
The Lord's Eternal Ascension [Will be updated in future]

The Era of Cataclysm has passed, and now the Era of Awakeners has begun. In a world where supernatural beings and powers exist, strength has always been dominant. Only the strong have the right to speak, while the weak serve as mere decorations for those with power. Amidst this world, Leo Valzet's fate takes a drastic turn when he acquires the Devouring Bloodline. But what lies ahead for him in this new destiny? Will he become a mere pawn for the ruling beings in the vast myriad world? Or will he rise to become the slayer of those very beings? Is his path destined to be one of perpetual downfall, leaving him unable to walk again? Or will he emerge as the Lord, ascending eternally beyond all limitations?

Creator_Destroyer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Breakthrough and Travelling

Leo had sold the body of the monster Perek for a substantial sum of 15,000 AP in a single day, a testament to the prestige and respect Awakeners commanded. Everyone admired and aspired to become one of them.

Now, back in his room, Leo faced another critical decision: whether to sell the Monster Core he possessed or not.

The Monster Core was a vital component of a monster, analogous to the Mana Core found in humans during the Awakening process.

Selling the Monster Core of Perek could fetch him another 15,000 AP, a tempting offer. He pondered over it for a while but ultimately chose against it. Instead, he decided to absorb the core, which could potentially elevate his minor realm, raising him to H+ level.

However, before doing that, he turned his attention to a small bottle half-filled with blood.

Without hesitation, Leo consumed all the blood in the bottle.

As he did so, a searing heat enveloped his body, and pain surged through him. But this time, it was more intense than before.

The agony he endured during the process was almost unbearable, causing his body to redden, and his bones and skin to feel like they might shatter at any moment. Yet, the pain was worth it, as it significantly increased his endurance.

After a few minutes, his body returned to normal, albeit slightly stiff. Ignoring the stiffness, Leo stood up and threw a powerful punch into the air. The speed and force of his punch were incredible, far beyond what an ordinary human could achieve.

"Hahaha, this bloodline... it's like cheating," he chuckled in amazement, reveling in his newfound strength and agility.

Leo could sense the clear difference in his power, and even his feet felt lighter.

Overflowing with excitement, satisfaction, and happiness, Leo's mind briefly drifted to his beloved mother and hardworking father. He wished they were there to witness his growth.

"I wish you guys were here to see me," he said emotionally, but he knew he had more pressing matters at hand.

Next on his agenda was absorbing the Monster Core. Leo held a blue-white glowing ball, about the size of a cricket ball, which was Monster Core.

With closed eyes, he focused his attention, feeling the immense amount of mana emanating from the core. The Monster Core was a treasure sought after by many, as it significantly expedited the process of getting stronger.

Guiding the mana through his body's established Mana Pathways, Leo directed it toward his own Mana Core in the Solar Plexus. There, he harmonized his mana with the Monster Core's mana, slowly absorbing its power in the process.

During the absorption, some mana was lost due to the unique nature of each being's mana. Nevertheless, Leo persevered, and after a while, the Monster Core in his hand disappeared.

Covered in sweat, Leo opened his eyes and instinctively checked the System Interface. A smile stretched across his face as he read the results:


Name: Leo Valzet

Realm: H+

Bloodline: Devouring Bloodline



Leo was travelling to a different city away from City 5.

"Reports has stated that Monster activity worldwide had increased their slaughter rates by 5% in just a few days. Awakeners from all corners were being dispatched to Monster Domains at a rapid pace to combat this surge, but the reasons behind it remained a mystery.

A charming woman with a sweet voice told the news hurriedly.

"Man, what's happening in the world?"

"What? It's not like it's the first time."

"But you know, 5% might sound low, but it's the highest increase in decades. The previous record was 3.2%, and back then, many cities were destroyed."

"Well, I guess you're right."

Leo listened to the boys behind him discussing the news, and he couldn't help but wonder,

'Hmm, is this because of that?'

'Maybe it is, or maybe it isn't.'

'In any case, I need to be prepared for the worst.'

Leo's thoughts echoed those of the boys, but he harbored a slightly different concern.

Seated alone, Leo wasn't occupying just one seat because he was rich, but because the person meant to sit next to him either hadn't arrived yet or would board the train at the next stop.

The journey was expected to take around 2 to 3 hours, and Leo decided to take advantage of the time to get some rest. His body felt sore and stiff, and he hadn't had proper rest in a while. He closed his eyes, attempting to fall asleep.

Leo had specific goals for his journey.

Since, Monster rate was increasing he has to fasten his growth rate.

If the Monster rate keeps increasing and he lags behind he will be trampeled , not even having a chance to get up and walk adain.

The pressure on him suddenly increased and he tightened his fist but his body was way exausted to think more so he slept.



"We have arrived at City 6 Station. Thank you."

A calm female voice announced the arrival.

Leo woke up from his hour-long nap, feeling refreshed and revitalized. As an Awakener, he knew that absorbing Mana would be crucial for his strength.

He noticed a young girl taking the seat next to him—a pretty girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and an alluring figure.

However, Leo remained indifferent and closed his eyes, focusing on sensing the Mana in the air.

As he concentrated, the Mana around him grew heavy, slowly gathering near him. Leo absorbed the blue-white Mana through the Mana Pathways spread throughout his body, strengthening his body in the process. Finally, the Mana was absorbed by his Mana Core, expanding his Mana Capacity and refining its quality. The sensation was blissful, akin to being massaged all over his body.


The girl beside Leo noticed the Mana gathering around her seat. Upon observing Leo absorbing it, she quickly deduced that he was an Awakener.

"Intresting... To Awaken in this age, he must be quite lucky," she scoffed, continuing, "But he's just some trash destined to be thrown away."

Though fully focused on absorbing Mana, Leo couldn't help but overhear her words. Yet, he chose to ignore her as he found himself in a critical moment of empowerment.

Lost in the process, time seemed to elude Leo until he heard the familiar announcement,

"We have arrived at City 8 station. Thank you."