
CHAPTER TWO: It's complicated

Sangsu-dong is a very popular neighborhood in Seoul city, the middle -class and low class resides there. SEO yeun and her family lives there, and there is a bar located in the neighborhood where she and her friend Kim loves spending their evening whenever they are back from work. The two friends are in the bar drinking and laughing away their sorrow, SEO yeun looks so sober, tired, and drunk. "SEO yeun come on you are getting yourself drunk, just stop, "says her caring friend Kim, SEO yeun pouted drunk "What do you expect me to do Kim, I am so devasted you know how much I love my career I can't believe it ended this way "Don't say that Seo there are more opportunities out there, more press media companies and other jobs, I feel very sad friend I wish they just fired me too, "her friend said.

SEO yeun told her friend not to talk that way and that she should be pleased that she is lucky, she told her that she would strive harder to look for another journalist job because that is her objective." what about your household? your parents? will you tell them?"Kim inquired of her"I don't.. I just can't tell them about it I don't need them to get uneasy about the whole thing I have decided to act like I still go to work while I use the opportunity to look for a job "She said

"don't worry my dear friend, you are smart and courageous am sure you will get through this, remember I am always here to help "They both smiled at each other and cheered with their drinks.

Lee SEO yeun and Kim deok are best of friends, they love and care about each other, they do things together, and behave like siblings. Kim Deok is a rare personality though, she is from a middle-class family that owns a big dry cleaning firm.

The maids are on cue as young sir dong Ju walked down the stairs to the dining table for lunch, as he stepped down they all bow to show their respect, he stared at one of the maids and noticed she didn't bow but he ignored her and sat down, he placed the table cloths on his lap, before he proceeds he stretched his right finger to one of the maids, she was the one that didn't bow. She fidgeted and quietly made her move toward him before she could say any other word, he uttered "You are fired "She dare not say a word or he could do worse, everyone already figured out her crime. The chief maid came to plead on her behalf" Sir pardon me but she is a new employee and I didn't give her any orientation yet I am so sorry for her misdemeanor "Said the chief maid. He stood up from the chair angrily "You both just changed my craving for lunch, you both are fired "he said and walked upstairs. He made one of the maids the chief maid and told her to endeavor to find a new maid immediately failure to do so will lose her job too. The atmosphere changed, immediately the other maids started murmuring within themselves and discussing the instant firing of the chief maid, they know their young master to be hostile, mean, and compromising but never imagined he can fire the chief maid on the spot, they all went on to clear up the dining table. The fired chief maid went into her room and packed her stuff and carried out her luggage and started heading toward the door but she heard her name, she turned and its the newly appointed chief maid that stopped her, they hugged each other so tightly "I will help look for a new maid when I settle in so don't worry you won't get fired "the fired chief maid said

"Please help me ma he gave me one week's grace to replace a new maid or I will be fired I will appreciate it if you help me, Miss".

"do not worry I will help with that but that is only if I find somebody take care of yourself and the mansion "remember to give orientation to any new employee or you suffer the same fate I did She said and hugged the current chief maid tightly before she left. Lee SEO yeun came home drunk late at night Kim deok brought her home, Mr and Mrs lee was busy eating dinner with their second daughter when they heard a knock, SEO ran opened the door, and SEO yeun stammered in with Kim deok behind, Mrs lee stood up and grabbed her daughter"how could you allow her to drink much Kim deok "Asked Mr lee "she just won't stop drinking uncle I tried to stop her but she insisted "Mrs lee asked Kim deok to stay over for dinner while she will go lay SEO yeun inside her room but Kim deok declined saying she has to catch up dinner with her family, she made it up because she knew that if she stayed back she will not Control herself but tell her parents the truth on what happened.

SEO yeun could feel nothing just the sound of her deep breath, and a little pain on her forehead she stretched herself on the duvet and slightly opened her eyes just to see herself laying down so exhausted on her bed wearing her pajamas, immediately she sprung up she looked around and saw a bowl of water and towel on her study table and a warm glass of milk, she stretched her hands and took the glass of milk and gulped seem she is so tasty, she kept pondering on how she got to their house because the last thing she remembered was that she was in a bar with her friend, she flashed back to what happened and remembered she made a mess out of herself and concluded that Kim deok must have brought her home, immediately her mind thought Kim must have told her family that she got fired, she used the little strength she has and walked to her parent's room and saw them sleeping she sighed and realized that they don't know yet and that is because if Kim told them they wouldn't be sleeping instead they will be in her room sitting all around her to know if she is fine and trying to make her forget the pain, she also walked up to her junior sister room and saw her sleeping too, she left her lights on so she offed it for her , went close to her and pecked her forehead before she retired to her own room to get ready for the hectic day waiting for her tomorrow because she will be out looking for a job while her parents will have it in mind that she is off to work not knowing that the reverse is the case.