
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Familiar figure

The Wiltchiz carriage finally stopped in front of a luxurious mansion where light music could be heard being played from the inside. Donovan got down from the first carriage whiles his wife and daughter got out from the second one . Vanessa got down first before Hazel did . They walked to where Donovan was and they walked to the mansion together. Hazel looked around and was mesmerized with how pretty the environment looked . Looking at where there seemed to be a lot of flowers planted she saw a familiar figure with his back facing her , before she could verify who it was Vanessa pulled her along with her as they entered the Mansion.

The Javier's were very rich even richer than Hazel had thought. They were far richer than the Wiltchiz and this even further affirmed the decision Donovan made of getting his daughter into such family. The Javier's family approached them and a woman dressed in an expensive blue colored dress Chided"Welcome to our soiree Mr and Mrs Wiltchiz ". Vanessa only nodded whiles Donovan took the initiative to converse" Lousia I didn't know you have returned from your journey already ". Louisa just smiled and replied "I returned two weeks ago when Jeremy did as well but I was not in good shape that's why I wasn't able to attend your soiree but I'm glad you attended mine ". Donovan nodded and looked around , the mansion was decorated lavishly to perfection he noted . Louisa excused herself and went to greet the other guests who just arrived . Hazel scanned the crowd and spotted Vera , the Javier's only daughter. "Oh I even forgot to tell you guys about the knew ship my family bought , is one of the most lavish one's in the entire continent with everything on point -"Vera bragged to the young nobles who had surrounded her . Hazel rolled her eyes and was looking for her friends when a

she heard "I didn't know you were going to come ". Hazel turned around and was not surprised when she saw Jeremy dressed in a well tailored golden green suit .It was a turtle neck dress hugging his body perfectly and making one wonder what's beneath it . Hazel smiled and bowed to greet him before saying "I didn't even know I was going to come either but with how our families are trying to tie us down I expected it ". Jeremy smiled in admiration when he saw that light smile on her lip , and muttered"You're a very beautiful woman Lady Hazel ". "Thank you "she chided and smiled awkwardly not knowing what to say .She wanted to excuse herself but didn't know what to do next after here since it seemed her mother had stopped introducing her to people for possible suitors.

As if on cue , the music in the room was changed and Jeremy offered "May I have a dance with you Lady Hazel ". Even before she could refuse he pulled her to the dance floor and she didn't have a choice but to hold his hand . The song began slowly and their body swayed smoothly to the beat of the song , it was a beautiful sight to behold and Donovan couldn't help but be happy. Hazel could feel the scorching gaze of Jeremy on her and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. "W-what exactly do you do on the sea "she queried trying to distract him . "Nothing much , I just make sure everything goes on perfectly with all the goods being exported from the other lands "Jeremy explained. "It must be hard "she muttered and looked through the crowd when she spotted the Lord entering the hall in time."Hmm it is sometimes when-"Jeremy's voice faded as Hazel's sole attention was fixed on the Lord who just walked in . He looked so beautifully handsome that she couldn't take her eyes off him . He was dressed in a navy blue suit with the top two buttons of his shirt undone as usual giving her a clear view of his firm chest . His hair was surprisingly combed to one side which was so unlike him because he always gave off the vibe of being the bad guy type at first glance but today he was dressed like a gentleman just that this time the ear ring in his left ear was gold and there was also a similar gold chain on his neck. Sly captured everyone's attention even without asking for it . All heads turned to look at the dauntingly handsome man who looked like a god . All the women there couldn't help but ogle about how good looking he was including even the married women.

Hazel gulped as everything that happened at the high house the last time rushed to her vividly as if it was happening all over again before her eyes. She unknowingly clutched

Jeremy's shirt which drew his attention and he stopped talking when he noticed she was staring unblinkingly at something behind him. He also turned and he saw the Lord of the land of Alvana Sylvester Reigns walking majestically into the mansion stealing each and everyone's attention. Gritting his teeth he pulled Hazel by the waist to gain her attention and it worked because she snapped out of her daze . "I'm sorry for being inattentive"she bowed and apologized. Jeremy forced a smile and said "It's nothing lady Hazel , it was nice dancing with you "and just then song ended . They both parted ways and Hazel walked to the side to prevent anyone from asking her for a dance . Picking a glass from a passing servant she took a sip from it and looked through the crowd when she spotted the Lord talking to Vera . Unknown to her , her hand on the glass tightened as she looked for a distraction to calm herself. She was looking around idly when she spotted that familiar figure once again holding a flower vase and following behind him closely was Martin. Hazel furrowed her brows whiles she tried to check whether her eyes were playing tricks on her . Giving the wine glass she was holding to an approaching servant , she made an attempt to follow them when someone crossed her. She looked up to only find Sly standing in front of her . "May I have a dance with you Hazel "he muttered and started dragging her to the dance floor , she wanted to object but with the Lord being the center of attention she swallowed it and nodded since everyone's gaze seems to be on them .