
The Lord: "I have a skill talent tree."

In this world of swords and magic, there are dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and grand voyages. In short, it has everything—except a place for Ethan. However, Ethan is not completely without assets; he has a skill talent tree, specializing in swords. Sword Mastery: Passive skill. Your precision, strength, and speed in swordsmanship increase by one level. Each time you level up, your control over these aspects improves by one grade. Initially, Ethan wanted to rely on his talent to reclaim his territory and enjoy the life of a noble lord. But as he continued to cultivate his land, he gradually realized that he had already taken a seat at the table of power and games.

lavonne_stafford · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 37: Falconry Part 1

After assigning the skill points, Ethan woke up with a smile. He grabbed his longbow, nocked an arrow, and aimed to test his accuracy. With a swift release, the arrow soared through the air and struck the top of the main mast of the pirate ship, 50 meters away, with a resounding "thud."

Angelina clapped her hands, laughing. "Great shot!"

Ethan looked at her, puzzled. "It's so dark and far. How could you see where I shot?"

"I couldn't!" Angelina said without missing a beat, her face calm. "But I know any arrow my husband shoots hits the mark!"

"Thanks for the compliment," Ethan chuckled, shaking his head. He raised the longbow again, this time imbuing it with force, intending to test its maximum range. A faint red glow enveloped him and the bow, like a thin membrane. But as he drew the string halfway, the bow snapped in the middle with a sharp "crack."

Angelina jumped in surprise. "Ethan, are you crazy? Don't you know you can't imbue force into a bow?"

"Is that a thing?" Ethan genuinely didn't know.

"Bows are different from other weapons. Their materials can't handle the force like melee weapons can," Angelina explained. "Only magically reinforced elf-made longvine bows can handle that. They can shoot magical arrows, so they should withstand the force."

"I see," Ethan said, realizing his knowledge of archery was limited since he usually focused on swordsmanship. Trying the bow had been intriguing, especially with the long-range shooting skill that outclassed a sniper rifle's range. While he might not need it often, it would be handy for hunting. He imagined the convenience of shooting an arrow in the territory and bringing down prey within ten miles. Thinking about Angelina's advice, he decided to get an elf-made longbow when possible. But for now, he needed to tame an eagle.

During their voyage, Ethan frequently saw yellow-headed eagles. These small raptors, with a wingspan of about a meter and golden feathers from head to neck, were perfect for scouting due to their size and speed. However, it was dark now, and they had all returned to their nests.

"I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if I can spot one," Ethan thought to himself. He then went to rest with Angelina.

With a full heart from the day's achievements, Ethan slept soundly. The next morning, he woke up early, excitedly rushing to the deck to spot a yellow-headed eagle. But despite waiting for hours until the sun was high, he saw no eagles, or even many birds.

"It's just like they say: you don't find things when you need them," Ethan muttered to himself.

"What are you mumbling about?" Saberi approached, holding a cup of coffee. "Up so early, catching the wind. Trying to protect your manly pride again?"

Ethan wasn't in the mood for banter. "I've seen yellow-headed eagles flying around before, but there are none today. Why?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Saberi laughed. "You can't be thinking of keeping one as a pet!"

"I am," Ethan replied earnestly.

Surprised, Saberi laughed harder. "I advise you to give up. Yellow-headed eagles live near the sea, feeding on fish and seabirds. They aren't rare, but they're incredibly fast and nearly impossible to catch. Even if you find their nests on coastal cliffs, we're at sea now. Even if you manage to catch one, they can't be tamed. These wild eagles are born to be free and will starve rather than submit. If you want one, wait until spring; I can get you a trained one. They might not be as fierce as wild eagles, but they'll hunt just fine."

"Thanks for the offer, but I prefer these wild eagles," Ethan smiled. "Could you tell me where to find them?"

"I've already told you; they nest on coastal cliffs," Saberi said, sipping his coffee. "But we can't get close enough."

Realization dawned on Ethan. Saberi had steered the ship far from the coast. No wonder he hadn't seen any eagles. The earlier sightings must have been when the coastline jutted out closer to the ship. Understanding this, Ethan asked Saberi to steer the ship closer to the coast.

Saberi initially refused, citing delays. But after Ethan's repeated pleas, emphasizing the importance for their territory's safety, Saberi agreed. The "Popeye the Sailor" slowly adjusted course towards the coast. Within an hour, Ethan spotted the sprawling coastline.

A distinctive cry drew Ethan's attention. "That's it!"

He looked up to see a yellow-headed eagle circling the sky, seemingly hunting. Suddenly, it folded its wings and dove like a comet, plunging into the sea before emerging with a silver fish in its golden talons, flying towards a coastal cliff.

"Wow!" Ethan was thrilled. He wanted to activate his falconry skill but realized it had a range limit. Although the skill didn't specify the distance, Ethan sensed it was only effective within 50 meters. The eagle was at least 2,000 meters away, far beyond his range.

"What now?" Ethan watched the eagle longingly, helpless. Saberi approached. "If you have a way to tame that eagle, do it quickly. We can't stay near the coast forever. This area is off our usual route; if we hit a reef, it'll be disastrous."

"I know! Just give me some time!" Ethan understood Saberi's concern. Sailing close to the coast required them to slow down to a crawl. Desperate, he asked, "Can you somehow lure that eagle closer? At least within 50 meters?"