

This is a Chinese translated novel, all copyright is reversed to the author, while the English translation to me. Author: You You Xian Translator: Doyenro(for fun) Wei Wei, who was lucky enough to win a reincarnation package and took over a female doctor's body with life skills. It's a pity that the system got the wrong place to cross, and the prosperous ancient times in the east transformed by her predecessors turned into a stinking dark Middle Ages in the west where food was scarce.  What can she do? We can only push up our sleeves to encourage everyone to talk about hygiene and civilization to build a harmonious society. Wei Wei: "The first step is to clean up this garbage dump-like castle." Felix: "My dear, marry me first, don't talk about the castle. The whole territory is up to you." T/N: * I do not own this novel, just translating for fun. * Contact me if the original novel is being officially translated, so I stop. * The original novel does not have a tittle for each chapters, so I will be giving it a title. * Check out "Rebirth of Hollywood Lady." * Cover art not own by me.

Doyenro · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 - Dinner

Probably after staying in the capital for a long time, Felix's way of speaking is more or less contaminated with the frivolity and exaggeration of the capital's nobles. Fortunately, he behaves appropriately, his eyes are not overthinking, and his appearance is not small. The extra points made Wei Wei not feel bad about him.

Today's dinner is a feast, and there are more than just them. The knights participating in the hunting will be seated. This is a routine reward after each hunt.

Wei Wei was invited to sit on the right side of the main seat Felix, on the other side was Felix's sister Dolores, and on the other side sat an elderly man in a priestly robe, Father Matthew.

The knights are sitting at the end of the long table. The middle section of the long table is empty.

If there were no unmarried female guests, Felix would let them sit in the front, but it was clearly inappropriate now.

The food on both sides is not the same.

The main course of the dinner was the wild boars they killed today, but the knights ate meat cooked with adult wild boars, while the four people in the main seat were placed in front of the roast suckling pigs roasted with wild piglets.

In addition to wild pork, breaded fruits and vegetables are also on the table.

Bread is white bread that only the nobles eat, but unlike the soft bread that Wei Wei knows, they look tough and taste like biscuits or other flour products.

Fruits and vegetables are common types nowadays, but people now eat them differently from later generations.

At this time, people think that fruit is cold and that eating raw is harmful to the body, so it must be cooked and eaten. Only inferior people will eat fruit raw.

The opposite is true for vegetables.

It's not that Wei Wei has never eaten the cooked fruit. Isn't canned fruit also the fruit of various countries?

But the cooking method at this time is very problematic.

Wei Wei glanced at the soup on the table. Her keen nose told her that there are many spices in this bowl of fruit soup. The most obvious thing is that there must be pepper in it.

If the fruit soup is sweet and salty, Wei Wei must be the latter. She does not accept any added flavor other than sweetness.

The vegetables served as a salad are made from cabbage, turnips, carrots, and onions.

To be honest, she can accept the raw cabbage, but the raw carrots and onions are challenging the human sense of taste?

Wei Wei doesn't even like cooked carrots, let alone raw carrots.

And Wei Wei didn't want to touch the roast suckling pig that everyone highly praised.

The suckling pork is very tender, and the chef's barbecue technique is also very good. The roast suckling pig is golden and crispy. Still, the other party is not proficient in removing fishy, ​​especially since the wild boar is initially heavier than domestic pigs. However, the other party tried to use a lot of spices to remove the peculiar smell of meat, but Wei Wei's keen sense of smell still captured the taste.

After discovering that she had changed her body, she was likely to become a picky gourmet.

'I think my nose and mouth will sooner or later starve me to death in this world.'

  [No, you have the skills of a chef now, so you can do it yourself if you are uncomfortable with others. ]

Wei Wei thought for a while and felt that it was the truth.

When she complained, the servants had already prepared the dishes, and Felix picked up the knife, which meant that dinner was ready.

Wei Wei's table had a table knife and a soup spoon. The four people on the main seat were like this, but the next knights shared a table knife. Fortunately, everyone had the soup spoon.

It seemed that the tableware she brought herself was useless, but Wei Wei took it out anyway.

She smiled apologetically at the few people who came over curiously: "I'm sorry, I'm not used to the tableware here. Can I use my own?" She is used to it, but she doesn't trust the hygiene habits here.

The hands of the servant who just brought the tableware over were black.

Even these dishes may not be so clean.

No, I can't think about it anymore. I can't eat it anymore.

Although Felix was a little surprised that she would bring utensils, he nodded: "Of course, please feel free."

Others did not respond. They understood the willfulness of the noble lady, not to mention that she was still a noble from the far east. And they don't know what kind of customs the mysterious East has.

But when Wei Wei took out the tableware from the long box, especially the pair of blue and white chopsticks, everyone showed an expression of wonder.

"This is porcelain? I have never seen such patterns. They are so beautiful!"

Blue and white wares of this period are still relatively rare, and they are not very common in China, let alone abroad.

In contrast, their equally exquisite knives, forks, and spoons are less conspicuous.

"This is chopsticks." Wei Wei demonstrated the use of chopsticks. She hesitated in a few dishes and finally caught the cabbage in the vegetable salad.

The flexible way of use is impressive, but this kind of tableware requires practice to use it well.

Wei Wei didn't use those chopsticks for dining either—there were a group of foreigners around, eating Western food. It was a bit nonsense for her to use chopsticks.

She put down her chopsticks and picked up the knife and fork and gracefully cut a small piece of roast suckling pig that Felix highly recommended, and took the cabbage in the salad with a fork. She barely ate some of the hard bread, but the fruit soup didn't move at all.

She regrets letting the system recycle all the food.

"You don't seem to have a good appetite."

 A faint voice came from the side, and Wei Wei turned to see Felix's sister Dolores.

This little girl is a head shorter than her, and she doesn't seem to be very old, but she matures a bit earlier because of Westerners. Wei Wei is not sure if she is younger than outside.

Dolores and Felix look alike. They are both blond and blue eyes, with a few cute freckles on their cheeks and delicate features.

But compared to her identity, she looked a little cowardly and timid, and when Wei Wei looked over, she didn't dare to look at her directly.

But from what she asked, she should be a kind little girl.

Maybe it's not too favored?

Wei Wei glanced at Felix, who was discussing issues with Father Matthew from the corner of her eye and smiled friendly at the little girl.

She also whispered, "I'm not used to the eating habits here. You know, I'm from the East. The food on our side is different from here."

Probably because of her smile, Dolores also relaxed, her voice louder: "But you should still eat more, you look too thin." The little girl looked at her, focusing on her waistline.

No, my standard a4 waist is not thin at all.

Wei Wei smiled politely: "I think I need to get used to it for a while." The little girl nodded in understanding and told her: "You are your brother's guest. You can tell the servant if you have any needs. If you are not used to eating food, You can also tell the kitchen, the chef's craftsmanship is good, and they should be able to try to cook some food you are used to."

Wei Wei thought: "Is that so? If I can, can I go to the kitchen to make food by myself?"

"You! You want to cook it yourself?" The little girl opened her eyes incredibly: "Does the noble lady in your place also cook by themselves?"

Of course not.

"We have to learn a lot. Cooking is one of our compulsory courses." Wei Wei smiled: "Although we don't cook often, girls like us must know some specialties. Thanks to Lord Earl's help. I want to express my gratitude for cooking a meal for you."

"You are too polite, Miss Weiwei," it was Felix: "I didn't do anything."

Wei Wei turned her head and said, "No, you not only helped me out of trouble, but you are also willing to take me who has nowhere to go temporarily. I will remember this kindness in my heart."

Her eyes were serious and firm, which shows she remembered this kindness.

Felix was indeed the first person to help her. No matter what the reason, she was very grateful to him.

Felix was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Then I will look forward to your craftsmanship."

"Of course."

After dinner, instead of going to the lounge with them to pass the time, Wei Wei got up to go back to the room and rest and informed the maid that she wanted to take a bath.

The two maids immediately went to prepare for her.

Hot water was heated in the kitchen, and they led Wei Wei to a special bathroom. The floor was lower so that the servants could bring hot water up. The bathroom was equipped with a large wooden bathtub. After the hot water was poured, petals were scattered. It seems very suitable for a bath.

And what surprised Wei Wei was that she was worried about cleaning herself without body soap and shampoo, but there was soap in the bathroom even though there was no such thing.

Yes, soap already exists in the West at this time. Although it is different from later generations, the cleaning effect is not bad.

Although taking a bath with soap is also a challenge for Wei Wei.

She refused the service of the maids, only let them guard the door, took a shower by herself, wiped her wet hair, and came out.

When the maids saw her coming out, they immediately gathered around. Wei Wei could not refuse this time. They quickly stripped her naked. One massaged her body with olive oil, and the other used something with a floral scent similar to hair oil to maintain her hair.

Rebelling against incompetence, I can only lie down and enjoy.

Just treat it as a spa in a beauty salon.

To tell the truth, their massage skills are pretty good. Wei Wei asked casually out of curiosity, only to realize that the two maids turned out to be the close maids of Felix's sister-in-law. The young lady liked bathing and massage very much before she died.

Wei Wei suddenly realized that she could inquire about Sardinian County from the two maids, although Felix also told her some things, it was not clear enough.

With this in mind, she consciously brought the topic to this.


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