
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 9: A Big Gain

"Finally got rid of them. If it weren't for the 600 gold coins, I wouldn't have bothered with all this."

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief after sending Sarno away. Now he had time to check his Short Selling gains.

**Short Selling gain: 280 strength. Can be converted into personal strength or skill points.

Conversion rate:

First secondary talent: 15 strength = 1 skill pointSecond secondary talent: 50 strength = 1 skill pointAdditional talents: Increase by 35 strength per talent, up to 100 strength.

Only secondary talents can use strength for skill points. Main talents require Force for skill points, ratio to be determined upon unlocking.**

"280 strength!" Ethan exclaimed in shock.

"If Short Selling maxes out at 35% yield, that means Andrick had 800 strength."

"In my previous life, weightlifting champions could lift over 200 kg, and that was considered incredible. But Andrick having 800 strength? Is he even human?"

The gains left Ethan stunned. Yet, considering the extraordinary world he was in, such immense strength wasn't too surprising.

"These 280 strength points can be converted into quite a few skill points. Let's see, the first secondary talent only requires 15 strength per skill point. And I need 9 skill points to max out my first secondary talent, which means I need 135 strength."

Ethan immediately converted 135 strength into 9 skill points and invested them all into his sword specialization.

Sword Mastery: Passive skill Your control over the precision, strength, and speed of swordsmanship increases by one level for each skill level. Current Level: 5 (MAX).

Sword Parry: Passive skill You have mastered swordsmanship to the extent that you have at least an 80% chance of successfully parrying any attack. Each level increases the parry success rate by 5%. Current Level: 5 (MAX).

Parry Counter: Trigger skill Each successful parry allows for a quick counterattack.

Parrying melee attacks triggers a counter slash.Parrying ranged attacks triggers a sword energy counter slash, up to 40 meters. Each level increases counterattack power by 5%. Current Level: 5 (MAX).

Sword Spirit: Passive skill Your sword has become an extension of your body, imbued with a conscious soul. Any sword within a three-meter radius responds to your call. Your perception, reflexes, vision, hearing, and smell also improve by one level. Each level increases summoning range by one meter and enhances sensory abilities. Current Level: 5 (MAX).

With these upgrades, Ethan felt his senses sharpen instantly. He could hear and see more clearly and even smelled things more acutely. He also felt a deep connection with the Champion's Blade at his waist, as if it would come to him no matter the distance if summoned.

"There are seven rats in the sewer, one of them is sick and dying."

"Twenty meters away, there's an insect on a tree. It's disguised as a twig, but the fuzz on its legs gives it away."

"In the kitchen, they're frying steak. They've used too much pepper—it's quite overpowering."

Testing his new abilities, Ethan found everything under his control, though it was overwhelming. His ears buzzed with noise, his eyes saw everything in slow motion, and a variety of smells assaulted his nose, making it hard to concentrate.

Ethan quickly grabbed a cloth to cover his ears and nose, which helped slightly. He knew this was temporary; his body would eventually adapt and filter out the unnecessary information. He had experienced something similar when he first upgraded his Sword Mastery. Initially, he felt disconnected from his sword, but once he adjusted, it became an extension of himself.

After testing his enhanced senses, Ethan decided to test his summoning ability. He placed his sword on the table and lay on the bed. With a mental command, the sword flew out of its sheath and landed in his hand.

Ethan was thrilled. He threw the sword across the room and summoned it back, watching as it twirled in the air before returning to his grasp.

"This is amazing! In battle, if I throw my sword and then summon it back to slash an enemy's throat, they won't know what hit them!"

Laughing at the thought, Ethan wanted to test his reflexes next. However, he needed someone to help, so he postponed it. Instead, he considered how to use the remaining strength points.

"I don't need to unlock another secondary talent just yet. I'll convert the rest into personal strength. If Rand sends assassins, I need to be ready."

Ethan began converting the remaining strength into his own, but he did it gradually to avoid overloading his body. He increased his strength by 10 points at a time, practicing stretches and exercises in between to help his body adjust.

This routine was similar to yoga, easing post-training soreness and improving flexibility and resilience. It was a common practice at the academy, both as a warm-up and a cool-down.

As Ethan continued his exercises and strength conversion, he felt his power growing without discomfort. Eventually, he reached a limit.

"It seems there's a cap. A body can only handle so much strength."

"Now I have 260 strength, including my original 160. I'm much stronger than the average person, even if I can't match the truly monstrous fighters. At least I won't be at a disadvantage in terms of raw power."

Ethan was pleased with his progress, feeling confident about reclaiming his territory soon.

"I'll keep the remaining strength in reserve. I'll decide on a new secondary talent later, based on my needs."

As he pondered his future plans, he realized it was already dark.

"Why hasn't Miloch delivered the gold coins yet?"

"Could he be backing out because I didn't sign the contract?"

Ethan's suspicions grew, his eyes turning cold.

"If Miloch tries to cheat me, I won't let it slide."

Just as he was about to confront Miloch, he heard soft footsteps on the inn's roof, like a cat sneaking around. Though faint, the sounds didn't escape Ethan's heightened senses.

"Already? And it's an expert!"

"Good thing I upgraded my skills, or I wouldn't even know how I died."