
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Cloaked figure I

It was finally time for breakfast in the Wiltchiz mansion and the family of three sat down to have their breakfast. "I met Mr Javier's son , Jeremy during the soiree and he was of good company"Donovan said unaware of what had happened . Vanessa just nodded to give her husband the confirmation that she was listening. "I've already talked to Javier and he would be arranging for us to meet his son when he gets time to fix a possible alliance between Hazel and Jeremy". Donovan informed and Hazel choked on her food.

*Cough *cough *

"Are you alright dear"Donovan enquired and Hazel nodded."That's good to hear then but I think all this has to be delayed"Vanessa began and paused to look at her daughter who's face paled with the thought that her mom was going to tell her dad about the incident. "Because Hazel seams to forget some basic manners" she concluded and both Hazel and Donovan frowned. "What are you saying Nessa , Hazel is something wrong ?"He asked stopping whatever that he was about to put in his mouth. "No , it's just that I thought of telling her formal governess to come back and re teach her somethings she might have forgotten"Vanessa replied. Hazel clenched her cutlery tightly and bit her bottom lip. 'Was mom doing all this because of what happened'. Donovan's frown deepened and he probed "But Hazel is very smart , she had performed perfectly when her previous governess was here. Is something wrong ?". "Father I'm fine with it, if mother wishes for my previous governess to come back then it's fine with me"Hazel interjected. Donovan didn't say anything because he knew they wouldn't tell him but that doesn't mean he won't find out .

Ronald entered their mansion and was not surprised when he didn't find his mother and sister. He rolled his eyes when the butler of the mansion reported to him how his sister was throwing a tantrum that if she doesn't marry the Lord then she would kill herself. "Is she dead already?"he asked. He knew his sister so well and knew how selfish she was , she would never kill herself because the Lord chose to marry her cousin instead. The butler was surprised by the question but still answered "N-no master Ronald". Ronald entered his room and freshened up , after he was done something caught his eye on his bedside table. It was a scarf , a light smile appeared on his lips and the next moment he turned into a bat and appeared inside a room full of books. He walked to a certain spot and touched it , chuckling he mumbled"A ghost , huh". He stayed there for sometime and left the place the same way he had come.

The days flew by quickly and Hazel wasn't given the chance to even step out of her mansion. Her previous governess too didn't give her time to rest as she thought her from morning to evening. Finally deciding to try her luck she sneaked out of her study to her father who was about to leave the house ."Father! "she called and approached him. Donovan turned around and gave her a warm smile ,"Can I come with you today?"she asked . Donovan didn't find anything wrong with it and agreed. Vanessa didn't even get the chance to object because the duo left before she could. "The gardener who had decorated our house the last time where is he from?"Donovan enquired once they were in the carriage . Hazel's face paled and she liked her dry lips to buy sometime."H-hes from one of the towns on this land "she answered evasively. "Which town ?" he queried and she blurted out "Valeen ". She didn't even know why but she just said whatever that came to mind because this town doesn't exist. She was praying that her father wouldn't ask her where it was because she didn't know. Donovan only hummed and looked out of the window as if deep thought. Hazel sighed and just when she was about to join him into staring at the window he relayed"Take me to his place tomorrow". Hazel looked at him wide eyes and only nodded .

Martin woke up with a throbbing headache which made it impossible for him to open he eyes."Arghh!"he groaned and held his head . Martha who heard the sound her son made rushed to him."Thank goodness you're awake"She said her eyes tearing up ."Mother "he mumbled and forcefully opened his eyes ."Ah!"he groaned once again when he tried to sit up ."Stay still my son , your father would be here soon with the witch "she consoled and he frowned . 'Witch' he thought . Not long after Hector emerged from the door with a woman dressed in a black Cloak trailing behind. The woman didn't utter a word and approached him ,"I hope you haven't forgotten your end of the deal "the witch said . "I haven't "he answered and the woman nodded before approaching Martin. Moving her hand in a circular form a black vapour like substance appeared out of nowhere and went straight to hover on Martin , after sometime it disintegrated into Martin's body and he went limp on the bed."The first family master is aiming at is the Javiers mansion but make sure is not one of the family members"the witch warned still not revealing her face and walked out. when the witch was out of ear shot Martha asked anxiously "Is this really safe ". Hector only sighed with a determined look before he muttered"that's the least I can do to put my brother and his family at rest ".

In a dark alley a man dressed in a golden blue dress walked with an expressionless face. Walking with him was a short man who was trying all he could to walk in the same pace his master was walking like. "My Lord , the black witch I went to told me that the first bottle of the unknown potion would first be tested out in levin first before Alvana "the man reported. Slyvester only hummed and continued walking when he spotted a cloaked figure. The figure walked to a beggar who was blind and dropped something in the bowl. The blind beggar took whatever that was in the bowl and kept it in his mouth . Sly frowned and ordered " make sure that scrounger doesn't move from there". The man nodded and intentionally approached the man a dropped a coin in his bowl and started conversing with him. Sly on the other hand followed figure and as if the latter noticed , the person started walking very fast and walked to another alley which was much quieter with barely anyone around. Sly smirked and followed the person to that alley but only to find it empty. His eyes brightened with amusement as he chuckled and muttered under his breath "fool".

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