
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Cloaked figure II

The cloaked figure was non other than the witch who was sent to give the portion to Hector. The witch who was hiding on the tree thought she had fooled the stalker who was following her . She sat there for sometime waiting for the stalker to move from the alley but he never did . Sly intentionally walked to the tree she was on and leaned on it as he lit a cigar . The witch gritted her teeth at the foul smell of the cigar and jumped from the tree with a dagger in her hand . "I was wondering how long you were going to behave as a monkey up there"Sly taunted removing the cigar from his mouth and quenching it with his hand . The witch glared at him and pulled a dagger another from her waist . "I would have let you go without harming you because of how good looking you're , but unfortunately just like the rest you arrogant creatures think you will always get your way " the witch seethed and without delay attacked Sly with full force. The witch moved the dagger close to Sly's cheek but he dodge it . The witch continued to attack not giving or leaving any Chance for Sly to attack and Sly continued to dodge all her attacks. He was only playing with her and see how long she would last . After attacking several times , she grew tired and gritted her teeth. The witch blazed with anger when she couldn't even scratch Sly , she changed her tactics and blew a smoke like substance into the air . The smoke enveloped the whole place making it harder for anyone to see through it but not the witch . The witch frowned when she didn't find Sly at where he was previously standing and also couldn't find him anywhere. She chuckled and tried escaping instead when she felt a dagger on her neck , " that was cheating when all I was trying to do all this while was just to play along with you "Sly muttered with a cunning smile on his lips. With one swift movement he turned her around and pinned her to the tree with the dagger still on her neck ."Who sent you and was it that you gave to that beggar?"Sly queried not beating around the bush . The witch pulled on a mischievous smirk "And why do you think I'll tell you " . Sly pushed the dagger further into her neck which caused blood to drip from her neck and said "You might be a fierce one but don't worry because I'm here for you " and winked as well before putting his gloves hand at where her heart is located. The witch swallowed when she got an idea of what Sly was planning of doing but she didn't want to give up even when her life was on it. "Are you sure whoever that sent you is worth the pain that you're going to go through?" he enquired digging his nails into her chest. The witch's face scrunched up as she tried not to make a sound but the pain was unbearable. The cloth on her head moved a little revealing a half burned face , looking at the other half she was a very beautiful woman. Knowing that the witch won't talk no matter what , he squashed her heart which earned a loud screech throughout the alley.

Wiping his gloves hand with the witches Cloak he left the alley.

On the other side of the market where people could be seen moving about stood a young man beside a beggar who was also blind. Sly reached there in no time and squatted to be of the same height with the beggar ."For how long have you been sitting here ?"he queried. The beggar answered "For the past ten years sir ". "Hmm and for how long have you been pretending to be blind"he questioned which caused the blind man to look at him with wide eyes but realising his mistake he looked back into the bowl and replied"I'm not sure about what you're talking about sir ". Sly didn't bother to speak to him and took whatever coins that were in the bowl and poured it into a small pouch which was handed to him by the short man who was also standing beside the beggar . The poor beggar's eyes flashed with anger as he seethed "how dare you steel my coins !" and tried snatching it away from him but Sly stood up. "So you can see after all "Sly questioned throwing his coins back to him ." Who was that person in the Cloak and what did she give you ?". The beggar gave him a wary gaze before asking curiously"how did you know it's a woman ". Sly only gave him a blank look and the beggar quickly said "what do I get in return after giving you the-"he commented and was interrupted with a heavy pouch landing on his lap . Clearing his throat he began "A week ago , she came to me and told be to keep an eye on a certain man but she didn't tell me his name and only gave me a picture of him "he paused clenching the the pouch of coins closer to him . "I was asked to pass on some information to him and also the other way round but I never got to know what it was all about until one time when they talked about a potion which has been made specially to kill vampires, werewolves and demons. Whatever you saw being given to me was only a gold coin which was my payment for my service , I actually swallowed it because I didn't want anyone to take it". Sly frowned and stood on one of his leg , "What did she give you ?" he demanded. The man's face paled and stammered" I-I just told you ". Even the short man standing there nodded , but didn't dare interject. "Retch it!!".

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