
The Lord's Eternal Ascension [Will be updated in future]

The Era of Cataclysm has passed, and now the Era of Awakeners has begun. In a world where supernatural beings and powers exist, strength has always been dominant. Only the strong have the right to speak, while the weak serve as mere decorations for those with power. Amidst this world, Leo Valzet's fate takes a drastic turn when he acquires the Devouring Bloodline. But what lies ahead for him in this new destiny? Will he become a mere pawn for the ruling beings in the vast myriad world? Or will he rise to become the slayer of those very beings? Is his path destined to be one of perpetual downfall, leaving him unable to walk again? Or will he emerge as the Lord, ascending eternally beyond all limitations?

Creator_Destroyer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Newbie Paradise

Leo slowly opened his eyes, realizing that many passengers were disembarking from the train. He noticed that the girl seated beside him had already stood up and left. Following suit, Leo got up and left the train as well.

As he stepped onto the underground station platform, he found it bustling with people. Glancing at the station clock, he saw that it was already 7:30 PM.

"Hmm, it's pretty late already, but one mustn't expect things to come easy; sometimes, you have to work for it," Leo mused, feeling motivated.

With a newfound determination, he made his way towards another Hunter Domain he had researched beforehand.

Leaving the underground station, darkness enveloped him. However, Leo wasn't deterred, and he proceeded towards the nearby Hunter Domain since it wasn't far.

Soon, he arrived at a crowded place where everyone present was an awakener. Leo then went to a counter to purchase a ticket to enter the Hunter Domain.

"The ticket price is 2000 AP, sir," the man behind the counter said with a hint of irritation, frowning at his computer screen.

Leo was surprised, despite having read about it beforehand. 'Haaa, just as expected from a Hunter Domain in City 8, also known as Newbie Paradise. They must be raking in a lot of money here, ' he inwardly sighed, reluctantly paying the fee.

Newbie paradise has Monster Domain of all sorts , so if one had money, power, determination and talent they could throw away their title of Newbie.It is a famous place were many Awakeners from neighbouring city come.

Once he had the ticket, the man informed him, "You are only allowed to remain inside for an hour; after that, you'll be charged an additional 2 AP per second."

Leo's body tensed slightly, and his mouth twitched upon hearing this. "Damn, these money-grubbers," he muttered under his breath, annoyed by the steep charges. Nonetheless, he brushed it off and was about to enter when he overheard a conversation in the left side of the counter next to his.

''What do you mean his train was delayed? We all made the plan" A girl with brown hair and eyes waering blue full vest and tight black pant said loudly ,attracting the nearby attraction,as her body a shaking not because she was happy but because of frustation and anger.

"You know his train passes through Hunter Domain 21, and haven't you heard the news? Those monsters were reported to destroy the track, that's why he is late," explained a boy with brown hair and eyes who was wearing black shirt and pant , with features just like the girl's, as he spoke with a sense of depression, frustration, anger, and irritation, unable to handle the girl's arrogance.

"You two why don't you calm down. You guys are disturbing others. And also there is already three of us nothing much his going to change if he doesn't come." A man with red hair and black eyes shook his head in the childish action of the duo and tried to calm the duo.

The duo noyiced the gazes of the people beside them and finally calmed.

Seeing the fun die down, the people returned back to their work.

Leo observed the scene, realizing that he found the girl vaguely familiar. "Hmmm, isn't she the one who was sitting next to me?" he pondered briefly. However, he didn't have time to dwell on it and decided to walk away like the rest. Yet, just as he was about to leave, he heard the girl's voice calling out with irritation.

"YOU," her words resounded in his ears, and for some reason, Leo felt that she was addressing him.

Turning around, he saw the girl pointing at him, accompanied by apologetic looks from the boy and the man with red hair and black eyes standing beside her.

It didn't take Leo and the onlookers long to understand the situation.

"This girl is trying to vent her anger on me, huh."



Leo found himself inside Monster Domain 478, a cave-type domain teeming with various creatures.

As he skillfully slashed through the monsters, he couldn't shake off the feeling of someone staring at him with hostility. He knew it was the same girl who had foolishly tried to blame him for no reason.

Just as Leo was about to confront the girl before she could utter a single word, her companion and some guards intervened to pacify her.

Leo continued his venture, discreetly consuming the monsters' blood to maintain his hidden abilities.

However, he realized that he hadn't encountered any powerful monsters beyond the H- Realm, likely because he hadn't delved deep enough into the domain.

Despite the chilling atmosphere, dimly lit by ancient lamps and occasional eyes lurking in the darkness, Leo felt an insatiable hunger for strength as he pressed forward.


Suddenly, a bat-like creature attacked him, emitting a horrendous screeching sound, that would make anyone want to pluck their ears. Leo managed to dispatch the creature swiftly, but not without sustaining a minor injury.

When Leo touched his left ear he beel the warm lquid covering his finger.

Leo removed the blood with a cloth and proceeded to collect the usefull part of the Monster.

Then he drank the blood of the monster.Like always, burning sensation and pain coursed through his body.

After enduring the pain caused by drinking the creature's blood, Leo resumed his hunt, seeking more formidable foes.

However, his excitement turned into horror when he stumbled upon a gruesome scene. Three lifeless bodies lay on the ground, being devoured by monsters and surrounded by worms and flies. Among the corpses was the girl he had encountered before, her mouth now filled with worms.

Leo felt a surge of depression and irritation as he observed the ghastly sight. Despite not having a personal connection with these people and despite the girl's false accusations, seeing them in such a dreadful state stirred his emotions.