
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

What happened to him

The both of them knew how Sly was very possessive over his things but he should have taken his time. "I thought you said you would take your time Sly"Ronald queried glaring at him ."That's because I thought Hazel was still there without having any man by her side "Sly muttered with his eyes still shut . Ronald couldn't blame him either because he didn't know what would've happened if Sly hadn't disrupted Hazel and Martin's relationship. "Where is Martin , I hope you haven't killed him because if you have then you should know Hazel would never forgive you "Ronald said and the corner of Sly's lips pulled up , how amusing it would've been he thought . "He's where he's supposed to be , and tell Hazel to Start worrying about me instead because I won't make room for any other". Ronald rolled his eyes and commented"you should have thought about that before leaving to wonderland". Sly fluttered his eyes open and shot him a look which made him clamp his mouth shut . "Leave"he said and Ronald opened the door and walked out he didn't know why but whenever that is brought up Sly gets furious for no reason.

The next day appeared earlier than usual and Hazel who had a sleepless night had dark circles under her eyes. She was worried about so many things that she didn't know what to do at the moment. Dragging her feet to the bathroom she freshened up and got ready on her own she needed to talk to her parents. Making sure to hide the dark circles with some powder she walked out of her room. She got to the drawing room and saw her father sitting on the sofa with the latest news papers in his hand . Upon hearing the approaching footsteps he looked up from the papers and gave her a warm smile before pulling the glasses that were resting on the rim of his nose. "Good morning father"she greeted and approaching him. Donovan was a man with a stoic face always when he's in public but with a warm face whenever he's around his only daughter and wife. Donovan nodded and queried"Why does it look as if you woke up earlier than usual, even so I must say you look stunning as always". Hazel was surprised with what her father said she was expecting him to scold her or if worst give her a hot slap on her cheek but here he was being as calm as always. Wanting to test the waters Hazel sat beside her father and ordered for tea first. When the servant left she asked"Did you meet the Lord at the soiree yesterday , I mean before he left". Donovan gave her daughter a puzzled expression and she quickly said "I mean he wanted to meet you ". Donovan frowned and muttered"Did he ?, well I guess I have to go to his castle since I didn't get the chance to meet him before he left the mansion". 'Ah so father didn't get to meet him before he left , does that mean he wasn't aware of yesterday's incident and mother hadn't told him' Hazel thought and decided to tell him instead. "Father , actually yest-"Hazel began and was interrupted by the servant who had brought her a cup of tea. Taking the cup of tea she continued"Yesterday during the soiree-". Vanessa entered in time to interrupt her once again "I was wondering where the both of you were since Naana said Hazel had dressed up herself today". Hazel smiled and her father patted her head "she has grown so much that I can't see my little Hazel anymore"Donovan added still patting her head . "Father don't say that I'm still your little Hazel"Hazel said with pouted lips and he chuckled he can never forget how cute Hazel was when she was a. kid . Vanessa held back the urge of breaking the news to her husband and commented"How I also wish you were still a child "she paused and looked at her knowingly"But it seems that's useless because you're more than mutured now". Donovan who had no idea about what her wife was saying informed"It seems the witches are avenging on the humans in constensia because they had invaded a whole village and killed everyone in it , the both of you should be careful when you go out because we do not know why and the council is still looking into it plus you'll never know someone is a witch unless that person reveals it you ". "Those low lives I wonder what's it with them that they can't just let all of us live in peace "Vanessa scoffed and Hazel just sighed.

"Oh my goodness !"an old man with a sac on his shoulder yelled startling his neighbors and also his wife who had dozed off waiting for their son . The woman dashed out of her house and felt her lungs almost knock out of her with what she saw. "Martin!"The woman called staring a the man who was tied to the tree upside down with his head down . Both the woman and the man approached their son who looks dead but was still alive .Being hunged on the tree upside down with blood dripping from his head was Martin . The neighbors who saw this hurried on help the young man who was the crush of many women in the village. "What happened to him"one of the neighbors asked but nobody knew either. With horror evident on her face Martha helped her son down and saw how swollen his face had become overnight . They brought him down and saw that there was a folded cloth in his mouth , the man pulled it out ."Let's send him inside " the neighbors suggested and they took him in. Martha sobbed silently as she made her way to the kitchen to poor a glass of water for her son. She helped him drink the water and assured the villagers that it was alright and he was fine. When the villagers left her husband Hector demanded"Tell me all that happened here when I was away". Martha narrated everything that happened to her husband and saw his expression change into disgust "Those creatures are getting way ahead of themselves nowadays but there's no need to worry because we finally found a witch from the mem clan to perform the rituals and get us the portion"He relayed and even though Martha was scared her face beamed with hope.