
The Lord’s Raids

While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger

yanki_jeyda · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Siege of Freiden

Somewhere, a little further from the ogre village, Freiden, the ancient Elven village, was surrounded by soldiers who were simply waiting for the signal to attack. Just outside the entrance to the village, two goblins lay dead on the ground, their heads violently torn off, and their heads brutally slashed to the point where they were barely unrecognizable.

With a splashing sound, the head of what was left of the creature was crushed under the boot of an elf with emerald eyes filled with rage, he looked like he was angry... no, very angry, that he had put almost all his strength into his stomping, Cain stood in front of the entrance, two pairs of long red daggers in his hands, he glared at the group of goblins who were staring at him fearfully, not knowing whether they should attack or not.

Ironically, the one who let himself get carried away by anger was not Rakahn but rather the kind and rational leader of the elven clan, at the same time he had his reasons, the loss of this village had cost him everything he had. he had.

His family, his friends, and even his honor, to have capitulated by letting his and his allies be devoured behind him, although they were obliged, it was still a shameful act.

After a while, Rakahn, Akumu and Kido joined him, all four were ready for battle, Cain raised one of his daggers, pointing it at the swarm of goblins who finally decided to attack once that the hobgoblins have joined them.

"You scum of the underworld who have brought your taint to our precious village, will die in excruciating pain!!!"

Cain's voice was hoarse, tinged with an almost palpable bloodlust, the tension in the air seemed to change as he raised his voice...

"See that rather than a promise, because I, the second general of the legion of predators, never issue threats."

One step then two, and on the third step, while the swarm of goblins were rushing towards him at high speed, Cain simply had to slam his rights for several previously conjured spells to fall into the middle of the crowd .

Ignoring the sounds of explosions or the cries of surprise and agony emitted by the goblins caught off guard by the sudden shower of rock and fireball, they ended up either crushed or charred.

"Kido, Jaggernaut tells him that he will cease fire once we and the other Awakened have penetrated the enemy lines." He told the general nicknamed the "easy blade".

"For the moment he is concentrating on waiting for them on the left flank, because the main force of the enemy will not take long to respond"

Long before he even finished speaking a hobgoblin attempted to jump several meters over the village walls, but he was quickly intercepted by Rakahn who grabbed him by the head and used the force of their weight and smashed his head against the ground.

It was so fast that the creature didn't even have time to know the cause of its death.

As if to show their determination, the hobgoblins began to jump over the walls one by one like locusts, but they were easily dealt with by Akumu, Rakahn and Kido but it was becoming more and more cumbersome.

Letting out a boring sigh, Rakahn was very eager to enter the village, not because he hated these creatures, but rather the fact that his master was there, alone among these lawless demons, he balked at the idea that he had to be here, fighting these hideously foul-smelling primates.

Detaching his two crossed khopesh from his back, as Rakahn approached the pace of his running increased, until all we could see was a faint image of him crossing the door...

Rakahn as always was the first to throw this on the enemy line.

No longer wanting to be ahead of himself, Akumu, the gray wolf of the Ibara clan, always so competitive, drew his long Odashi and seeing that Kido was also ready to fight, they both rushed to the front.

And at the village gate, Cain remained, with his dagger he cut everyone who tried to pass but at one point he found himself cornered, that's why he asked Juggernaut, the leader of the Orion clan, to send the troops once they have collided with the enemy, but so far the other soldiers haven't moved yet and that was pissing him off...

"Send the soldiers bor–

As he shouted, his voice was cut off immediately once he saw the soldiers sending dozens of stones into the village, Cain gave them a curious look but didn't dwell on it much, because until then everything was fine.


A moment later the soldiers disappeared.

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