
The Long Road to Freedom: The Dastardly Prince

Still in his father's care, Sesshoumaru discovers Kuroihi, a servant at the castle with a power he's never seen. In his curiosity, Sesshoumaru finds himself entangled, and Kuroihi finally discovers what she's always wanted: a way out. Note: This story is many years old, but I have decided to share it unrevised.

celtious · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Diametric Design

Two weeks later

The dog general stood perfectly still among the trees, obfuscating himself in the shadows as he gazed through the forest to the castle in the near distance. Like this, he would not be seen until he was ready. Insecurity gnawed in him, making him restless, but he forced himself to be patient. He had to wait for her. She always came, tonight would be no different, right?

He honed in on the sounds surrounding him, especially the ones she made. The rustling of her silks as she snuck away from her retainers; the sounds of her little feet slipping into her geta, tapping quietly past the stale midnight guard; her soft whines of uncertainty as she ventured only a short way into the forest, looking for him.

It was time.

He shifted, casting off the shadows and stepped slowly into her field of vision as she came closer, careful not to startle the fragile creature. She bit back a cry of delight as she found him, stooping quickly into a bow as he slipped smoothly to a knee.

"Unnecessary, my dear. Come."

His tone was warm and welcoming and she found courage enough in it to rise and dive into his waiting arms, ever careful of his armor.

"You came!"

She whispered with joy.

"I will always come for you."

He stroked her silken black hair, already spilling well down her back to her legs.

Like this, she was taller than he, though he remembered when she stood only just below eye level.

Watching his princess grow had been one of the most nerve-wracking and endearing things he had experienced in his eons of life. He knew the moment he met her years ago that she would be his special one, for how he loved her, and how she filled him with serenity and strength. She was of age now in the way humans defined it, and in a few short years, she would be ready to mate. He had so much work to do before then.

He would craft this landscape to ensure her safe future as his wife, for he was not ignorant of the dangers she would face once he made his claim. Humans and demons alike would come for her, for the children they would have; but he could consider that all later. For now, he allowed himself to enjoy the tickling of her lashes against his skin as she sank into his protective arms. He loved the way she smelled, the little sounds she made as he nuzzled her and spoke sweet things, adoration shining in the stars that were her eyes.

Their time was, as usual, unbearably short. Far too soon for his liking, he heard the sounds of her retainers shifting inside the castle, searing for her. He gave her a soft nudge.

"My dear."

He chuckled at the soft sound of protest she made, gripping tightly to his cuirass.

"Neither do I wish us to part, but for now we must."

The stars of her eyes dimmed with sadness as she rose to her feet.

"Promise me, my lord, that you will again come for me?"

He took her face in his large hands carefully, rising to place a kiss on her forehead.

"I will always come for you, my beautiful Izayoi. You have my word."

She spared a smile for him and slipped from his hands, disappearing back into her protective castle. He forced himself to remain rooted to his spot as he watched and listened to her safe return. How he longed to spirit her away with him…


Kuroihi was still processing the scenes she'd witnessed as she made her way back home. Sesshoumaru had given her two months, and after their last 'conversation', she was taking every single one of those days out of his reach.

Between her human times and her demon senses, Kuroihi had been able to gather enough information on this human her clan that she felt confidant to return to Sesshoumaru. As she considered it all, though, she pondered again how a brute like that could have come from such a joyful and kind man as the general; this greater demon of supreme skill and strength who showed not only concern for his vassals and servants in equal measure, Kuroihi included, but now seemed to be taking a human as a wife.

'The children will be like me, she thought, hated, outcast, the general must know that already! Surely-'

A great wind stopped her in her tracks and she covered her face from the cloud of dirt. She hissed defensively at the unknown enemy and was met with a kind but insistent growl she recognized.

Her whole world froze, heart dropping like a stone into the pit of her stomach. Of course, he had known she'd been watching.

There before her in all his glory was the Inu no Taishou, Grand General of the Western Province, landed from the sky. His eyes narrowed at her only slightly, but it was enough to send her face-first to the ground. She stuttered through the customary greeting but he cut her off, his tone laced with anger.



"This was the task he charged you with."

He clarified, and she could only nod, not daring to lift her face from the dirt. She didn't necessarily want to betray Sesshoumaru this way, but she couldn't exactly lie to his father.

The general sigh before turning to leave, his tone kind once more. "Walk with me."

Cautiously, she peeked and, seeing that he was leaving, rose to follow after, quiet and head down behind him. He was silent for a time as they walked.

"You understand, I presume?"

She had to swallow to make her voice work, spilling her usual self-degradation.

He snorted.

"That is unnecessary for the moment. Were you the ignorant runt my foolish son believes you to be, you would not have survived all these years. I ask you again..." His tone posed his former question wordlessly.

"This one believes so, yes, my liege. She also dares mention that the resulting offspring would be... Would be..."

She couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Hanyou, yes, that is correct. It is not a dirty word, child. Do not be ashamed of what you are."

All she could do was nod.

"Listen here, little one, I have a request I think you will find agreeable."

Her ears perked.


"It is not my particular enjoyment, having to handle such egregious situations as this, so I am willing to forgive it. In turn, you will tell me what you know of your kind."

"My 'kind'?"

"Hanyou, those like you bred from a human and a demon."

Kuroihi considered for a moment, though she wasn't sure why she was questioning the offer; it was far more than fair. He was being so lenient with her; no wonder Sesshoumaru thought his father was weak.

"Your vassal will tell you all she can, my liege."

His face suddenly lit with a blinding smile.


He patted her on the back with the same breathtaking force Rekkonji had.

'Sesshoumaru is going to kill me.'