
The Lord's Empire (Translation)

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground. With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Firstly, This is a translation, thus no amount of moaning, groaning, and whining will get me to do absolutely anything other than translate. Secondly, If you have a problem with the stronger ideas in this book of any variety, please refer to the sentence above. Thirdly, If you have a problem with any of the things in this synopsis, Do... Not... Read. I have the attention span of a fruit fly, so skip the time wasting negative review (Including constructive criticism, again I'm the translator not author, I couldn't care less) and just don't read, simple. Fourthly, Don't expect perfection. I am human, this human will not be remembering the entirety of this book, thus there will be a few names that are miss spelled or are entirely incorrect (I will attempt to keep this at a minimum though). this is exacerbated by the fact that this is purely a passion project, thus I'll be making absolutely nothing moneywise. Fifthly, I will attempt to put up a chapter at the very least 5 days of the week, but if my other books are anything to go off of, that may not happen. However, translating this is supremely easy compared to creating a whole new story so we will just have to see. Finally, This is in no way going to make me money, thus I beg of thy, do not strike me down Webnovel gods. MrVoltaire's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com(Remove)/mrvoltaire

LiquidCallous · War
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115 Chs

Chapter 1791

Zhao Fu looked at the metal ball that was about to explode and planned to let the alchemy army bear the terrifying destructive power, which was to be considered self-inflicted.

But at this moment, the metal ball seemed to be conscious, looking like it was feeling that it was surrounded by a large number of its own people, it tried hard to control itself from exploding. However, countless rays of light emanated from it, and he himself couldn't control it, so it flew directly into the sky.


A deafening explosion erupted as the metal ball released a huge blast, countless dazzling white light spreading out, turning the sky and earth into a white expanse. A terrifying shockwave spread out, directly turning the surrounding clouds into nothingness and a larger storm swept towards all directions.

The Huo Gui's face looked a little ugly. He knew that the metal ball had recognition ability, and it wouldn't explode if it sensed a large number of its own side's people, unless there was an accident. He wasn't too worried about this.

The reason why his face looked bad was that the metal ball was extremely precious, very difficult to manufacture, and very rare.

But he didn't expect that the metal ball that was originally heading towards Great Qin was transferred to the alchemy side, what a waste he lamented.

Zhao Fu also looked surprised. He didn't expect the metal ball to have this ability, and he had underestimated it a bit.


At this time, the alchemy soldiers also attacked the city wall and started fighting with the Great Qin soldiers.

One alchemy soldier punched a Great Qin soldier and sent him flying, one alchemy soldier slashed a Great Qin soldier and killed him, one alchemy soldier held a long spear and pierced through a Great Qin soldier's body.

One Great Qin soldier brought out a sword light with a sword, beheading an alchemy soldier's head, one Great Qin soldier used an axe to chop an alchemy soldier in half, and one Great Qin soldier used a hammer to smash an alchemy soldier away.

Blood kept splattering, screams kept echoing, the sound shaking the four directions, extremely intense, and more and more people were dying.

Because there were 2 billion people on the Great Qin city wall, they had a large numerical advantage, and successfully suppressed the attacking alchemy soldiers.

At this time, Bing Han snorted coldly, took out a fist-sized mechanical eyeball, cut open his palm, and let the blood flow out. The mechanical eyeball continuously absorbed the blood and emitted a strong ice light.

The mechanical eye began to rise and flew into the sky, with a large amount of alchemy power pouring into it from all around.

The metal eye absorbed a large amount of alchemy power, and its size kept changing until it became a ten-thousand-meter eye.

The eye was icy blue in color, with silver pupils, and a circle of runes around the eye, exuding a terrifying coldness. The temperature around it rapidly dropped and even began to freeze, and ice clouds condensed in the sky.

Bing Han raised one hand, injected a powerful force into it, and the palm emitted ice light. The huge eye in the sky directly erupted with a cold air. The eye seemed to have consciousness, looking at the Great Qin city wall.


A loud roar sounded, and the alchemy power around continued to pour into it. The eyeball emitted a strong ice light, and the circles of runes began to rotate. A extremely cold air spread out.

The coldness reached its extreme, and countless ice lights were emitted from the eyeball, staring at the walls of Great Qin.

The walls of Great Qin quickly formed a thick layer of ice, and the temperature dropped suddenly, becoming extremely low.

The soldiers around quickly held shields in front of them, and a huge force was injected into the shields. The shields emitted black light, forming a huge black screen, blocking the walls of Great Qin.

But it was of no use. The black screen quickly froze, and many soldiers felt an extreme coldness, staring at their bodies beginning to freeze.

Where the huge ice eyeball's gaze reached, no one could stop it. Everything began to freeze into thick ice.

One side of the wall of Great Qin was already covered with thick ice. The soldiers on the wall were all frozen like ice sculptures, and it was unclear how many soldiers had died.

The huge ice eyeball slowly moved its gaze and looked towards other parts of the wall of Great Qin, which quickly froze.

Other alchemists also roared loudly, with a huge momentum, rushing towards the wall of Great Qin, hoping to break through Great Qin's defense.

The ice sneered and said loudly, "This is the power of our Ice Family. I told you that you wouldn't win. Now kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, and maybe I can keep you as my dog."

Zhao Fu, with a trace of anger, immediately shouted, "Empress Demon! Quickly go forward and stop that eyeball."

The Empress Demon nodded seriously, and her body turned into countless magic energy dissipating. In the next second, the magic energy gathered again, and the Empress Demon's body appeared near the eye.

But because of the lessons learned from the last time, the leaders of all sides were standing on a Holy Beast over 10,000 meters in size. Just as the Demon Empress appeared, the Holy Beast had already sensed her presence. Even before she could launch an attack, the barrels of countless cannons were already aimed at her.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, powerful beams of light, carrying destructive power and astonishing momentum, shot towards the Demon Empress. The number of attacks was simply too great, and the Demon Empress could not dodge them all. She could only choose to defend herself by conjuring up a black magic shield and escaping to one side.


Although she managed to dodge many of the beams of light, the Demon Empress was still hit by some of them. Her body was sent flying, and she crashed heavily into the ground, leaving behind a large pit and a trickle of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

However, the next second, two figures suddenly appeared near the ice. They were Zhao Fu and Yu Ling. At this moment, Zhao Fu was holding Yu Ling's hand with one hand and wielding the Emperor Killing Sword Sword with the other. He used Yu Ling's spatial abilities to teleport directly here.

The other war beasts had yet to react, and even the others present had not thought that Zhao Fu would appear here so silently.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Fu infused a tremendous amount of power into his sword, and a fierce sword intent spread out as he swung it with all his might. A terrifying sword light shot out, aiming straight for the eye.

The eye was taken aback and could not react in time. Its body was sliced in two, blood spraying everywhere as it died on the spot.

The huge eye in the sky turned into countless pieces of ice and fell from the sky, apparently an item that could only be used once.


Zhao Fu, who had just killed the eye beast, felt a strong sense of danger. The barrels of two other Holy Beasts had already been aimed at him.

"Run!" Zhao Fu urgently shouted at Yu Ling.

Yu Ling grabbed Zhao Fu's hand, and a spatial force formed a ball that enveloped the two of them. Then, their bodies also disappeared from the original location.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, terrifying beams of light, carrying astonishing power, shot out, seeming to pierce through space, and waves of terror spread out.

The next second, Zhao Fu and Yu Ling returned to the city wall, but Yu Ling coughed up a mouthful of blood.