
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Willies Academy

The teacher finished narrating the history on the FARTHEST earth, which the students weren't hearing for the first time and started hissing and rolling their eyes.

"So this is where we gonna stop for today." The History teacher said.

"Thank you sir." They echoed together.

The man was about to leave the class when a low voice called:

"Excuse me sir." It was a girl with dark spot on her face and with her dirty black hair in ponytail .

"What's it, Sarah?" The teacher asked.

"Where is the phoenix egg that's being laid by Sirai, the Diamair's queen? Its one thousand years already. Has it been hatched?" Sarah asked, pucking her nose, and adjusting her glasses.

"This filthy girl loves asking foolish questions." A red haired girl said.

"Or she just loves attention. I wonder how she got into the school without any super powers." A green haired girl said.

"She knows the Proprietress of course. How else would she get into this school?"

"Its okay girls." The teacher said and faced Sarah, who stared at him with no emotions. "Sarah. No one has ever heard about the phoenix egg. But if there is any phoenix boy or girl, his or her hair would be a fire color.

"Maybe me. I have a red hair." The red haired girl said.

"You wish." A white haired girl said.

"That's all for today. Sarah, you have a very good brain. How I wish, you have a super power." The man said and left the class.

After a minute, Zayn that has been standing outside and listening to the class, walked into the class and everywhere became silent. Not like he cares though. The class have never been nice to him.

He walked to the far end of the class, where he normally sit, and sat down.

A teacher walked in and dropped her bag on a student desk.

"Hello students."

"Hello, Miss Jones." They all said together.

"We have a new student." She said and all the students wondered where the new student is.

"Where is he?" The girls asked, anticipating for a hot guy.

"Lilia, don't be shy and show yourself." She said and a girl turned from invisible to visible and the class were surprised.

She is a shadow.

Of course they have known about shadows, and they have seen many shadows, none has the kind of aura the girl possessed.

Guys weren't surprised because of her nature, but because of her extreme beauty.

"Lilia. Introduce yourself." Mrs Jones said and they all focused their attention on her.

She fiddled the helm of her skirt with one hand and nervously brushed a strand of her Blonde hair that fell to her face.

"My name is Lilia Gerald, from California, USA. Nice meeting you guys."

"But we aren't happy seeing you" A red haired girl said and people laughed.

"Jenna." Mrs Jones warned and the 'Jenna' only rolled her eyes. "Lilia is human who recently discovered her power." She said and faced Lilia. "You can have your seat beside the guy at the back, the black haired guy, Zayn."

Lilia walked timidly toward a seat beside Zayn and sat.

"Hello." She nervously said to him. He only nodded his head and continued what he was doing, 'doodling'.

"So I'll like to talk about Shadows." Mrs Jones said. And wrote Shadow on the whiteboard. "What is a shadow?" She asked them facing them. "Lilia?"

Lilia stood up nervously and and cleared her throat.

"From the research have made. They made themselves invisible and obscure." She said.

"Very good." The woman said. "Anyone else? Jenna?"

"A shadow is as what she said." Jenna said.

"You can't come up with any other definitions? Sarah?" She called sarah, whose ink has splashed on her cheek.

"The shadow is an expert marksman, a master of disguise and an expert in sleight of hand. They are usually linked with the Tariaksuq, which are humanoid creatures associated with shadows, invisibility and obscurity. They can be Ijiraq too. We have different types of shadow, like shadow walker, night walker, bodak, catoblepas, Sorrow sworn and a Kobold. The god of shadow is Erebus." She said and the teacher clapped for her.

"Very good. You are very brilliant, sarah. Keep it up."

"She is very brilliant, isn't she?" Lilia said quietly to Zayn who only shrugged looking at Sarah intently.

"Is she?" He smiled at Lilia, who blushed immediately and buried her head on her locker.

People around them were surprised and were astonished as they saw him smile, its been ages they saw him like that.

The woman explained about the shadow and left the class.

"C.c.can you show me around the school." Lilia said.

"Sure." Zayn didn't want to agree, but found himself doing that.

They stood up and ready to leave the class, when Jenna and the green haired girl stopped Sarah.

"Can you just stop proving 'too know', Miss Know it all?" The green haired girl said.

"If you don't like it when I say something, then deaf your ear, serpent."

"Are you talking to me like that? How dare you?" She pulled out a whip which immediately turned to snake, and whipped sarah with it immediately. The snake wrapped around her, threw her up and threw her down.

"Dani, just because you are powerful, doesn't make you the boss of all." Sarah said in pain and spit out blood. "You and Jenna are always known for being like this. You will always be a bully." She said.

"Really?" Jenna smirked. "You have to call me, when I didn't have your time. You really have the nerve." She said raising her finger which turned to fire immediately and burned Sarah who was on the floor.

"Just because you are a dragon doesn't mean you rule over me, Jenna." She clenched her teeth.

"Let's go." Zayn said to Lilia, looking at the situation indifferently.

Lilia nodded and they were about to go out when she turned back and walked to the bullies.

"You guys are very wicked. I don't think she has done anything wrong. Why? Because she answered a question that none of you can answer? That's ridiculous." Lilia said and laughed to herself.

Zayn smiled looking at Lilia with interest.