
The Normality.

I Woke up that morning, just like all the rest before. But something was different, something in me felt like it was missing, I couldn't figure out what it was. Have you ever had that feeling almost like Deja-Vu'? But like you've lost something or left something behind?

This is how it felt that morning, I let it slip my mind during my morning routine, "Wake up at ten, climb out of bed. Get dressed, then off to work." I've been known as a Connoisseur of sorts with many skill sets. Working in retail I was able to sell anything. Some called me a master of Persuasion."

I walked into work that day, went to the back of the store and clocked in, but something happened, Something was off, I hadn't notice it at first until it kept happening, Over and Over, It felt like I was being watched, Almost like when you wake up in the middle of the night and you feel like someone's following you.

My heart started to race, palms got sweaty and I got this overwhelming anxious feeling. What could this be?. Why do all these people I see daily suddenly feel like I've never met them before? Who are you people?

A million questions came to mind, like, Is this a dream? Am I a part of some altered reality that I'm just now getting wind of? who am I? And finally, where am I? Rushing to my locker to gather my things.

When all of a sudden there was a man standing at the end of the hall, I couldn't quite make out who this man was. Or even what he looked like, It was just a dark silhouette.

This can't be happening I must be dreaming that's the only logical explanation. What else could it be? Government experimentation? Maybe someone slipped me something in my Coffee this morning? There's got to be something that makes sense. thinking of every scenario I could in the matter of seconds I had. Looking up from my trembling hands the man had vanished out of sight and i barely had time to think....The lights in the hall had gone dark, not a soul in sight... I was alone. I ran to the front of the store only to see that everyone around me was gone. I hurried and got in the car and drove like a bat out of hell home.

I lived down a desolate road where I figured it'd be safe....Or so I thought. Speeding thru traffic and down alleyways just to reach the highway, I slammed my foot on the petal trying not to look back in fear of what was to come. There it was....My Final Turn.