
The Lord's possession

"Martin!" Hazel whisper yelled approaching him ."Hazel what are you doing here you're supposed to be at the soiree"Martin queried . "I came here because of you , there's something I want to say to my parents but you need to be there"she tried to explain quickly holding his hand ."Hazel I hope it's not what I'm thinking?"he enquired because he knew that would be the craziest thing to do."it sure is "she answered quickly and held his hand to drag him but he didn't budge ."Please let's talk this through first"he pleaded and she nodded ."follow me "she said and he did so, they entered one of the many rooms in the mansion and locked it . But the room was very dim probably because it was not used much often , Hazel's thick red eyes shone beautiful in the dark with her long lashes hovering over it ."Martin please for once can you trust me without asking any qu-"Hazel started but before she she could finish she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door which opened the door forcefully and in came the Lord of the land of Alvana, Sylvester Reigns.

Reese_Nova17 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

At the High house

Sly glared at the beggar who's face was dripping with cold sweat. "I-I can't ,I normally get it through my faeces "the beggar stammered but Sly didn't buy it . "Get him to the dungeon "he ordered the short man and he nodded. The short man just knocked him down and called for some men who had camouflaged themselves with the crowd . Sly on the other hand turned around and started walking through away.

Hazel and her dad arrived at the High house and she couldn't help but look around. The high house was situated in an enclosed place surrounded by the thick forest and also far away from the prying eyes of the town folks.

Hazel observed the gaint building with white walls with mixed feelings. That was because this was the highest firm in the five lands and also where most of the villagers seek justice but she knew it was far from it . Their carriage stopped in front of the building and she alighted after her father did. Their carriage further continued as a man dressed in a well tailored brown shirt directed it . Hazel and her dad entered the house and she noticed how the place was full of men with no woman in sight. Donovan who noticed how her daughter was looking around commented"the people here are all men because of the kind of work we do ". Hazel just nodded and just then one of the men who appeared out of the next hallway approached them ."Duke Donovan"he greeted with a slight bow as his eyes passed on Hazel for some fleeting seconds before it returned to Donovan. "Councilman Eric, Hazel meet my assistant Eric Gales "Donovan introduced and she just nodded. Donovan began walking and the man followed suit whiles Hazel tailed behind taking her own precious time to look around since she knew the way to her father's office. "Did you find out whether it was indeed her "Donovan asked when they reached his office. The man nodded and brought out a portrait from his coat ."The last person who saw her said she was asking for direction to a village called mythy. "the man explained putting the portrait down . Donovan stared at the portrait with a grim expression because the person in the portrait looks exactly like her daughter , Hazel. "Tell my men to find her and if they do , kill her "he seethed and the man nodded , this wasn't the first time he was being asked to do something like this with the Duke's men .

Hazel on the other hand was walking around when she bumped into someone. The papers the person was holding fell down and she quickly bent down to help him pack his papers . "Sorry "she muttered and looked up to find a blonde haired guy with brown eyes , he was good looking Hazel admitted and bowed . "You might be Hazel "he muttered and she nodded . 'How did he know'she thought staring at him and he answered as if he heard her."News travel very fast over here in the council , especially when you're this good looking"he said . Hazel blushed , well she has heard this a couple of times but she can't help but blush every time someone compliments her . "I'm Aa-"he tried to introduce but was interrupted with a strict voice "I didn't know you had enough time idling around Aaron ". Hazel turned to source of the voice and her face paled , 'What's he doing here 'she thought glaring at him. Sly gave her a mischievous smile before turning his gaze to the man who scurried away after receiving the intense glare of the Lord. "I didn't know you wanted to come to the council , I would have brought you here personally "he offered coming to stand in front of her . Hazel wanted to glare at him but feeling the intensity of his gaze she backed down . She turned around and started walking away but he caught her wrist , she gritted her teeth and glared at him this time, even though he was good looking and all she didn't care ."Let go if my hand "she muttered trying to stay calm , especially when almost everyone who was passing was looking at them with a weird gaze. "What if I don't"he taunted and she clenched her fist before trying to forcefully pull her hand out of his tight grip which was close to impossible. Having gotten enough stares from the councilmen she pleaded"Please let go " . The Conner of Sly's lips pulled up as he pulled her along with him to his office . Each and every Lord of the land had a personal office at the house . Closing the door he pinned her against the door and she glared at him ."Why are you so hell-bent on marrying me "she queried the most bugging question on her mind . "Because it's you " he answered vaguely and she felt like punching his face but glared at him instead. "Even though you know I love somebody else , what if I continue to love that person even after the marriage"she asked. 'Will he still accept the fact that his wife loves somebody else'. "That can be fixed"he answered . "No it c-"she tried to object but swallowed her words when he leaned down on her . Moving his lips to her earlobe he asked hoarsely" are you sure ". Hazel heart skipped a couple of beats as her face burned red . She could feel his hot breath fanning her ears ."I can hear your heart beating rapidly in your chest"he muttered and she objected almost immediately"no it's not !". She closed her eyes and tried to calm her heart but it only intensified when she felt his hand sneaking around her waist . He pulled her to himself as he stared directly into her eyes . Hazel could barely breathe with their close proximity. "You dare deny the truth even when you know your heart is beating so erratically" Sly Chided and she swallowed. Pulling back from her he took a step back and said "I've given you three months to get over him so make sure to utilize it ". Hazel who was panting managed to calm down and said "I don't think I will be able to get over him ". Sly turned around to sit in his chair and said in an ordering voice "You can leave". Hazel didn't waist time and dashed out of the room as Sly continued to stare at the door . He knew she was stubborn and he was up for it .