
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 7: The Duel

Ethan walked slowly into the training ground, standing face-to-face with the legendary gladiator, Andrick.

With Sarno's shout of "Begin," both men drew their swords and attacked simultaneously.

This time, Andrick didn't fight unarmed. He had witnessed Ethan's swordsmanship, which, despite its academic flair, was fluid and masterful. Moreover, Ethan possessed strength far beyond his years, forcing Andrick to give his all.

Ethan, on the other hand, had no such considerations. As he drew his sword, he activated Short Selling. Instantly, a warm surge of power flowed through him, making him feel strong enough to crush stones with his bare hands. Although the borrowed strength would last only ten minutes, Ethan was in no hurry to attack. He maintained a safe distance and used half his strength to test his opponent.

Andrick mirrored this approach, cautiously probing Ethan's true capabilities. After a series of tentative exchanges, both gained a clearer understanding of the other's strength, leading to the true battle.

Andrick struck first, having discerned that while Ethan's sword technique was excellent—especially his parrying skills—his strength was lacking. Andrick aimed to exploit this weakness, using his superior power to disrupt Ethan's rhythm. Once Ethan's rhythm was broken, he would inevitably expose a flaw.

With this strategy in mind, Andrick increased his force, each strike fast, heavy, and aimed at vital points. Ethan, though prepared, found himself driven back by the sheer power of Andrick's blows. To maintain his stance, Ethan had to use more strength.

Andrick had anticipated this, knowing Ethan had likely conserved his strength, much as he had against Solis. He wouldn't make the same mistake. Now, seeing Ethan's increased strength, Andrick realized this was Ethan's true capability. He was impressed by the young man's strength, which almost matched his own despite his young age and underdeveloped muscles. However, a gap was still a gap, and in a life-and-death duel, any disparity in skill or strength could be fatal.

Fully assessing Ethan's abilities, Andrick unleashed his true power, displaying the full extent of his legendary gladiator skills. His strikes were not only powerful but incredibly fast, coming in relentless waves like a tsunami. Ethan could only defend, using his perfected parrying skills to block each attack and maintain his breathing and footwork.

Although each successful parry triggered a counter-strike, Ethan held back, knowing he had only one chance to surprise his opponent. Using the counter-strike rashly could lead to a prolonged battle, which he couldn't afford once Short Selling expired.

With his understanding of sword parrying now complete, Ethan knew that despite Andrick's fierce assault, each strike was controlled, maintaining a balance of offense and defense. This realization solidified his strategy: wait for Andrick to make a mistake and then deliver a lethal counter.

Minutes ticked by, and Ethan grew increasingly anxious, though he hid it well. He knew that showing any sign of impatience could be disastrous. He continued to feign calmness, understanding that this duel was as much about patience as it was about swordsmanship.

Andrick, frustrated by his inability to break Ethan's defense, was equally shocked. He had used many of his deadly moves, which had always claimed lives in the arena, yet Ethan parried them with ease. This raised Andrick's caution; his gladiator instincts told him Ethan was dangerous.

Despite his caution, Andrick remained confident he could defeat Ethan. The duel turned into a grueling battle of attrition, with neither gaining the upper hand. Their swords clashed repeatedly, producing sparks and a chorus of ringing metal.

The spectators, seasoned in watching gladiatorial combat, were enthralled. They had never seen such an intense and skillful duel. Even Miloch, typically disinterested in the fights, was captivated, regretting that he had allowed this death match, as both men could serve his ambitions well.

Among the spectators was a woman in a white mask, her eyes gleaming as she watched the duel. Nearby, Rand Mitchell's eyes were dark with malice.

As time passed, the duel became even fiercer. Andrick's attacks were relentless, but the distance between him and Ethan only grew. Realizing he couldn't win quickly, Andrick decided to wear Ethan down.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle pierced the air. Andrick's expression changed briefly; the whistle was from Rand, reminding him to finish the fight. Rand, familiar with Ethan's strength, suspected Andrick of holding back and blew the whistle under the pretense of encouragement to urge him on.

Annoyed but unable to ignore the signal, Andrick decided to end the duel with a risky move. It involved predicting Ethan's parry, closing the distance, grabbing Ethan's sword to immobilize it, and then delivering a lethal stab. This move was dangerous, as it could easily backfire if Ethan anticipated it, but Andrick saw no other choice.

Steeling himself, Andrick feinted, then lunged forward with all his strength. Ethan parried, ready to reset, but Andrick unexpectedly closed in. Recognizing his long-awaited opportunity and with Short Selling nearing its end, Ethan activated his counter-strike.

His sword, parrying Andrick's blow, suddenly reversed direction, slashing upward with lightning speed. A brilliant arc of sword light flashed as Andrick, realizing too late, felt a sharp pain in his neck. He collapsed, unable to react.

The duel was over.