
The Lord’s Raids

While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger

yanki_jeyda · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Feel the Pain

Cliff had taken a violent blow to the face, the impact of this brutal attack was such that it partially deformed his face. He felt like he was hitting several trucks at the same time in the head, even his "great" resistance to pain paled in front of such a blow.

But what frightened him the most was that, even after inflicting such a blow, the ogre still held him as his fist closed inexorably and headed straight for his stomach with the same force he had just 'use, had made him shudder in the space of a second before the devastating impact of the punch.

Cliff felt a bitter taste rise to his mouth, which quickly made him realize what was coming next. Unable to stop himself, he began to vomit violently, expelling all the contents of his stomach in an uncontrollable and painful movement.

The ogre's gaze was filled with contempt. He seemed to lose all interest in Cliff, who had aroused much hope in him by facing two ogres alone. He thought he could at least entertain him, but once he faced him, he felt no pleasure in fighting him. He was dissapointed. He had piqued her interest for nothing.

"Look how weak you are, look at yourself, you are incapable of moving, you are like an earthworm that can only move in the ashes, an inferior creature, nothing more." The ogre mocked, While still holding him by the muzzle, he violently slammed his head against the ground, causing the formation of a small crater. Displeased with his action, he used the heel of his grotesque foot to repeatedly strike Cliff's head, spraying blood everywhere with each impact.

"RELEASE HIM" a trembling feminine voice suddenly shouted, as she threw herself at the ogre with the short sword she had picked up with the intention of stabbing him…

The ogre was content with a simple gesture of his hand to ward off a poor little fly, while the young warrior found herself catapulted into a corner full of debris, without even having the chance to get closer to the abominable creature. .

"Oh, did someone speak?" said the ogre sarcastically. "You are all so pitiful, there is not one to make up for the other!"

He advanced towards the elongated figure of the Bear which was gradually regaining its humanoid form, crouched down next to him and grabbed him violently by the hair. Cliff's bloodied face was savagely mangled and even his jaw was already dislocated, several lines of blood were flowing from his head and sliding down his face until dripping onto the floor. A subtle smile appeared on the hideous face of the abomination and vaguely released Cliff's head...

"It brings back memories," he said, his tone slightly taking on an air of melancholy, "very bad memories," he finished, getting up, he turned away and prepared to leave, but strangely something was holding him back, or rather someone. one was holding him back…

Despite the pitiful state of his face, Cliff fought with his will, he grabbed the heel of the abomination with both hands and for the first time, he used his "drain" skill on a living being. , trying to directly absorb the essence of the creature.


The process was extremely painful; feeling his essence being ripped away at breakneck speed was in no way pleasant. The creature let out a shrill cry, forcing itself to crouch down to support itself on its free leg. Then, with a violent movement, she brought her restrained leg back, hitting Cliff square in the forehead and abruptly forcing him to let go of her.

"How stubborn you are, I thought your spirit was already broken" he said to Cliff, slightly out of breath. Watching Cliff try to get up, he furrowed his brows deeply;

"I don't know what you just did but know that you are going to pay dearly for it"

Cliff struggled to get up, but his body still refused to obey him. He no longer had control of his movements, his eyes were barely visible on his bruised face. Struggling to get on all fours, he drew on his last strength to stand up. But as he tried… he suddenly felt something weighing on his rights, it was heavy, very heavy.

At the same time, Cliff heard several unpleasant cracks, which were all the more painful to hear knowing that it was his own rights that were being crushed under the ogre's heavy heel.

The vicious abomination was having fun moving its heel over and over on his hand, Cliff was screaming but that wasn't what was going to stop him, on the contrary, it gave him a certain pleasure...

"You see what it feels like, hmm? Hmm? You feel it, right?" He laughed, with a sardonic laugh, his lugubrious tone even making everyone around him shiver.

"Come on… feel the pain, embrace it, integrate it until you become one with it. Pain makes you think, pain makes you grow. I will show you what real suffering is"

The creature laughed with all its might, its deep voice was like a rain of thunder falling in the region, its macabre laughter was as frightening as it was itself.

"Let's continue" he said, licking the corners of his lips "we were just getting started."

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