing his eyes, I stretched my arms above my head, feeling the stiffness of sleep clinging to my muscles. The soft light filtering through the curtains hinted at the early morning hour. With a sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, letting my feet find the familiar coolness of the hardwood floor.

"Today is the first day at my new school."

I carefully smoothed down my rumpled pajamas, my fingers lingering on the fabric for a moment longer than necessary. I was nervous and extremely so Kouh was a completely new place to me and the school I was going to be attending even more so.

I got up and went to the bathroom to prepare for the school day walking to my bathroom mirror I saw my face. Staring into the mirror my long black hair, gray eyes, and a face some would call feminine or cute sentiments which I don't mind. After getting ready for school I put on the Kuoh Academy uniform which was comprised of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

Leaving the house bag in hand I silently made my way to school which was a ten-minute walk away from where I live. A ten-minute walk later I was in front of the school gates I slowly walked inside as I did the nervousness from earlier came back with a vengeance. Walking in I saw multiple students looking at me then turning back and whispering to their friends and some waving at me and I meekly waved back.

I navigated the bustling hallways, the whispers seemed to follow me like shadows. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious, tugging at the sleeves of my uniform and adjusting the strap of my bag over my shoulder. Each gaze felt like a spotlight, magnifying my insecurities. I tried to focus on the floor, counting each tile I stepped on to distract myself from the attention I was receiving.

I eventually found myself outside of my homeroom class. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the classroom door waiting for a response. Not long after my knock I heard someone walking to the door and then the door was opened. Standing at the door was a woman who had black hair and charcoal-black eyes. She was looking at me with a look of curiosity she then asked.

"Are you our new student?"

I nodded nervously, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Yes, um, my name is Kaname," I managed to mumble.

The woman smiled warmly, her eyes softening as she studied me.

"Well, Kaname, welcome to Kuoh Academy. I'm Mrs. Yamamoto, your homeroom teacher. Come on in, everyone is eager to meet you."

With a hesitant nod, I stepped into the classroom, feeling the weight of a hundred eyes on me. The room fell silent as I entered, and I could feel the intensity of their stares. Mrs. Yamamoto cleared her throat, breaking the tension.

"Alright, class this is the new transfer student I was talking about. This is Kaname. Kaname why don't you introduce yourself."

I nodded took a breath then turned to face the class.

"Um, h-hi, I'm Kaname," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I-I'm from out of town, so, um, please take care of me."

There was silence then there was an eruption of cheers of the female side of the class.

"He's adorable!!"

"How old are you!?"

The cheers caught me off guard, my cheeks flushing even more as I shifted nervously on the spot. Mrs. Yamamoto chuckled lightly at the outburst before gesturing for the class to settle down.

"Alright, settle down, everyone," she said with a smile. "Let's give Kaname a chance to continue."

"Um, well, I'm fifteen," I answered the girl's question, my voice still soft but gaining a bit more confidence. "And, uh, I like reading, kendo, and, listening to music. Nice to meet you all."

There was another squeal of joy from the female populous of the class before the teacher settled them down.

"Ok, Kaname why don't you sit over there by the window."

"T-thank you,"

 I said with a bow and I walked over to the designated area and took a seat. So far the start of my new school life started without a hitch I hope it states that way."
