
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The massacre III

Hazel felt her entire body turn cold when several screames followed the first one . She quickly picked the front of her skirt and ran to the soiree as if her life depended on it , she made it safely to the soiree and her face paled in horror when she saw some lifeless bodies on the floor and worst of all some people's bodies were teared apart .

Several minutes ago....

Hector tried to go to the kitchen once again when he bumped into the Lord. His eyes widened in shock and tried running away from his sight when he grabbed his wrist. "What are you holding"he asked with his keen eyes observing the green like substance in the small bottle held in a firm grip in his palm ."N-nothing"he stammered and bowed to excuse himself but Sly took a step forward causing him to tower over him and Hector didn't have a choice but to remain in his place ."I always wonder why people say nothing when there's actually something , isn't that the dumbest way to evade a topic "he queried sarcastically. Hector swallowed and bowed down again before saying" I'm sorry if I've offended you milord but I-" ."Let me have a look at that bottle in your palm " Sly demanded leaving no room for objection. Hector clenched tightly onto the bottle having no intention of giving it to him . Sly cocked his head to one side and arched a brow but Hector didn't budge and continued to hold unto the thing with his head lowered . "You sure are a brave one but too bad you're messing with the wrong person" Sly commented and clicked his tongue. He gave a meaningful gaze to two dauntingly handsome men whom even though talking to people or being talked to had the their attention on him . The men nodded and walked out of the mansion . Sly didn't beat around the bush and just pulled Hector along with him as they moved out of the mansion .

Just when he pulled him out two men approached him ."Sly what's the matter did he do something wrong ?" Duke Lenard one of Sly's childhood friends and also a very close friend of Sly queried intrigued. "That he would have to tell me , what is in your hand "Sly demanded for the last time and Ronald who was the other man Sly called rolled his eyes. 'Why is Sly bothering to ask when he can get whatever he wants from the man without wasting his breath' Ronald thought. Hector still didn't answer and still clenched tightly unto the bottle.

"I knew he would be caught !"the cloaked woman muttered staring at what Sly and his friends were doing. The other person who was a man didn't say anything and pulled out another bottle from his pocket. "Get the work done and meet me at the forest "the man said and jumped from the tree but in the process got his cloaked stuck to one of the stucked out branches on the tree . Gritting his teeth he pulled it and left the place. Lenard who also though not exactly like Sly but also has some supernatural abilities which was unlike an other normal vampire heard the slight rustle of leaves and made his way there. He walked away from where Sly and Ronald were to the tree but there was no one there . He frowned and was about to leave when he caught sight of a black cloth stuck to the tree . 'Damn it !'he cursed just like Sly he knew about the new portion and also he was a councilman who was well versed with issues of black witches because if his unique way of getting catching criminals. Lenard didn't waste time and rushed to the mansion alarming his friends but it was too late because the witch had already managed to pour the portion into several bottles which were poured into glasses and was in the process of distribution. The tree was quite far from the mansion so before he got there the drink were already being served. Lenard entered and didn't know which among the glasses had the portion. "Ah!" a woman screamed alarming everyone. Another person screamed and just then as if the person has lost his sanity attacked her partner and sucked her dry. After that a couple more screames echoed and the councilmen among them pulled their guns and began killing them but it was of no importance because any vampire who was bitten also turns rogue.

Hazel's eyes searched the hall looking for her parents and for some unknown reason Sly as well .She looked among the people running around and the rogues but didn't find her parents among them. Her eyes teared up as she saw the lifeless body of people she had seen dancing merrily this evening just a while ago . Hazel saw her father and mother in one piece with her father shielding her mother with a broken glass shard. She rushed to them but before she could one of the rogues came between them baring it's portruded fangs at her . Hazel tried to be brave because the person in front of her was one of her close friends Mavis."Mavis please I know you're in there please come back to your senses "Hazel cried hopping her friend would hear her. Mavis first stared at her blankly for sometime before as if something snapped within her enlongated her fangs and attacked Hazel . Hazel screamed and covered her face awaiting for the piercing of fangs in her skin but it never came . Relieved and at the same time confused she removed her hand from her face and saw her friend who was now a rogue gramacing in pain as if her sanity was back ."Ha- "she began but just like before changed and turned to glare at Donovan who had stabbed her with the glass shard in his hand. The rogue pulled out the shard from her skin and tried sinking her fangs into his neck but Donovan stopped him and in the process the rogue ripped his hand from his body only leaving him with a short arm from his shoulder to elbow. "No!"Hazel cried staring in horror at her father's arm on the floor.