
The Lonely Monarch

Dust, into the wind it blows. Time has been the enemy of all. I've watched as it turned cities into ruin, monsters into decaying corpses But I am here... I am always here...For I am The Lonely Monarch...

hyperjack · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Happy


We were so happy when our family was reunited, How we saw our son whom turned from a scrawny boy to a strong strapping young man, They watched the changes of their daughter in the last 10 years while also making some long strides themselves, My husband Carter had taken the path of knight and later on became a Holy knight with a sub class of Shieldmen while I became a unique sorceress as my first class and upgraded to thunder sorceress and a Cleric.

Now although my healing spells are weaker due to them being from a subclass I made in my mission to heal as many as I can. Back to Daniel after we found out about his missing memories and his strange stats we made sure to spend as much time as possible with him to make up for the lost time but it just seemed like was....Putting distance with us, As if he didn't want himself around us or his sister.

The thought of this brought tears to my face as my husband notices and comforts me by putting his hand around my waist and hugging me. We stood for a few moments as he was thinking the same thing probably. We always had the same thought a lined and that didn't change even after the decade away from here. If anything it made our love for each other stronger.

Out thoughts were interrupted by the long footsteps coming to out room, Confusing us as we knew they belonged to Our son Danny, I wiped my tears and turn around with my husband to see Daniel with a child like smile on his face as he came up to us and spoke. It brought a smile to my face seeing my son genially happy for the first time but I also noticed some traces of Hesitation on him as his cheeks were red.

I spoke first "Danny, what's up, Did you want something?" He looked at us and seemly became lost in thought for a moment before speaking. "Actually yes I did." This made us both curious as to what he wanted. "I've chosen my first and main class." This brought a big smile to our faces as I jump into him, Giving him the strongest hug I could while Carter spoke for the first time sounding almost as happy as me. "That's great son, Another fighter in the family." He sounded please but not before we saw our son take a gulp as didn't say anything. making carter frown. "What's wrong son, let me see you're class." This time carters voice became firm as our son paled slightly before showing us his status and we saw.

Me and carter paled this time as well as we saw that he chose not to become a fighter but instead chose an unknown class neither of us had any information on called 'crafter'. Daniel then found the strength to speak. "Its a unique class called crafter, It's not tied down by a single production type and gives me the ability to speak."

At the same time we let out a breath we didn't know we held within out throats. but then gazed at the Class and the skills it came with. They were both wide eye seeing his observe skill was max and saw the 'Evolvable' they were surprised as they had never seen this skill before nor seen a fully levelled Observe.

Carter spoke again surprising Daniel with how calm he was, I saw this and felt upset thinking Daniel thought carter was going to be mad but tried not to show it. "Don't scare me like my boy, I thought you had chosen something like scout or something lord knows I've seen to many people pick them, but I've never seen this Class before nor that Evolvable part next to the skill. I can guess what it means but I think you want to ask something else right now right?" He smirks as Daniel goes red in the face stuttering. "D-do you think you and mom can get some materials for me. Also some insects, preferably poisonous ones."

"...Son, please don't move to the basement." "I-i-i-its not like that!!" His face resembles the colour blood which makes both of us laugh as my father wipes a tear from his eye and our son continues. "It doesn't have to be high rank materials, actually preferably I would prefer normal metals like iron and copper and things like that to start with." I ask about the insects. "What about the need for poisonous insects." My father was also curious at this. "Its an experiment." We both looked at him at this and just kept quiet for reasons unknown to us. "I also need a large glass case to put them in."

My husband speaks up. "Procuring some metals should be easy but the insects might not be easy, But I think I can do that. I'll speak to my guild but son, Are you planning to sell weapons and armour? if its to make money, then don't worry you're mother and I are pretty wealthy when it comes to that." His red face comes back as he looks to the side speaking "Its not that, I just want to make sure that I can make stuff for you guys and Ash. So that you can keep safe." I felt my heart melt in that moment as our son was thinking of doing this for us. we knew that our armour wasn't all that amazing but it still did a reasonable job keeping us safe.

Still this was good for our son. Choosing to create for us to survive was a noble goal and so we agreed to it. out of the corner of my eye I see Ashely scoffing and giggle as she sees me and walks away quickly. Carter agrees to his requests saying, "Alright so I'll see what we can do and thank you for doing this for us, I love you Danny, Always will." He freeze up at that as he turns away blushing as he coughs into his fist, "I l-love you to dad, you to mom." and he begins to walk away back to his room to wait and pauses halfway through and turns around.

Quickly he also asks "Can you also get me all books related to crafting professions it doesn't matter which it is, the more the better, thanks." And with that he walks back to his room leaving me and my husband smiling at seeing our child getting ready to start to put his Class to use. Although something has made be curious about him, well mainly a certain skill, The one called 'wrath' I have never heard of that skill name either and yet it feels me with bad feelings concerning it life as if that skill is the result of something terrible happening to my boy, I so hope that is not the case though..


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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For the next couple of chapters i'm going to try and write mainly from teh perspectives of his family and also something i forgot to mention a huge chunck of this novel will include him crafting and mixing things cause i've always like that sort of things in novels. Sue me

hyperjackcreators' thoughts