
The Longest Dayz

As the days go by Kitt begins to feel more and more uneasy. Is his uneasiness just because he watched too many horror movies, or is it because of something else..? ______ Kitt noticed that the body had something strange in its pocket, so he reached into it and pulled out whatever was in there . "A switch blade?" Kitt thought as he put it in his own pocket, deciding it was about time to return to Jiwon and Yeongsu, he turned around. When he turned there was a man standing a few feet away from him. "Are you planning on leaving?" The man asked in a naturally deep voice. "If so... can I come with you?" Kitt was a little frightened at that moment, he hadn't even heard Taehyun approach him. "Why?" Kitt queried. "You don't even know me..." __________ The start of a new friendship and the beginning of an alliance. Only able to survive if they work together. Will they stay together for their survival or will they separate and die apart?

R3dW0lF27 · LGBT+
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34 Chs

Chapter 1: Kittichai Shinawatra

Name: Kittichai Shinawatra

Pronunciation: Kitty-Kai

Korean name is Park HoSung

Nationality: Korean-Thai (Mother is Thai, Father is Korean.)


Kittichai was staring out his apartment window at the busy streets of Busan, he hadn't slept properly for days. He's been feeling strangely restless this past week. The young man had just turned 20 and wasn't really sure what he wanted to do with his life. He really hadn't worked up the motivation to figure it out either. Looking to the sky in hopes to lighten his mood he gives a disappointed sigh, the sky was cloudy and gray.

He turned his attention to the watch on his wrist as his stomach began to growl, it was going on 12:30 in the afternoon. He slept in due to the lack of sleep lately and hasn't eaten anything yet today, so he began to ponder about what to eat. After careful consideration he decided he would go out to eat, since he doesn't like to cook unless he has guests.

Getting dressed he carelessly tossed his sleepwear to the side, it landed on the floor which already had a few articles of clothing laying about, some even dangled over the nearby furniture. He paid little attention to the messy surroundings as he grabbed his phone from off of his bed and went to fix his hair. He casually checked himself over in the mirror, the dark circles under his eyes were barely visible as they blended in with his tan complexion. With the shrug of his shoulders he walked towards the door. He grabbed his headphones from the nightstand by the exit and walked out of his apartment.

He exited the building and began to walk to the restaurant, the further he got from home the more restless he became. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but he couldn't put his finger on the exact feeling of unease. The uneasiness caused Kitt to look over his shoulder every now and then to make sure he wasn't being followed or worse.

He finally arrived at the restaurant and ordered some spicy ramen noodles. Once he had finished, he sat at the table for a while, playing on his phone. He wasn't mentally prepared to go back out onto the streets yet.

After about an hour, the waitress asked if he could give up his table, which he respectfully agreed. As he exited the building, the uneasiness returned. Kitt began to venture around town even though he was unsure of the feeling, he wasn't ready to return to his apartment. After all, the only thing waiting for him back at his apartment was his intrusive thoughts.

A little while passed and he ended up stopping to look at a window display. The outfit on the displayed mannequin made him smile a bit. It was an outfit that was modelled by his best friend just a couple weeks prior. He couldn't help but feel proud of his friends' success as a model.

Suddenly, loud music began to play from around the corner of the building. The suddenness had caused Kitt to jump. Curiously he walked towards the sound. Once he reached the location he could see a man dancing solo to the music, his orange hair bouncing to the rhythm. The man looked rather handsome and probably no more than 5 years older than him. Kitt wasn't overly familiar with Korean artists, he usually listened to English rock bands. Though, he could tell that the artist was quite popular as a large group of girls were squealing and chanting his name. Honestly he could understand that the artist was popular, especially since he, himself, was enjoying the music. He was even surprised that it was soothing his uneasy feeling, so he decided to stay until the end of the performance hoping it would calm his mind.

When the last song had ended, Kitt left, continuing his journey down the sidewalk and through town. He had probably been wandering around for about six hours, stopping at certain stores that caught his attention to see what the stores were offering. After a while he started to feel uncomfortable, vulnerable, and longing for the comfort of his home. So he decided to head back towards his apartment. He hadn't walked very far as he reached the edge of a building and suddenly stopped. To his left was a silent, yet dark alleyway. The restless feeling was stronger than ever. He knew he shouldn't, yet he couldn't stop himself.

His round almond eyes examined the alleyway closely with each slow, cautious step he took into the darkness. He froze, a shiver running through his spine as if something really cold had passed through him. He felt like something was watching him from the dark. He took his phone out and turned the flashlight on. He used his phone to look at the surroundings. His eyes rested on the graffiti covered wall, it was vibrant with colors. A beautiful work of art even though it appeared to be unfinished. His eyes lowered to the splatters of red on the pavement near the dumpster.

He whispered quietly to himself, "that's just part of the graffiti too, right?" He chuckled nervously as he took three steps into the alley, yet at the same time to the right towards the building furthest from the red pavement. He put his back towards the building so he could see around the corner better and not worry about what was behind him. His eyes widened in shock. What lay before him was a body. As much as it scared him, he eyed the body from afar, maybe it was his curious nature that kept him there or maybe it was the restlessness he had felt for the past week.

He examined the body from where he stood, taking in the scene. It was missing its arms, they seemed to be cleanly cut off; which would indicate that it was killed in an act of murder. What caused Kitt the most concern was that even though the most evident cause of death would've been the lack of arms and treatment, there wasn't a lot of blood to back up the theory of blood loss. As he scanned the body he noticed that it had suffered multiple other lacerations. "Maybe the lack of blood was the cause, and maybe this wasn't the original place of death... maybe the body was moved", he thought to himself. Gathering his courage he took some steps closer. As he approached it he noticed that the body hadn't been moved, but had been dead some time before the dismemberment had taken place. Therefore there would be a lot less blood flowing from the dismembered limbs. His eyes moved down from the body's arms and noticed that the stomach had also been torn into, Kitt shivered as his eyes fell upon some of the other wounds. Bite marks, some were from dogs, but what caught his eye most were the human bite wounds. The human bite wounds were deep. Some were so bad that the skin had been ripped off completely. "Maybe he just had a really creepy kink...?" He said the thought out loud. He knew that no one in their right mind would have that kind of kink ever, or find someone crazy enough to perform it... well it would be extremely rare. He really liked detective shows, but he was starting to question how they could see stuff like this often and still stay sane. Sheer horror crossed his face as he thought of any other reason for human bite wounds like these. "Cannibalism? A kink? A serious case of psycho killer? Or..." Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he didn't want to consider any of the other possibilities. After he got his head straight, he looked down at his phone to check the time. It was now 6:47 PM as he unlocked his phone and dialed the police. As the phone began to ring he released a sigh, he knew he wasn't going home anytime soon.

A loud noise sounded from a little further down the alley drawing his attention. It was a can that got kicked, in the kind of way that was from walking and accidentally hitting it with your foot. Kittichai was now focused on whatever made the sound and forgot to answer the police when they picked up the call. He looked around cautiously, bringing his phone down from his ear to shine the flashlight in the direction that the sound came from. There was a silhouette further down the alley. It trudged awkwardly towards him. It swayed as it walked, and limped on its left leg. The silhouette looked injured and caused him to be concerned.

"Hey, do you need help? Should I call an ambulance?" He called out to it.

Once it heard the sound it snapped its head to the left and then to the right. It was one of the most abnormal motions Kitt had ever seen before. He backed up as it got closer, due to feeling threatened, he put his back to the building he had originally been close to. He strained his eyes to see if he could make out the silhouette a little better. It appeared to have a sword attached to its belt. "Maybe it was the person who had dismembered the corpse, who even has the authority to carry a sword in the middle of town?" He wondered. Kitt got into a defensive stance. If it was the person who dismembered the body, that would make them extremely dangerous.

They continued slowly towards him, and once the person reached a little more than four meters away it became visible, almost every detail. He was shocked by the appearance of the person. They were missing fingers on their left hand and their entire right hand was ripped off and dangling by a tendon. Even their skin tone was strange. His eyes scanned the person from head to toe, he wasn't sure if he should help the person or run away.

A moment passed by before Kittichai got the courage to ask them a second time if they needed help, but he barely opened his mouth to speak as the person suddenly launched themselves towards him at a quickening pace. He gasped and dropped his phone in shock, which was still connected to the police until it clashed with the pavement...

Some chapters will be a little shorter due to perspective changes; especially in the beginning.

I wrote this as a fan fiction originally, so that's why there are eight perspectives. I changed it later on because it was based on a real group of people. So I hope that whoever reads this can leave some comments, I'd really appreciate it since I don't really have anyone in my life that truly cares about my writing. >⁠.⁠<

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