
The Lord God Descends

In the wake of the apocalypse, spiritual energy resurges, and the Lord God reboots the world, ushering humanity into an era of cultivation. Travelers from other worlds possess unique powers, which isn't unusual. But can someone explain why my system is so... peculiar? Alex, a traveler, finds himself in a parallel world eerily similar to Earth. Soon, he's drawn into the Lord God's space of this world. Interestingly, only he knows the plots of the many worlds within the reincarnation space...

Ati_Lin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 18

"Miss Li Qingyu, we finally meet!"

Alex released his grip on her mouth and nose, feeling her warm, soft body against him. He felt a sudden surge of heat within him.

"Who are you?" Li Qingyu asked, struggling to move her stiff neck. The sight of his tiger mask made her a bit scared.

"Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is that you are now in my hands."

Alex adjusted her position comfortably. This delicate beauty could be his long-term ticket in this world, and with proper training, even a helper in the real world.

But how to gain her trust was a significant issue. After all, he had just killed her family's head guard for safety.

"Why did you capture me?" Li Qingyu's mind was still foggy. This guy didn't seem too menacing. Was he really an assassin?

"My men are short on money and thought of borrowing some from your father," Alex said, feeling a sudden impulse as he looked at her innocent face. His mischievous hand pinched her cute cheeks. "But I'm worried your father might refuse, so I thought I'd take you along."

"You... you're a kidnapper, here to threaten my father!" Li Qingyu realized, struggling to avoid his playful hand, her small mouth pouting angrily.

"Don't say it like that! Just a guest visit, that's all."

Alex grinned, his hand chasing her face, playing with her rosy cheeks. He felt like he was losing his mind. Normally calm, he was now teasing a girl he barely knew inappropriately.

Maybe it was his internal energy progressing too quickly, causing excess heat. But even Teng Qingshan, who had practiced longer, remained single after his wife's death. Was he a lecher? But he was a physique admirer, and had seen many underdeveloped girls before without issues.

As Alex pondered, his hand's actions became more intrusive, moving downward, frightening Li Qingyu.

"Is he a kidnapper or a molester?" she thought, deciding to scream for help.

She hadn't screamed earlier, fearing it would provoke him. But now that he was touching her inappropriately, she couldn't tolerate it.

"Help... mmph..." Alex quickly covered her mouth, but some sound escaped.

"Miss, are you alright?" her maid Cuier called from outside. "Are you hungry? Shall I bring some milk and frog soup?"

"Shh!" Alex whispered, warning Li Qingyu, "I'll uncover your mouth. Send her away calmly, or I can't guarantee your safety."

Now surrounded by guards, he needed her cooperation and had no intention of harming her.

Alex believed in retaliation only when provoked, and today was his first major kill spree. Though he felt no nausea, the change within himself was unsettling. Not pity for the dead, but discomfort with his own transformation.

Killing the likes of Lang, Ergou, and Qin San was justified, given their crimes. He wasn't sorry for his actions, but adapting to his own changes was difficult. In the Main God's Space, these changes meant survival and strength.

Li Qingyu, teary-eyed, nodded. Alex uncovered her mouth but kept his hand close to silence her if needed, feeling a strange urge to "sin."

"Miss, miss!" Cuier's steps approached the door.

"Xiao Cui, what is it?" Li Qingyu replied, pouting at Alex's inappropriate hand. She planned to have him captured and punished later.

"What would you like for a snack tonight? Milk and frog soup?" Cuier sensed something odd in her lady's tone.

"No, that's too greasy. How about red date bird's nest soup instead?"

"Red date bird's nest?" Cuier was surprised, knowing her mistress disliked it. But she nodded respectfully, "Yes, miss. I understand."

Cuier's footsteps receded, and Alex relaxed slightly.

"Why did you scream?" Alex asked roughly, pulling her head.

"You kidnapped me and acted inappropriately. Not professional at all!" Li Qingyu pouted, criticizing his unprofessional behavior and hinting at his possible intentions.

Alex felt embarrassed. He had indeed been inappropriate, even now still playing with her cheeks.

"Enough!" he snapped, not wanting to lose face further.

"You're unprofessional, a kidnapper acting like a molester!" Li Qingyu retorted, planning to have him stay as a servant for amusement if captured.

"You little..." Alex began, then heard approaching footsteps. He became alert, having learned to sense heartbeats after practicing internal energy.

"Impressive!" he thought, knocking Li Qingyu out. He prepared for the incoming threat, realizing he had underestimated her.

Outside, nearly a hundred guards surrounded the room silently, led by Qin Da.

"How confident are you in rescuing her without harm?" asked Li Qingyu's father.

"Not completely, but we can try," Qin Da replied.

"Try, but withdraw if she's endangered," Li Qingyu's father ordered, prioritizing her safety.

Qin Da nodded, signaling three other leaders. Two moved to the windows, one silently to the roof, while Qin Da approached the door.

"Four second-rate experts, quite the welcome!" Alex noted, readying some vials.

"Move!" Qin Da commanded softly. The four attacked simultaneously as Alex threw his vials, creating green mist. The attackers retreated, but Qin Da's quick response deflected Alex's vial, continuing his charge.

"Impressive!" Alex thought, dodging with Li Qingyu in tow as Qin Da's strike hit his previous spot.

"Damn!" Qin Da cursed, seeing Alex holding Li Qingyu's neck tightly.

"Release her!" Qin Da demanded, his sword finger poised to strike if given a chance.

"Back off!" Alex used Li Qingyu as a shield, knowing now wasn't the time for mercy.

Inside the small courtyard room, Cuier's footsteps gradually faded away, and Alex's face showed a hint of relief.

"Alright, explain why you screamed!" Alex roughly grabbed Li Qingyu's chin. If she didn't give a reasonable explanation, he wouldn't let her off easily.

"How can you blame me?" Li Qingyu pouted, looking extremely aggrieved. "You kidnapped me and then started doing... those things! What kind of behavior is that? It's so unprofessional and lacks any sense of morality."

Li Qingyu accused Alex of unprofessional conduct and hinted at his disgraceful behavior, implying he was more like a molester than a kidnapper. Alex felt a bit embarrassed because, indeed, he had gone too far, even now playing with her rosy cheeks.

Her cheeks were red, mostly thanks to Alex's handiwork. The marks were evidence of his "achievements."

"Enough!" Alex snapped, not wanting to lose face in front of the girl. Being scolded into silence by a girl was humiliating.

"But it's true! What did I do wrong..." Li Qingyu continued, seeing that Alex might not actually intend to harm her seriously. She thought that maybe he just wanted to kidnap her for a ransom. If so, she planned to have Qin Da capture him later and keep him around to amuse herself.

"You little...!" Alex was about to retort when his ears picked up a faint sound. His eyes flashed with anger, remembering how Qin Da had almost caught him last time.

He had been inexperienced then, not paying attention to his surroundings. With internal martial arts, he should have sensed Qin Da's presence much earlier.

"Impressive move!" Alex muttered, striking the back of Li Qingyu's neck, rendering her speechless. She could only blink, having lost control of her body.

Alex stood up, his eyes sharp. He had underestimated his opponent. This seemingly delicate "rabbit" had outsmarted him, likely passing a message to her maid while speaking earlier.

The maid had been clever, and Alex hadn't noticed any flaw at the time. But now, recalling the slight change in her heartbeat, he realized his mistake. He had been too focused on Li Qingyu and missed the signs.

Ultimately, it was his lack of experience. His theoretical plan was perfect, but practical execution was another matter. Both Alex and Teng Qingshan had little experience in such scenarios, so their first attempt had flaws.

"Let's see," Alex's eyes scanned every corner of the room, particularly the windows and doors, listening intently. Soon, a large group of guards surrounded the room silently.

The leader outside was competent, positioning nearly a hundred guards without making much noise. If Alex hadn't been vigilant, he might have been caught off guard.

"What's going on?" An urgent voice approached, likely Master Li.

"Master!" Qin Da reported quietly, "Miss Cuier informed us that the young lady might have been captured by the assassin who killed Qin San."

"An assassin!" Master Li's brow furrowed deeply. He knew now wasn't the time to panic. "If you attempt a rescue, can you guarantee Qingyu's safety?"

Master Li was most concerned about his daughter. After losing his wife, he had many concubines but only one daughter, Li Qingyu.

Qin Da thought for a moment and replied, "I can't guarantee it, but we can try."

"Attempt the rescue, but if she is in danger, withdraw immediately. Do not provoke the captor."

Master Li's voice carried a steely resolve. As a businessman, he was willing to take a risk for his daughter's safety, but not at the expense of her life.

"Understood!" Qin Da nodded, signaling three other leaders. They all nodded in return.

Two moved cautiously to the windows on either side, while one, with superior martial skills, silently climbed onto the roof. Qin Da himself moved slowly towards the main door.

"Four second-tier experts attacking from all sides. Quite an honor," Alex noted, pulling a few small vials from his pocket. He was prepared for this.

"Move!" With a soft command, the four positions erupted simultaneously. Alex's vials shattered, releasing a green mist. The attackers quickly retreated, recognizing the danger.

Qin Da, approaching the main door, reacted swiftly, deflecting Alex's vial with his robe before charging towards Alex and Li Qingyu with impressive speed.

"So fast!" Alex thought, realizing Qin Da's speed surpassed even his own in his peak form.

Despite deflecting Alex's attack, Qin Da's brief delay was enough for Alex to pull Li Qingyu and dodge the strike.

"Thud!" Qin Da's finger strike pierced the spot where Alex had been, leaving a hole in the desk.

"Damn!" Qin Da cursed, seeing Alex now holding Li Qingyu tightly by the neck, her face turning pale.

"Release her!" Qin Da demanded, his sword finger ready to strike but hesitant to risk Li Qingyu's safety.

"Back off!" Alex shouted, using Li Qingyu as a shield. Now was not the time for mercy.