
The Lord's Empire (Translation)

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground. With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Firstly, This is a translation, thus no amount of moaning, groaning, and whining will get me to do absolutely anything other than translate. Secondly, If you have a problem with the stronger ideas in this book of any variety, please refer to the sentence above. Thirdly, If you have a problem with any of the things in this synopsis, Do... Not... Read. I have the attention span of a fruit fly, so skip the time wasting negative review (Including constructive criticism, again I'm the translator not author, I couldn't care less) and just don't read, simple. Fourthly, Don't expect perfection. I am human, this human will not be remembering the entirety of this book, thus there will be a few names that are miss spelled or are entirely incorrect (I will attempt to keep this at a minimum though). this is exacerbated by the fact that this is purely a passion project, thus I'll be making absolutely nothing moneywise. Fifthly, I will attempt to put up a chapter at the very least 5 days of the week, but if my other books are anything to go off of, that may not happen. However, translating this is supremely easy compared to creating a whole new story so we will just have to see. Finally, This is in no way going to make me money, thus I beg of thy, do not strike me down Webnovel gods. MrVoltaire's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com(Remove)/mrvoltaire

LiquidCallous · War
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115 Chs

Chapter 1790

Some arrows emit countless flames, a scorching power spreading out. The kilometer-long Holy Beast begins to melt under the flames, and the people inside are burned alive.

Some arrows emit countless blue wind blades, like huge knives that cut the Holy Beast with its hard mechanical body into countless pieces, making a piercing sound. The people on it are also cut into countless pieces.

Some arrows emit countless thunderbolts, and the thunderbolts strike the body of the Holy Beast like silver snakes, twisting and deforming its body, even shattering it. The people on it are also electrocuted to death.


Countless alchemists are shocked by what happened. The powerful killing weapon of the alchemists, the Holy Beast they take pride in, is so easily destroyed. Each Holy Beast represents the efforts of countless families.

This makes them both angry and shocked. What kind of power do these arrows have to easily destroy the Holy Beast?

Originally, there were about 5,000 Holy Beast, but after this wave of attacks, their numbers may have been reduced by 2,000, leaving only over 3,000 Holy Beast. This is definitely a heavy blow to the Holy Beast.

Zhao Fu saw this scene and shows a big smile. This is the power of the disaster pearl, but it also relieved his anger. He had been constantly suppressed by the Holy Beast before, often falling into a disadvantage.


Suddenly, loud beast roars are heard, and the ground is constantly shaking. Huge creatures with fierce momentum are charging towards the Qin side.

These are mechanical creatures that look like dogs, with a kilometer-long body, black crystal-like eyes, ferocious fangs, and very long tails.

From their momentum, they are also Holy Beasts, but unlike ordinary Holy Beasts, these Holy Beasts are very fast and agile.

Soon, these Holy Beasts rushed to the vicinity of the Qin city wall. Some of them vigorously waved their claws, and their immense power cut the bodies of Qin soldiers one by one. Even holding up shields was useless, and they still died in the end.

Some Holy Beasts bit the Qin soldiers on the city wall, and facing such terrible beasts, ordinary soldiers had no resistance. Blood kept splattering, and screams kept coming.

Some Holy Beasts directly rammed the city wall violently, causing the wall to tremble greatly, and soon cracks appeared.

At this critical moment, countless alchemist soldiers also rushed towards the Qin city wall with a terrifying momentum.

At this time, Zhao Fu also did not care about so much, and sent out countless ice and fire flying dragons, numbering around ten thousand, because the number of attacking Holy Beasts was not that many, only a few hundred.


Those ice and fire flying dragons are flying in the sky, carrying a powerful dragon aura, and spewing out powerful icy streams and flames towards the Holy Beast on the ground, causing those Holy beasts to angrily turn towards the ice and fire flying dragons.

The battle is also very intense. Although the number of war beasts is small, each one is kilometers in size. If a flying dragon approaches and attacks with its claws, some of them will jump up and bite at the flying dragons.

Some flying dragons are accidentally knocked out or even bitten by the Holy Beasts, making painful dragon cries and suffering serious injuries.

Some Holy Beasts also shoot out huge beams of light from their mouths, and the terrifying power sends the flying dragons flying out and falling to their deaths from the air.

These war beasts are very fierce, but the Qin flying dragons on this side are numerous and constantly spewing out flames and icy streams, freezing or melting the mechanical bodies of each Holy Beast.

There are also close-range attacks where a dozen or so flying dragons pounce on one Holy Beast and tear it apart. All of these Holy Beast are mechanized and feel no pain, but they retaliate angrily.

On the Alchemy World side, they were also surprised to find that Qin still had so many ice and fire flying dragons.

They immediately ordered the remaining three thousand or so Holy Beasts to aim their huge gun barrels at the Qin city walls.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Terrifying beams of light with powerful force flew towards the other side, causing strong gusts of wind. The sound was frightening.

On the Qin side, one holy light envoy after another extended their hands, emitting a strong holy light aura. One white energy shield after another appeared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Explosions sounded as the beams of light with terrifying power struck the white energy shields. The shields trembled for a while, but eventually blocked most of the beams. The number of Holy Beasts decreased and their attack power greatly weakened.


At this time, the Alchemy soldiers also rushed to the city walls. Some of them brought out ladders, some used grappling hooks, and some began to climb the walls, officially launching the attack on the city.

Qin also continued to fight back, constantly shooting arrows and using heavy objects to hit the Alchemy soldiers, killing some of them directly or shooting them down.

The alchemist soldiers also shot arrows and attacked the soldiers of Great Qin. The battle was extremely intense with deafening sounds, blood flying everywhere, and bodies increasing and covering the ground.

Boom boom boom...

The Holy Beasts aimed their cannons at the city walls and shot terrifying beams of light at the soldiers of Great Qin at incredible speeds.

Boom boom boom...

Countless holy envoys extended their hands towards the war beasts and shot hot beams of light with amazing power at them.

Bang bang bang...

Explosions rang out as the beams collided with each other and caused massive explosions. Shock waves spread out, causing the ground to constantly crack and countless sand and stones to fly.

At this moment, Huo Gui saw that the war was not going well and carefully took out a three-meter metal ball. He then threw it with force, and the metal ball turned into a black shadow and shot towards the city walls.

Zhao Fu saw the metal ball and his heart tightened. He understood the destructive power of that metal ball.

The three-meter metal ball was about to collide with the city walls. Alchemy runes lit up one by one, and an extremely terrifying aura spread out, making the surroundings icy cold.

The metal ball was about to explode and crack open, and Zhao Fu immediately called out, "Yu Ling!"

Yu Ling appeared next to Zhao Fu and extended a small hand, and a spatial force spread out, directly enveloping the metal ball.

The metal ball disappeared directly from its original location and appeared above the alchemy army. Countless dazzling lights spread out, and it was about to burst open.