
The Lord’s Raids

While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger

yanki_jeyda · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The Black Stone


My anger would not subside, drunk with fury, I struggled to keep my mind calm, everywhere around me, my people were being tortured, killed, humiliated by these vile demons. Bodies were spread out on the ground, others were hanging on the wall, as if they were worse than cattle.

"These demons, weren't we supposed to be their descendants?" I said to myself, my teeth grinding loudly, as I gripped the demon essence stone tightly.

"And he treats us like this?" »

My eyes darted around the room, I tried to ignore the many injured people and the one who sadly didn't survive, not because it bothered me, it was just that there was nothing I could do for them, yet. , I have a mission entrusted to me.

My sister looked completely lost, I reassured her to explain everything later, she didn't insist, which made my task easier, I went to each corner of the room and I had placed a stone there.

Each stone had a different color, and on each stone, a rune was engraved on it, any creature that could use mana could feel a feeling of strangeness in the face of these stones, the threatening energy that emanated from them was macabre to hold certain monsters at a distance, but this feature would be of no use against these demons and that was not why they ordered her to place these stones like this, but rather for something better.

Demons, primarily Ogres, rely heavily on their high mana capacity and "skills" to fight, using only the raw strength provided by the skill, they could exert such force that they were feared by others demon races.

But what will happen to them if this strength, the strength they were proud of, had been taken away from them?

A sinister smile appeared on my face as I approached the corpse of the ogre I had just killed, even though I let myself be carried away by a fiery frenzy, I couldn't believe it, one bit. suddenly I just killed a demon, even if I caught her off guard, it's still a demon all the same, known for their crazy reaction times, their agility and their sense of danger capable of rivaling that of "garadus wolves ".

"So that was it… the power of the aura? »

Looking at the corpse on the ground, I wanted to spit on him, but I held back, only because I didn't want to damage this famous "container", I believe that his death would be more useful to me by using it like this .

In my hand he had another stone, large enough to fill my palm, an almost hypnotic black color, unlike the other stone, this one was imbued with several different runes, I quickly pushed it into the hole that I made with my aura-infused hand.

Once done, I took a few steps back as they told me beforehand that I would feel a sense of danger, it wasn't just a feeling I felt...it was clearly a danger I was facing.

I felt a force compressing me from the inside, as if my senses were scrambled, I felt empty and full at the same time, my body was upside down.

"Everyone move back, stay close to the other stones" I shouted, but I couldn't hear my voice, it was as if my brain was no longer able to process the information correctly, as if I had forgotten how to use my own body.

Thrown backwards by an unknown force, I was pushed against the wall, I tried to use my "mass manipulation" skill to reduce the impact, but it was too late, my skill failed. hadn't responded in time and I crashed violently against the wall.

My head hurt but it was bearable, my senses came back to me little by little, I got up, everyone's eyes were fixed on me, mainly those of an adult elf, his body was violently torn apart but His eyes did not lose their crimson shine which seemed to shine in the darkness.

"Young lady… where did you find this?" He asked, his trembling voice reaching me faintly as I turned my head.

"As far as I know, this stone couldn't exert such power, what's going on?"

Shaking my head slightly, I walked towards him, "maybe he knew more than me" I thought to myself "they only explained it to me briefly, so...if it was an elf in my place he could do much more than me. »

This black stone is a runestone, just like the others, each runestone has its own functionality, it depends on the rune that is engraved on it. But this black stone contains several runes with several magics embedded in it, but its main function was to restrict the ability of a beast to be able to subdue it, this was how the elves used them to tame their tamed beasts, but this stopped there, it had no effect on monsters, much less demons.

But this stone that I just transplanted into the torso of this walking waste was very special. This stone, not only, had been increased more than twenty times in mana, the runes were adjusted and they put new ones.

Now this stone had the ability to restrict an entire race, if it had the right ingredients of course...

At first, it was agreed that I would use my own blood and my own mana to trigger and power the spell, but thanks to this famous container that I finally got, I believe that the spell would be more powerful and its scope would be so wide that it could not only encompass the entire village but it could extend more than a kilometer away...

So I explained it to the old man, his expression was captivated by the corpse of the ogre which was emitting a soft purple light, now his body was covered with a large amount of mana, all his blood was being consumed, his flesh and all the mana residue he possessed even after his death, even his bones will not be spared because this stone was greedy and it now had enough to make a feast.

"Once the stone has absorbed everything, what will happen to us? Wouldn't we also be prisoners of this stone?" The old man stared at me once again, with a dark tinge to his voice.

Lowering my eyebrows, I looked at her, the way she limped while trying to get back on her feet had struck me like a dagger to my heart.

"He's probably lost, poor guy," I thought, trying to help him.

At the same time it was understandable, what did a hybrid of ogre and human do with a stone that seemed to be of high importance to her clan and who had just killed an ogre in a single blow with her bare hand what's more...

"Don't be afraid anymore, it's all part of the plan" I declared, raising the pitch of my voice slightly.

"How could you be so sure?" This time it was my sister who asked me to wash it, it tore my heart to have the possibility of seeing her again, alive, and I couldn't take her in my arms. His body was mutilated by the lashes, my grip would only accentuate the pain so I held back. My eyes burned with anger, I pushed forward, in an instant I was in the middle of the room where the glowing corpse littered the floor...

Closing my eyes, I concentrated my mana into my palm, and whispered a few words in the runic language.

At the same time the corpse began to float, rising almost to the ceiling.

And in that same moment, the light faded and the corpse or what was left of it fell to the ground.

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