

In the evening Kim came to see SEO Yeun, they went out to eat grilled meat in a nearby restaurant, and they ordered lots of grilled meat and a bottle of soju drink each.Seo Yeun ate like a hungry lion, she kept filling her mouth with meats and digesting it down with the drink, she ate out of depression, she picks more than two meat with her chopstick, she is been through a lot."SEO Yeun, take it easy, you might get your throat stuck "Kim told her, she ignored what her friend said and kept eating, Kim sighed and moved the plate of meat out from SEO Yeun's front, "Now listen to me, you are rushing the meat, you might get stuck, take it easy"Kim told her once again, she dropped the chopstick on the table, took the bottle of drink in her front and gulped down, she then glared at Kim, "I am not happy Kim, mother won't talk to me, neither will SEO ran, they both hate me right now, why? because I kept the truth from them and also because I lost my job" Said SEO Yeun, "I told you earlier to let them know about it but you refused, and you still insisted to hide it, I wish I was there to stop senior earlier before he told her the truth, I'm sorry friend, I failed you"Kim replied, "You don't have to be, it's not your fault, it's mine, I should have listened to you, I don't know what to do anymore for my mother to forgive me"SEO Yeun said, "Don't worry, I will talk to aunt on your behalf, okay? don't be sad, right now we should be thinking about how to save your young master, Dong Ju, his life is in danger and the conference is the day after tomorrow, what should we do?"Kim queried, SEO Yeun looked at her and recalled the day of the conference, "I forgot, how could I, you are right, definitely I can convince my mother one day to forgive me but my boss's life is in danger, without him, I can't earn my salary and my work there will be in vain, I also owe him for spoiling his contract, I need to save him at all cost, what should we do Kim?"SEO Yeun asked, "We don't know the enemy's interior motive and how they will strike, it will be difficult to figure out their plans" Kim retorted, SEO Yeun tapped her fingers on the table frequently expressing she is in thought, confused, "I think I have to go to work tommrow, those men might be back again to spy, I will follow them and know if I can find some information"SEO Yeun stated, Kim replied that it is a good plan but she should be careful, "I will be careful, you know am strong"SEO Yeun replied and they both laughed, not quite long her phone rang and she answered, the chief maid was the one who called, she was told that young master said if she didn't report to work tommrow she will be fired, SEO Yeun cut the call when she heard it, "Aisshhhhhh he is so annoying, how can he just fire someone like that just because he or she didn't report to work, without even caring to know the reason, is that how a boss behaves, "SEO Yeun said and sips her drink, "What happened?"Kim asked, "The chief maid just said he instructed that if I didn't report to work tomorrow I should be fired, he is so heartless, if not for the contract and my accusations upon him, I will leave him to die, "Seo Yeun said, "Waiter!Waiter!"She called out and the waiter came, "Get me another bottle of drink" She ordered and the waiter left to get it, "SEO Yeun, another bottle of drink?you will get drunk" Kim said, she ignored Kim again and snatched the bottle from the waiter, opened it, and poured it into the glass and it was full to the brim, she kept drinking, Kim tried to stop her but she was ready to make a scene if Kim takes the drink away from her, so she went on drinking non-stop till she became drunk, and finished the bottle of drink, "Hey, you, you are ugly"She points at Kim deok and said in her drunk state, Kim paid for their expenses and carried her home, she hung her arms on Kim's shoulder and they gently walked home.They got to her home, Mr and Mrs lee were busy waiting outside along with SEO ran, they were waiting for her because they were worried, she left the house that evening without telling anyone, they were worried that she must have done something bad to herself, they saw Kim carrying someone on her shoulder and leaping towards them, Mr. Lee ran and carried his daughter, "What happened to her?"Mr. Lee asked, "We went out to eat and she got drunk, I tried to stop her from drinking but she resisted me so I had to leave her, please Aunt take care of Seo Yeun, she is going through a lot and I care about her, I have to leave now, I will check up on her tomorrow, bye," Kim said and left, Mr. Lee carried his daughter to her room and kept her on her bed, Mrs lee told SEO ran to get a basin of water and dry towel, a few seconds later, SEO ran came back with the basin and towel, Mrs lee used it to press her forehead and body, Firstly, she removed SEO yeun's red shirt she had on, then she nabbed the towel on her chest, and also her forehead, she did that to make her cool, Afterwards, she kept the towel on her forehead and they all left to allow her sleep.

Early in the morning, Park dong ju was eating his breakfast, the maids stood there, and that is their normal way, to stand there whenever their young master eats in case he needs anything. They all stood upright like soldiers, with their two hands joined together and kept downwards, Park Dong ju is a very sensitive person, no one dares talk or whisper to one another while he was having his meal, and anyone that breaks that rule will be fired immediately, there are several rules attached to him in the house and if anyone breaks it, so sad but he or she has to face the wrath. "Young master, she hasn't come to work today," the chief maid said, "Did you contact her?"Dong Ju asked, "Yeah, I did, yesterday night but she is yet to come"the chief maid replied, "if she doesn't come to work today, then call her and tell her that she is fired," he said sternly, "Alright, young master" the chief maid replied and bowed. "And who should be fired?"A voice said, they all looked and it was Ze Ming, he came to see his friend, the maids started admiring him, he wore a long, luxurious, blemish, brown coat that fits him well, Ze Ming himself is a fashionista, good looking, calm, and soft-spoken. He sat on one of the dining chairs beside Dong ju, "So tell me, who is getting fired?" he asked Dong ju, "A maid who hasn't reported to work for two days with no permission or exclusion from me"Dong ju stated, "I think you should give her more time, who knows? something must be the problem, either a family problem, a relationship issue"Ze Ming replied, "I don't care or give a damn about her, she should know the nature of her job, and consistency is required as I said, she should be fired"Dong ju said, he is a kind of person who never withdraws his decision, his yes is yes, and his no is no."Well, I came to let you know that I will be traveling to Busan tomorrow "Ze Ming stated, "I wanted you to come along with me to my press conference tomorrow "Dong Ju said, "but it is fine, I can see you chose a woman over your best friend" he added, Ze Ming smiled and tapped his shoulder, "Don't worry man, I'm gonna make it up to you" he said, they both looked at each other and beamed, Dong ju offered him a glass of wine"Cheers" they both cheered. The workers like to witness their moment because they act like brothers, their friendship is tight and sincere, they can even be mistaken as twins, they are both handsome, rich, intelligent, and good in fashion too, everyone knows that none of them have a woman in their life, but the question is"Will they fall in love one day? that is what the workers keep thinking and even the masses and media that know they are single, Ze Ming personal life is not known on social media but Dong Ju's life is known, everyone knows that the CEO of the park car industry is not married or dating anyone.Mr and Mrs lee didn't go to their restaurant today because it's Sunday, Mrs lee was inside the kitchen cooking breakfast, she was inside the kitchen turning her pot of food on the cooker, she turned and saw Seo Yeun trying to tiptoe out of the house, "Stop there" Mrs. Lee said firmly, Seo yeun quietly turned her face and saw her mother, wearing an apron and looking at her rashly, "Where do you think you are going to?"Mrs. Lee asked, the moment she asked the question, her husband and Seo ran came out to the sitting room, "Mother please, you have to allow me to go to work, I promise you that I won't keep secrets anymore, please Mother, it's very important"Seo yeun said, "You won't go anywhere Seo yeun, go back!"Mrs. Lee scolded, Seo yeun lost her cool and smirked, "Why can't you just understand Mother?I lost my job and it's hard to be employed these days, I can't risk losing this job too, we don't have much and you and Father don't earn much in the restaurant, why can't you just allow me to do this, why?!"Seo Yeun shouted while sobbing, her mother groaned holding her chest, and slumped on the floor, "Mother!Mother!"She and Seo ran shouted,Mr Lee hurriedly took her into the bedroom and called the nurse that lives in their neighbourhood,the nurse checked her pulse and attended to her, "She had an heart attack due to stress and thoughts,I advise she should be taken care of and not allowed to stress herself,Mr Lee,come outside with me so I can prescribe the names of medicine that should be bought"the nurse said and left with Mr Lee.Seo Ran was crying bitterly,she furiously turned to her sister"this is all your fault,if you didn't keep us in the dark,mother won't be in this condition,you chose to be selfish and secretive"Seo ran blasted and ran out of the room,Seo Yeun sat beside her mother on the bed and held her hands"Please mother,I am sorry,I won't go anywhere again,I am here with you, sorry for shouting at you, please get better"She said,not quite long Mrs Lee moved her hands,she is concious now,she sat up on the bed,"What happened to me?why am I on drip?"She asked,"you slumped earlier,we called the nurse and she told us you had an heart attack,I am sorry for raising my voice, forgive me"Seo yeun retorted,"leave,I don't want to talk to you for now"Mrs Lee said, "but .. mother.."Seo Yeun tried to talk but she was interrupted by her mother," I said you should leave"Mrs Lee said, Seo yeun stood up, left the room, and closed the door for her.She went into her room and sat down on her reading table, she kept her two hands on her head and bend her head low, she brought up her head again, "I have to be strong, I know that I will be fired, but I still can't leave the house, I don't want anything to happen to my mother, should I just give up on saving dong ju? what should I do?"She thought and hit her hands on the table.The chief maid called her again and Informed her that she has being fired, "I know, take care miss, I will miss you all, greet others for me"Seo Yeun said and cut the call, she also scattered everything on her table."I lost, I quit, I lost my job, and also because of me mother is sick, I can't go to the conference to save him anymore, there is nothing I can do, I don't even know what to do or what their plans are on how to kill him, Gosh, this is messed up, Aishhhhhhhhhh he is so heartless too, how can he just fire me because I didn't report to work, he didn't care to ask, such a monster, and I care to save him, I quit"She soliloquized and threw herself on her bed.