
The Lonely Demon King Is Waiting For His Phoenix Bride

Zayn Paige is the loneliest boy in their class, despite being hot, he is still the nerd of their class. They all want to bully him, although he's not that easy to bully. People call him sort of names because he looks strange. Although they all attends Supernatural Academy, they still thought he's weird. Demons attacked their school, and everyone were all using their powers to save themselves. But they noticed something: Someone they thought should be the first to be eaten by the monsters. Why are the monsters being docile toward him? "What! The loneliest boy is playing with the tail of the monster. Let's run."

PrixyGold_STAR_03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Competition (3)

Everyone were thinking that she was stupid.

'Did she think Rica is like Jade? She's going to be finished within a blink of an eye.' A girl said.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Rica asked her standing up.

"I'm sure." Sarah said firmly. She's made up her mind already. She is determined to die....

Rica stood up, and felt a tug on her skirt.

"What?" She asked Zayn who smiled nervously at her.

"Take it easy.." He said.

She thought he asked her to take care and she smiled.

"I will. She's nothing to me." She said and appeared in the ring with flame.

"Wow." People screamed.


"Come to me." She said.

Sarah wanted to tell her to fight first, but when she remembered her purpose, she stopped. She walked towards Rica who flung her away with one hand. She fell down hard and stood up immediately.

"She is really not backing off." A girl in blue said.

"She is really going to get hurt."

Sarah walked towards her again, trying to punch her. Surprisingly, she punched the air. She began to fight first, and Rica only dodged.

"Why is she not fighting back?" Someone asked.

Sarah was not expecting this. Why did she have to do like this? She ought to fight back and try to kill her.

Zayn was relieved when he saw what is happening. She is definitely not gonna let anything to happen to those that are weaker than her, that's the Phoenix he knew.

"Why are you not fighting back?" Sarah asked.

"If I do, you are not gonna stand it." She said as she dodged it.

"I want you to fight back. Stop being an asshole." She said.

"What is she saying?" People outside were confused.

"Why should I fight back? I'm definitely gonna win this soon." Rica smirked.

"I heard that Phoenix is the most powerful. You are not acting up to your name." Sarah laughed to herself


"Or Maybe you are not Phoenix as you claimed." Sarah muttered.

"What?" Rica got angry and pushed her away.

"What did she say that made Rica angry that way?" A girl asked.

Bella stood up fearfully.

Zayn's eyes never left the stage.

"You are not Phoenix. If you are really one, where is your fire blade or dagger" She asked.

Rica walked closer to her with heavy steps and threw a ball of fire at her.

"Yes kill me. The guy you called your boyfriend, did he tell you about me? We did a lot of things together. We kissed, cuddled, even made love together." She lied with smile and felt bad for lying.

'I'm sorry for doing this, Rica and Zayn.' She thought.

Her last statement made Rica angry and she pinned her neck to the ring.

"STOP." The referee said but Rica never stopped. She strangled her neck and Sarah had a small smile on her face. Finally, she is going to leave this terrible world.

A black hair girl appeared into the ring, and stopped Rica with a Spell. The spell only worked for few seconds. Rica immediately threw a huge fire at Sarah, which held her neck.

Zayn stood up and was about to fly to her, but he saw someone else that made him boil in anger.

Sebastian fumed in anger and looked at Rica with disgust.

"So the reserved Phoenix is like this."

"Ask the whore of a girlfriend you has, that is not faithful, and sleeping with another guy." Rica said and left the Ring.

Sebastian only sighed, carried the unconscious Sarah and disappeared.

"What happened?" The girls whispered to each other.

"I don't even know."

Rica walked to their seats and noticed that Zayn wasn't there. She also walked out of the place in anger.

Zayn followed Sebastian to their house. He couldn't help but wonder what happened to her.

He waited till evening, thinking of how he is going to enter.

He finally thought of what to do. He flicked his finger and a black butterfly appeared.

"What happened? I thought you'll never call us anymore." The fly said.

"I don't need to explain myself."

"A demon king that is roaming around the street looking for his phoenix. I heard you've seen her, when are you coming back to us?"

"Anytime I like. And yes, I have seen her. Stop asking me questions and let's focus on why you are being called."

"Okay, his majesty."

"Help me check what is happening inside, and borrow me your eyes." He said.

The fly nodded its head and flew inside.

He could see everything that is happening.

Sebastian laid her on the bed and told the physicians to attend to her. He left when he saw she's well taken care of.

"I don't know what the young master sees in her that made him like her this way."

"Young master never like his real younger sister this way." One of the maids said.

"She should be chased out of the house. She is powerless." She said.

"She is not that even fine. There is a rumor that she is dating a loser boy like her."

Zayn was looking and listening to everything they were saying. He was very furious, and angrily controlled the fly to bite one of the gossipers.

"Yeah." She screamed.

"What happened Nikka?" One of her friends asked.

"Something bit me."

The fly flew again to the bedroom and Zayn saw everything that is happening.

Sarah slept in her pyjamas and was sleeping like a sleeping beauty.

Zayn felt the urge to walk inside that house and give her a kiss.

"Fly?" He called.


"Can I use you to teleport to that place?"

"For what?" The fly asked.

"I want to do something. It's important." He said

"Okay." The fly said and in the next seconds, he appeared beside her.

"What happened to you? Why did you have to do that?" He asked touching her cheeks. He stared at her face and kissed her eyes, kissed her nose, and finally her lips. He only wanted to peck her lips, but her lips were alluring and immediately his lips touched hers, he lost control. He slowly bite her soft lips and rubbed his lips with hers. He kissed her slowly and was shocked when she responded. She moaned into the kiss, without waking up.

"Do not rape an innocent girl." The fly said and she finally released her lips. He looked at her face and saw that she smiled. He also smiled and rubbed her lips with his thumbs.

"Let's go." He stood up.

"Who is there?" Sebastian said and opened the door.

"We are finally screwed." The fly said with it's tiny voice.