
The office

She sat down then about 20 minutes later she got called to the office. "Emma Louise to the office." The office lady said. Emma got up walking to the office. She went to the office. "The principal needs you." The office lady said with a mean look. She walked into the office and sat down. The principal looked at her with a rude look, "Emma, do you know why you're here?" The principal asked. "I don't know.." Emma responded. "Do you think it is okay to bring animals to school!?" The principal yelled. "N..no.." Emma stuttered. "Then why in the world did you bring one!?" The principal asked. "Well when I was on my way to school, I saw the bus almost ran it over so I quickly grabbed it and put it in my bag". Emma responded. "You couldn't have left it with your mom!?" The teacher screamed. "I didn't want to be late .." Emma said with her head down. "Call your mom and tell her to take the cat, immediately." The principal said with sass. "Yes ma'am..." Emma responded. Emma called her mom and told her everything and that she needed to take the cat home. Her mom did so. "You can go back to class." The principal said with a mean look. Emma went back to class.