
The Longest Promise To Love

Wang Yue and Xiao Muchen were meant to be together, but evil eyes always got jealous and wanted to rip them apart. When Wang Yue got married to Xiao Muchen, people around them conspired and separated them forever but destiny too had other plans for Wang Yue. She got the chance of the second life to get back her true love but on one condition she has to get back her love in the next fifty days or she has to sacrifice her soul for eternity. But despite the threat to her soul she decided to pursue the love of her husband only for herself. ~~~ “Xiao Muchen, don’t stare at me for so long, you will fall in love with me.” Wang Yue smiled, moving out of Xiao Muchen’s arms as slowly as possible and turning to leave him for the solace that could be filled with her thoughts but to her surprise, he held her wrist only to make her fall into his arms again. “And what if I say I already fell in love with you the day I saw you?” He asked to close the distance between them until only air could pass leaving her in the sheds of red but then a loud ringing tone woke Wang Yue from her beautiful dream in her office chair. “Was it a dream? But I will turn it into reality.” But then she heard another deep voice that ring into her ears to wake her up into her real world of chaos. “Wang Yue, your name is very beautiful but I would like to call you mine…Only mine.” Then that evil laugh roamed inside the room, giving her goosebumps all over her body. "No...No." She shouted hard keeping her palms on her ears to get that evil laugh into her head but that laugh only increased every moment. "You can shout as much as you want, Yue! But you belong to me. only me!" ~~~~ Will Wang Yue be able to win the affection of her husband with her second chance and fight against the world for her love? Or will she head down the same path to ruin, having her heart broken once more? ~~~~ The journey of true love and obsession...Who will win in the end? ~~~~ Come and join me in their journey of love.

AuthorTwilight · Urban
Not enough ratings
109 Chs


"No. don't cry Ai Ai, Mama is coming soon. Do you know your Yue Jie Jie will also cry if you keep on crying like this?"

Wang Yue hugged her tightly to calm her down but unknown to her she started to cry and shed tears of sorrow that filled her heart seeing the desperation in Ai Smith's eyes.

"I want my Mama…"

Wang Yue finally left Ai Smith and made her sit on the bed before cupping her face with her hands.

"Look, Ai Ai, your Mama is cooking for you and coming up in a few minutes and if she sees you crying like this, she will break down. Give me just a few minutes, I will get her here. Alright?"


Ai Smith shouted hard and started to get up from the bed to go but Wang Yue held her in her arms tightly without looking at Ai's gaze that lingered on the door.

"Yes, Ai, Mama is coming…"

"No, Jiejie… see, Mama is here."

Ai Smith pushed Wang Yue and moved out of her arms and ran towards the door. Wang Yue turned around and looked at the door where Ai Smith ran and got stunned before freezing at her place.

"Mama, where were you? I got so scared. Thank god Yue Jiejie was here with me…I was scared. Mama please, don't leave me like this ever again. Please, Mama, don't leave me alone again."

As Ai Smith started to cry and sob in her mother's arms, something churned inside Wang Yue's stomach. Her eyes got misty with tears and she remembered the day when she heard that her mother and sister were never coming back to her.

She sobbed silently as she felt her knees get weak. She saw the mother-daughter meeting again and wondered if she would have been so lucky to meet her family again like that.

"Princess, You are crying again. Please don't cry."

Xiao Muchen then wiped the tears off Wang Yue's cheeks and pulled her into his arms to calm her. When after a while he felt that she was calmed down he left her in his arms and they turned to look at the mother and daughter who were looking back at them.

"You are not a bad uncle then? You are a good man and handsome too."

A cute little Ai came to Xiao Muchen and held his hand in hers and pulled him down on his knees to get him at her level.

"So now you know that I am not going to kidnap your pretty Jiejie?"

"Yes, Handsome uncle, Mama told me that you saved us from those kidnappers. Thank you so much for your help."

Saying that she hugged him tightly and then slowly whispered in his ear.

"Are you a single uncle handsome?"

"What…? What are you asking, Ai Ai?"

He whispered back at her and looked at her cute eyes to see what she was thinking.

"Handsome Uncle, My Yue Jiejie is so pretty. Don't you like her? She is so caring and lovely. Why don't you get married to her?"

She whispered back in his ear, keeping her hand over her mouth to hide it from Wang Yue and her mother.

"I know…But you know we must leave a few things to God. he knows better. You will understand when you grow up."

Saying that he left her from his hug and cupped her cheek caressing it. He smiled widely when he saw her smiling at him with whole heart.

"Thank you, Mr Xiao. if it wasn't for you we would have been somewhere I don't want to think. Thank you for saving our lives."

Mrs Smith came forward and bowed in front of Xiao Muchen. But Xiao Muchen immediately pulled her up and looked at her with soft eyes.

"That was what I was supposed to do but if you really want to thank someone for saving your life then it should be Wang Yue. she saw both of you entering different cars and then we realised that you were in trouble."

Mrs Smith's eyes filled up again thinking about what happened at the airport and she turned to look at Wang Yue.

"Thank you, dear Yue, I really don't know how to thank you both."

"No, Mrs. Smith. Please don't say that again and again. You look tired, would you like to take a rest for some time?"

"YEs, Wang Yue, I am really tired now. I guess I could use some sleep."

"Okay, we are here only. If you need anything please just press the ring beside your bed."


"Xiao Muchen, thank you so much for helping me out. But how did you find out about Mrs Smith's whereabouts so fast?"

Wang Yue asked immediately after they left the first floor of Xiao Muchen's house and came across the dining area.

"It's a long story, Wang Yue, why don't we just talk over food. I am really hungry and I think you are too."

When they finally sat down to have their peaceful meal after a long time, Wang Yue's curious eyes looked for all the answers from Xiao Muchen.

"Ai Smith's father is in hospital fighting for his life."

"But how's that possible? Why will Mrs Smith leave him alone there? Why will she take that risk?"

"Because for both of them Ai's life is more important and it was her father's decision to get Ai in China."