
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The portion

Hazel walked quickly through the hallway not minding the curious gaze she was receiving from the councilmen. She quickly made her way out of the house , she walked to where the carriages were and told the man in charge of taking care of the carriages to inform her dad that she was leaving . 'What was that for' she thought touching her chest which was heaving . She gritted her teeth when she realized that her heart was beating like this because of what the Lord did .

She told the rider to ride to where Martin lived, she needed to make sure he was alright. Back at Martin's house Hector changed his dress into a different one and set out to the Javier's mansion.

Just when he crossed the small walkway in front of his house , he saw a luxurious carriage approaching his house . He frowned when he read the name encrusted on it 'Wiltchiz'. The carriage finally stopped and Hazel stepped out , she knew her mom would be so angry when she finds out but she couldn't help but worry about Martin . 'I just need to be quick 'she thought and walked to the familiar house she had seen Martin in . Right after she raised her hand to knock someone asked from behind , startling her "who are you and what do you want from us ". Hazel turned around and saw a man dressed in yellow shirt and black pants with his hair messed up as if it hasn't been washed for days . "I'm Hazel a friend of Martin , I wanted to check whether he's okay"Hazel muttered. Hector on the other hand felt disgusted when he saw the color of her eyes , 'a Vampiress 'he thought and masked his disgust up with a sweet smile. "I'm Martin's father but Martin is currently not at home , he went to the market to get some groceries for his mother"Hector commented and Hazel nodded. All she wanted was to see him but it seemed she wouldn't be able to see him . Bowing down to excuse herself she walked back to her carriage and left not knowing the piercing gaze that was glaring at her from the window.

In the middle of the thick forest sat a girl who was surrounded by some figures in black Cloak . "Have you distributed the portions to the various lands "she queried ."Yes we've given them out , we would be hearing about it's effect very soon"one of the cloaked figures answered . "Inform Tesia that it has been done "she ordered and left the forest ."Are you sure we can trust this Vampiress"one of the male witches asked . "Hmm , Tesia said we can as far as she doesn't know what exactly we're aiming at "a middle aged woman who seemed to be the leader of the group said . The red eyed girl who just left the forest returned back to her small cottage in her village. She entered the small bedroom and pulled out a portrait of a man and a woman with a baby in hand , "You left us just because of that girl and even tried to kill mother and I , I would make sure to pay you for this by snatching everything that makes you happy from you"she promised staring at a portrait of a girl who looked exactly like herself .

Time flew by quickly and it was finally time for the birthday of Mr Javier where a soiree was being held to celebrate it. Hazel was dressed in a blue long sleeved gown with her hair rolled in curls and parted beautifully the sides."I hope your corset us well fixed this time because the last thing I want is for you to get it refixed"Vanessa muttered in a voice only her daughter could hear . Hazel nodded and sighed , she was only hoping for one thing from this soiree and that was she didn't want to bump into the Lord. Their carriage was brought forth as they climbed into it. Not knowing what was awaiting them at the mansion.

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