
The Lord's Empire (Translation)

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground. With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Firstly, This is a translation, thus no amount of moaning, groaning, and whining will get me to do absolutely anything other than translate. Secondly, If you have a problem with the stronger ideas in this book of any variety, please refer to the sentence above. Thirdly, If you have a problem with any of the things in this synopsis, Do... Not... Read. I have the attention span of a fruit fly, so skip the time wasting negative review (Including constructive criticism, again I'm the translator not author, I couldn't care less) and just don't read, simple. Fourthly, Don't expect perfection. I am human, this human will not be remembering the entirety of this book, thus there will be a few names that are miss spelled or are entirely incorrect (I will attempt to keep this at a minimum though). this is exacerbated by the fact that this is purely a passion project, thus I'll be making absolutely nothing moneywise. Fifthly, I will attempt to put up a chapter at the very least 5 days of the week, but if my other books are anything to go off of, that may not happen. However, translating this is supremely easy compared to creating a whole new story so we will just have to see. Finally, This is in no way going to make me money, thus I beg of thy, do not strike me down Webnovel gods. MrVoltaire's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com(Remove)/mrvoltaire

LiquidCallous · War
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115 Chs

Chapter 1731

Half an hour later, Zhao Fu and his group arrived at a flat area to rest, however, a group of monsters rushed out.

These monsters had beast-like bodies, some resembling canine creatures, with pale skin and no fur all over their bodies. Their heads were similar to human heads, with black eyes, sharp teeth, and a mechanical tail.

There were many charging monsters, at least tens of thousands of them, and all of them were almost Stage 5 in strength each of them looked very fierce.

Facing so many monsters, Zhao Fu did not take action because at this time he was heavily weakened by the lack of his armaments.

As the Empress Demon stretched out her hand, a black energy shield appeared, enveloping everyone's bodies.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

The monsters, with their powerful force, quickly collided with the black energy shield, making a dull sound.

With The Empress Demon's strength at the Emperor Heaven, the energy shield she created was certainly not something this small group of weak monsters could ever hope to break.

The countless monsters quickly saw that they did could not break the defensive shield, however, they did not give up. They surrounded the shield and looked at Zhao Fu and his group with glowing eyes as if watching their evening pray.

Zhao Fu simply continued to calmly observe, he also began to feel the Alchemy World's power inside these creatures, all though a terrifying power, it was fortunately not the equal to the power in the outer world. As the power in the outer world was able to restrain the Heaven Awaken World, and it would be very disadvantageous if the Alchemy World had such a quality as well.

Zhao Fu also observed that this group of monsters were individually stupid despite their strength, like basic beasts with only the instinct to hunt. In the Heaven Awaken world, Fifth Stage creatures actually had considerable intelligence.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Some monsters couldn't fight their instincts any longer and rushed forwards, they used their teeth or claws to ferociously attack the defensive shield, wanting to break it and devour Zhao Fu and his group.

After observing for a while, Zhao Fu lost interest in the cannon fodder of the horde of monsters and turned his gaze to the largest one, which was about four meters in size, much larger than the normal two-meter size of the other monsters. This should be the leader.

As the leader, its intelligence should be a bit stronger than that of bottom of the barrel monsters. Zhao Fu reached out his hand and made a provocative gesture.


The monster roared, bursting out with a powerful momentum before leaping towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle, "It's Intelligence is still very low!"

In the face of the approaching monster leader, Zhao Fu directly unsheathed the Slaughter Sword and swung it, instantly an extremely powerful and bloody sword light was released. The monster leader felt the horrifying power and showed a fearful expression. Its body wanted to dodge, but it was too little too late.

That monster leader was cut in half in mid-air by the bloody sword light, while the black barrier stopped countless blood droplets from drenching them. The monster leader's body bounced off the barrier and fell onto the ground.

At this moment, those ordinary monsters seemingly became insane, but instead of attacking Zhao Fu and his group, they rushed towards the corpse of the monster leader. They even fought with each other, as if the leader's corpse was more important to them than their own lives.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised to see this, looking at the monsters that were already tearing each other apart. However, Zhao Fu did not stop them or participate, but was interested to see what would happen.

The entire horde of monsters fiercely tore at each other, while flesh and blood flew everywhere. The scene was terrifying and very bloody. Some of the monsters in the front that wanted to eat the leader's corpse were already surrounded and killed by other monsters, torn to pieces and staining the ground red.

Zhao Fu watched this scene and thought for a moment. What these monsters wanted the most was probably the Philosopher's Stone inside the leader's body. This particular Philosopher's Stone gave them a kind of instinctive and mad feeling of possessiveness.


At the moment of that roar, a monster was seen swallowing the Philosopher's Stone from the leader, its roar caused the surrounding monsters to retreat in fear and awe.

The monster's body emitted a blinding black light, while the Philosopher's Stone inside the surrounding dead monsters' bodies shone with black light, with the light came the flesh and blood of those monsters, all of it rushing towards that monster.

The bodies of the monsters wrapped around the evolving beast like a skin while it devoured those Philosopher's Stone as well. The monster kept changing and eventually grew human legs, a human body, and finally turned into a ten-meter-tall giant with a large build, black eyes, and sharp teeth.

Zhao Fu was somewhat surprised. He did not expect these monsters to be able to evolve their form from beast to human. However, judging from the bestial look in their eyes, their intelligence had not changed much, its strength, however, had greatly increased.


The giant charged over with incredible momentum, and released a punch with terrifying force towards the barrier, creating a strong gust of wind.


The fierce punch hit the defense shield, but it didn't even tremble, merely making a gong-like sound, which made the stupid giant make a stunned expression. It clearly thought it's strength was enough to break the defense shield.

Although it had become very strong, estimated to be at the ninth stage, the energy shield was cast by the Empress Demoness, a powerful Emperor Heaven expert. It was like an ant colliding with a rock.

Zhao Fu then waved his sword in the air, creating an oppressive sword light that flew out, cutting the giant's body in half. The giant's body fell to the ground, but it did not die like the other creatures that had been cut in half before.

The two halves of the body emitted black light and then merged back together. The giant, who seemed to be fine, climbed up from the ground, and looked at Zhao Fu with a hint of fear. He now understood that he was not there match at all.

The giant did not hesitate and turned around to escape. The other ordinary monsters around him saw the giant fleeing and scattered.

Zhao Fu was stunned. Didn't he cut him in half? Why didn't the giant die? why did it automatically merge back together as if nothing had happened?

Zhao Fu quickly realized the reason. It was most likely that the philosopher's stones had merged throughout the giant's body, and with a large number of philosopher's stones had provided the giant with immense vitality.

Just now, when he split the creature in half, at most, one philosopher's stone lost its effect, but the other philosopher's stones could still exert their power.

Zhao Fu felt a headache. He finally realized how difficult it was to deal with philosopher's stones.

Looking at the fleeing giant, Zhao Fu reached out and grabbed the air in its direction. His left eye's golden pupil rotated, and iron chains flew out with a massive oppressive power, binding the giant. The giant struggled and roared furiously, but it had no effect.

A black hole appeared under the giant who slowly began to sink down as if in quicksand. Zhao Fu had temporarily sealed him in a sealed space. When he returned to Great Qin, he would have his people study him carefully. As of now, Zhao Fu was quite interested in this giant.