
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE:Hurtful emotions.


The next day in school, everyone wore their games wear, the boys were playing football while the girls were playing basketball.Seo Ran is not the kind that loves playing basketball, she is also not good at it, but her friend Na RI forced her to play along, and Eun ji was playing too.Eun Ji got hold of the ball and instead of her to throw it in the net she intentionally threw it on Seo ran's leg, she fell holding her right leg in pain, it bleeding too, the boys were watching and saw what happened, mi ho rushed to help her but before he could get to her jun seo already did, jun seo ran to her"Seo ran, are you okay? you are bleeding I will take you to the school clinic" Jun Seo said panting heavily, "No, I don't need to go to the clinic, I will plaster it myself"Seo ran said, "I won't let you do it by yourself, I am taking you to the clinic right away" jun seo replied, "Jun seo is right friend, you should go to the clinic"Na RI stated, without much hesitation, jun seo carried her on his arms and walked his way to the school clinic, all the students were watching him, some were murmuring and gossiping on what their relationship could be, Eun ji and her friends were frowning, while mi hi just stood there with his two hands in his pocket.They got to the clinic, and the nurse attended to her immediately and plastered the bleeding spot"You should be more careful next time, that ball is heavy and can cause injury" the school nurse told her, "I will Miss, Seo ran replied, the nurse told her to rest a little in the clinic before leaving, it's only her on the bed and jun seo sitting on the chair close to the bed."Where is Na RI?"Seo ran asked"She left to buy snacks for you"Jun Seo replied, "Okay, thank you so much for your care jun seo, I am grateful and lucky to be your friend"Seo ran said, "I am happy nothing happened to you, I need to take care of my partner," jun seo said, "Huh? Seo ran said "The music competition, I mean you are my partner, so I need to take care of you, if anything happens to you then we can't win, "Jun seo said, "oh I understand now" Said Seo ran, Someone knocked on the door and it turned out to be Eun ji, she moved closer to the bed where Seo ran layed"I came to see you Seo ran, I accidentally threw the ball, I don't know what happened, I must have to be nervous out there," Eun ji said pretentiously," you accidentally threw it or you did that purposely to hurt me?Said Seo ran, Eun Ji gritted her teeth, "Aishhhh how dare you accuse me of such, yea we never get along but that doesn't mean I will hurt you, it wasn't on purpose, it was a mistake" Said Eun Ji, "I still don't believe you Eun ji, you are capable of doing anything" Seo ran retorted, "Hey..."Eun Ji tried to talk but Jun Seo interrupted"Enough girls, stop this, Seo ran she is right, why will she dare to hurt her fellow girl that way? She must have been careless, please forgive her," he said, Eun ji looked at him and smiled"Yeah, you are right, it's just my carelessness I will be more careful next time, anyways I have not introduced myself, my name is Eun ji, a student of your class," She said bringing out her hand for a handshake," you already know my name, jun SEO," he said and Shook her hand, "okay then, my job here is done I have to go now, and take care Seo ran, see you in class," She said, glared at Seo ran and left. "Why don't you get along with her?jun seo asked Seo ran,"I don't know either,she just don't like me"Seo ran retorted,"oh I see"jun seo said,they both stared at each other for like two minutes before mi ho came in"Hi Seo ran"he said,Seo ran saw him and smiled,"hi mi ho,you came to see me"she said,"Yeah,how are you feeling now?he asked,"the pain has reduced,all thanks to the nurse treatment"Said Seo ran,"I am glad to hear that,Can I take you home today?you can't go alone because of your leg"Mi ho said,"Not to worry,my driver will take her home"Jun seo retorted,mi ho stared at him like a long time enemy,"I asked her and not you"Mi ho replied,Seo ran felt the atmosphere is getting tensed so she interfered,"I can go home myself,I don't need anyone's help,my friend Na RI will take me home"She said,"Alright then, please take care of yourself,and if you find any trouble coming to school tommrow because of your leg,just call me and I will come to your house and pick you up"Mi ho said,"it's fine,thank you"She replied and Mi ho left."Are you sure you can manage?Jun Seo asked and she nodded.

Ze Ming and Dong Ju went to play baseball, it was dong ju's turn to play and he hit the target, he dropped the bat used

for playing and went to the pavilion set for them and sat down, he opened a bottle of water and gulped down, "Easy man"Ze Ming said, he threw the bottle of water when he finished, "What do you intend to do? it's all over the internet that you are responsible for the death of that blogger, and the police might be in your house sooner or later for interrogation" Said ze Ming, "No corps will dare come to my house, and I am not bothered about it, I am used to scandals" he said, "this is different man, this has to do with your company's reputation, something should be done" Said Ze Ming, "I'm investigating the witch, I know she killed him" he replied, "yea I know too, it's obvious, but the world doesn't know that, they don't even know that your stepmom sent him to indulge in what he did then, the world only have one person in mind and that is you, we should do something earlier to bring down that news and let them know you are innocent but are you truly innocent? hiding things from me? Ze Ming said, "What will I gain by killing that peasant? will I gain a billion contract? or will I gain more luxury?his blood will give me no gain so I have absolutely nothing to do with his cruel death" Said Dong Ju, "things are getting strange, first of all, you lost the contract and now the blogger who planned to ruin your image is dead, don't you think Madam Jun ri is going too far to pull you down" Said Ze Ming, "I have been patient and calm with her to know if she will stop her plots, I think it's time I let her know that I am still the heartless Park Dong ju" he said and opened the glass of wine on the table, poured a little into a glass cup and sipped, Ze Ming did same too, "And you, what's been going on in your life? Dong Ju asked Ze Ming, "Dealing with my mother's disturbance of getting married, "Ze Ming said and Dong Ju spilled the drink in his mouth and giggled, "Hey crazy, what's funny? Said Ze Ming, "Marriage? So what's your intention? Dong Ju asked, "You know very well that I don't want it now, I am not ready.."Ze Ming said but Dong Ju interrupted"You are still waiting for your ex, do you think your trip to Busan will be successful? what if you find her but she refuses to forgive you or accept you back, what will you do? Dong ju asked,Ze ming smirked"I don't know buddy,I really don't know,I am still in love with her,I really still do love her,I have tried to get our memories off my mind but I still can't,when I close my eyes to sleep I think about it,even at work,I am losing my mind Dong ju"Said Ze Ming,"Wow,I bet the feelings of love seems to be cool"Dong ju said,Ze Ming sip his drink and nodded"Yeah, it's really worth it,you have never dated nor fall in love that's why you don't know or understand the feelings"Ze Ming replied and Dong ju smirked,he poured few quantity of wine into his glass cup,gulped down and dropped on the table loudly,"You are right,I don't know what love is or what it feels like,those that made me believe are all gone,one left me and the other left the world,All through my life Money and business deals are the only thing I care about"Dong said in a grief way and laughed out loud in pain and continued talking,"You are very lucky that you got to feel and experience love,you still feel your parents love till today and even a woman's love,you are lucky Ze ming"he said and gulped down his drink again,Ze Ming already knew that his mood has changed,"I am just a lonely rich young man,who knows nothing about love"Dong ju said and drank another glass of wine and this time it was full to the brim,he is getting drunk,"Stop man,no more drinking,I will take you home"Ze Ming said and helped him stand up,he hung his hands around Ze Ming shoulder and he gently took him to the Car,kept him on the back seat and drove off to his mansion,they arrived and he took him up to his room and kept him on his bed. Ze Ming removed Dong Ju's shirt and kept him very well because he was falling on the bed. Ze Ming

Was the only person that understands his friend very well, he knows that Park Dong Ju has been through a lot right since his childhood, and now, he knows that he may seem strong and cruel but deep down Dong Ju needs love, care, and attention, he knows Dong ju is a good person but his situation frustrates him.