
The Lord of Energy

i'll think of one later. ( just for now know this character is going to going into more detail with energy manipulation than my bleach fic.)

TheKeneticLord5 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter: 2

Chapter: 2

I groaned as I woke up in my room holding my head.

"What was that? A weird dream?"

Looking over at my clock I saw that it was 8 am.

"Crap crap I'm late!"

I shouted as I scrambled out of bed to get ready for school it took me ten minutes to get ready and I rushed out of the house with a piece of toast in my mouth. Making it to school I ran into Issei who grabbed onto my shoulder and asked.

"Hey Kaname do you remember Yuumi?"


That name sounds familiar but I'm not sure where I've heard it before.

"I-I'm not sure Issei honestly." I gave my honest answer.

Issei looked dejected for a bit then nodded then walked off. I looked at his back as he was walking away turning back around I rushed off to class. Making it to class on time before any lessons could start I apologised for being late and took a seat. After that, the day went off without issue during lunch I went to Issei's class to stay with him mostly because I didn't really know anyone from the school that well except him. Reaching his class I stepped inside to see the class staying away from Issei and his friends while they were doing their typical perverted antics.

"Hey, Issei," I called out to him.

Issei looked up from where he was and he called me over. 

"Hey, Kaname over here."

I walked over to Issei ignoring the complaints of the girls in the class who were clearly bothered by Issei's behavior. As I sat down next to him, I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place amidst the chaos of his group. Issei grinned at me, seemingly oblivious to the disapproving glances from his classmates. Then there was commotion at the window of the classroom. Looking over to where the commotion was coming from I saw that the girls that were in the class were at the window shouting things along the lines of.

"Kyaah! Rias-sempai!!"

"Eh!? Senpai's here!? Kyaaah!"

"What's going on?" I asked getting up to see what was happening.

Issei and crew followed suit when we reached the window we saw a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue-green eyes, and a buxom figure Her most distinctive feature was her long, beautiful crimson hair, that reached down to her thighs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform standing around 5 feet 8 inches.

"Who Is she?" I asked

"You don't know Rias-senpai?" Issei asked.

"I-I never met her."

"Oh right, you haven't had you?"

I nodded in response.

"Well, that's Rias Gremory one of the two great Onee-Samas alongside Akeno Himejima."

"Oh, I see."

Turning back to look at Rias she looked up at us but when our eyes it felt like my heart stopped and my body locked up I couldn't even explain the feeling. But I was shaken from my thoughts by Matsuda asking if everything was alright. I nodded in confirmation I looked over to Issei seeing that he shook out of a similar state. 

What was that?

Later that day.

After that incident in Issei's classroom, everything went back to normal before I went back to class Issei asked if I wanted to come over to Matsuda's house today. Having nothing to do I usually walk with Issei I agreed and here I am now in Matsuda's room to be more specific in the corner of Matsuda's room with my 3DS in hand playing games while playing music while Issei and the others were watching h-n-ai. 

I had made it clear that I wasn't going to join them no matter how many times they asked.

Thankfully I didn't have to stay much longer as an hour later Issei and I were walking home but then an odd feeling washed over me causing me to stop and turn around and Issei must have felt it too as he turned around as well. Turning around I saw a middle-aged-looking man with short black hair and dark blue eyes His attire consisted of a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants and shoes, a pair of black gloves, and a black fedora.

"How unfortunate. To think I'd come across something like you in a place like this."

Not liking the feeling that was coming from this man Issei and I backed up.

"Planning to run? Tell me, whom do you answer?"

Issei grabbed my hand turned and sprinted off in the opposite direction of the man. Reaching an empty area Issei stopped then said while breathing heavily.

"We should be safe here."

As soon as he finished that statement the voice of the man spoke from behind us.

"Though I'd let you get away?"

Turning around we saw the man from before but now he had a pair of black wings coming out of his back. Seeing the wing's memories of the dream I had came rushing back.

"Tell me who you serve. Or are you strays? I can't sense your master. So you really are strays? In that case… It shouldn't be a problem if I kill you."

He said as then a light appeared in his hand and formed into a spear he threw it at Issei who tried to run away and it pierced his back and came out through his chest.

"Issei!" I shouted in concern.

"You should be more concerned for yourself!" 

The man shouted creating another Light spear and throwing it at me looking at the spear that was closing in towards me in fear. Then when the spear was a few feet from me I felt a rush of energy course through my body and a wall of white energy appeared in front of me blocking the spear. When the wall was dispelled I saw that the man had a surprised look on his face which he quickly shook off as he created two more spears throwing them at me. 

I looked at the spears that were coming at me but looking at the spears now I felt like I could see how they worked and what made the spears and then my body started moving on autopilot I waved my hand and two spears made up of white energy formed in front of me and intercepted the spears the man threw at me causing both sets of spears clashed and dispelled. But after that happened a wave of fatigue and drowsiness washed over me causing me to stumble back and collapse to my knees while falling forward my eyes slowly closing the last thing I saw was the man getting hit in the back with an explosion.

Chapter 2: End