
The Longest Promise To Love

Wang Yue and Xiao Muchen were meant to be together, but evil eyes always got jealous and wanted to rip them apart. When Wang Yue got married to Xiao Muchen, people around them conspired and separated them forever but destiny too had other plans for Wang Yue. She got the chance of the second life to get back her true love but on one condition she has to get back her love in the next fifty days or she has to sacrifice her soul for eternity. But despite the threat to her soul she decided to pursue the love of her husband only for herself. ~~~ “Xiao Muchen, don’t stare at me for so long, you will fall in love with me.” Wang Yue smiled, moving out of Xiao Muchen’s arms as slowly as possible and turning to leave him for the solace that could be filled with her thoughts but to her surprise, he held her wrist only to make her fall into his arms again. “And what if I say I already fell in love with you the day I saw you?” He asked to close the distance between them until only air could pass leaving her in the sheds of red but then a loud ringing tone woke Wang Yue from her beautiful dream in her office chair. “Was it a dream? But I will turn it into reality.” But then she heard another deep voice that ring into her ears to wake her up into her real world of chaos. “Wang Yue, your name is very beautiful but I would like to call you mine…Only mine.” Then that evil laugh roamed inside the room, giving her goosebumps all over her body. "No...No." She shouted hard keeping her palms on her ears to get that evil laugh into her head but that laugh only increased every moment. "You can shout as much as you want, Yue! But you belong to me. only me!" ~~~~ Will Wang Yue be able to win the affection of her husband with her second chance and fight against the world for her love? Or will she head down the same path to ruin, having her heart broken once more? ~~~~ The journey of true love and obsession...Who will win in the end? ~~~~ Come and join me in their journey of love.

AuthorTwilight · Urban
Not enough ratings
109 Chs


"Yes, I would and if required I will die for him again and again. Even if I require I will sell my soul to the devil if he will not love me back but I will set him free." 

Wang Yue's gaze was still on the floor like she wanted to remain in the world that was her past and what Xiao Muchen heard from her mouth, was something he wasn't able to accept.

But still, his heart knew somehow that what she said was true. He shivered with the emotions he felt in her words. 

He gulped visibly out there but all he wanted at that time was to pull her back from wherever she was stuck at that time. It was getting hard for him to see her in that pain even for a second and without knowing her held her hand tightly. 


When Xiao Muchen came near her and whispered in her face, Wang Yue flinched and came back from the world of her past life. Her eyes immediately went down as the tears trickled down from her eyes as there was no chance for her to restrain them within her. 

They both looked at each other and promptly she felt his right hand wiping the warm liquid away from her cheek. 

"I am sorry…Princess. Have I hurt you?"

Xiao Muchen asked and she came back to the world of another reality of her life. Her eyes moved to his face and immediately she got up from the chair, taking out her hand from his hand. She wiped her face, turning her back to him. 

"No. It's nothing like that, Xiao Muchen. You can never hurt me ever. It is just that I remembered a love story of a person who was close to my heart in another lifetime. I miss him. It's just that. It wasn't your fault anyways."

Hearing what she said, Xiao Muchen was somewhat taken aback. He got up from the chair and went near her. 

He tried to look at her face so that he could read her mind but to his dismay when she turned back to him, she gave her beautiful heart smile that shone even when there was distress in her mind. 

But he still opened his mouth to ask her about the person she was missing when she suddenly spoke, making him stop. 

"But now what, Xiao Muchen? Why do they want to get their daughter back? And why is Ai's life in danger?"

Wang Yue at that time read questions to his face and to avoid going into his interrogation, she asked the question to divert his attention from the urgent issue. He surely felt unwanted in her life but he too moved on with the issue.

"People want to separate them. When Mr Smith got a call from his father-in-law, he thought they wanted to forgive them for their mistake and wanted to welcome him into their family. 

So, he got the tickets for them to come here. But he got into an accident before he could start packing. There he got a few death threats. He thought he could save his family by sending them back to her house. He immediately made their reservations and sent them here."

Wang Yue then understood some situation that was going on there.

"So that was the reason why Ai Ai doesn't want to come without her father. Now I understand why she was so stressed and why Mrs Smith was so open about why she was going back."

Xiao Muchen kept on looking at the smart girl and a small smile aroused on his lips but he just avoided making it big.

"Xiao Muchen, Mrs Smith just told the half-truth about her father's illness on the plane and when they came out of the airport, her parents tried to kidnap Ai. Does Mrs Smith know all this is happening because of her parents? Does she know Mr Smith's condition in the hospital?"

Wang Yue held onto Xiao Muchen's forearm in panic as soon as she understood what happened.

"She knows about his condition. It was he who asked her to go back to her parents immediately. She is constantly in touch with her husband. But to tell you the truth, it's not her parents, Princess."

Xiao Muchen stood facing the sun at the corner of the gazebo and Wang Yue fell into deep thoughts again. A face then came to her memory taking her breath away from her. The face that took her everything away from her. How could she forget about him?

Suddenly she felt like she was getting out of breath. She took some laboured breath clutching her hands tightly into fists, digging her nails into her palms. She closed her eyes for a second trying to calm her nerves and then spoke her heart out.

"It's her ex-finance…trying to separate them to get Mrs Smith back in his life and he will not even hesitate to end someone's life for that. He just wants her in his life even if she will lose everything in her life. So obsessed with her that he can't see anything else."