
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Obsessed with her.

Lee SEO Ran came back from school but SEO Yeun was not back yet, she ran into her room and closed the door, she sat on top of her study chair and kept her leg on top of her lap, she looked at the plaster on her knee and her memory flashed back to when Jun SEO helped her up, as she was thinking she was smiling and blushing," he is so caring" She said, she kept touching her knee and smiling, "I am back" She heard SEO yeun's voice and hurriedly brought down her leg, she went to her wardrobe and took a long scarf which she tied on her waist and it covered her knee, she went to the sitting room"Welcome back sis" She said to SEO Yeun, "how are you? I missed you today"SEO Yeun said and hugged her, "And when did you start missing me at work?"SEO ran asked her and laughed, SEO Yeun tapped her forehead and said"Silly girl" She looked at the scarf she tied, "Why the scarf? And covering your waist, did you spill anything on your dress? SEO Yeun asked her, "huh..not at all, I just tied it"SEO ran defended herself, "I know when you lie and right now I am certain that something is not right, remove the scarf"SEO Yeun said, she hesitated to remove it but SEO Yeun kept forcing her, mistakenly SEO Yeun dragged the scarf and it went off from her waist to the ground that was when seo Yeun looked and saw the bandage on her knee, she gasped and sat SEO ran down on the sofa, sitting beside her, "What on earth happened to you, how did you injure yourself?SEO Yeun asked, SEO ran cringed before speaking up"Well it was at school, I was playing basketball and I fell accidentally but not to worry I went to the clinic for treatment it's just a little cut" She said, "I still can't believe you, you are lying to me right? I don't believe that this is the true story" Said SEO Yeun, "it is the truth seriously, believe me" she said, SEO Yeun gave her an angry and tough look and she spoke up, "Fine, fine, you win, you are right, I didn't fall it was my classmate that threw the basketball on my knee and the weight is heavy so it wounded me and weaked me as well, but my seatmate, the boy that gave me a lift back home one day took me to the clinic along with Na ri" She said, SEO Yeun sighed and stood up fiercely, "Aishhhh what the hell is wrong with your classmate, why would she do that to you? did you do something wrong to her?SEO Yeun said, "It's the Eun Ji you know, the rude and snuby girl you met in our junior grade athlete competition"SEO ran said, "Oh, her, why did you let her do that to you, you need to learn how to stand up to your rivals and defend yourself, I have told you several times but you wouldn't listen, "SEO Yeun said, "it is not my fault, I never knew she would aim at me, but I am fine now believe me, I don't feel any pain again"SEO ran said, "Are you sure?SEO Yeun asked, "Yes I am"SEO ran retorted, "But you should not let that girl go Scot free, she did that on purpose so you should do something to revenge too," She said to SEO ran, "Something like what?SEO ran asked, "Chill, I will tell you before dawn, I need to freshen up"SEO Yeun said, "Okay then"SEO ran replied while SEO Yeun left for her room.

He can feel a sharp pain on his neck,his eyes quietly opened and he looked around still laying down,he gently stood up from his bed and sat down,"My neck hurts"Dong ju said holding his neck,he recalled that Ze Ming brought him home and he drank a lot,"Chief maid,Chief maid,he called for the chief maid, not quite long he heard a knock but he didn't reply,she came in and bowed"You called for me, young master"She said,"Tell one of the maids,Lee SEO Yeun to prepare herbal juice for me"he said,"Sorry young master but she is done for the day and has gone home"the chief maid replied,"Okay"he said,"I mean no offense young master but you are really fond of her herbal juice, it's suprising"She said smiling,Dong ju kept quiet for some seconds before he spoke up,"I just like the juice because it makes me feel cool and relaxed,that's all,you may leave"he said to her,she bowed and left his room,he walked around his big, spacious,and luxurious room with his two hands inside his pocket,"She is correct,I have gotten fond of her herbal juice,what exactly is wrong with me?he thought in his mind. Mi ho lives with his mother and his father lives in another city where he works and provides for the family, Mrs. Lu was inside the kitchen frying chicken wings and egg dumplings, she is done and went to her Son's room to call him for dinner but she met him resting his head on the table, she tapped him on the back and he raised his head, "Mom" he said, "Yes darling, food is ready, Let's eat" She said, "I am not hungry mom, I feel sleepy" he said, "Are you alright? you don't look fine, what is bothering you? Said Mrs. Lu, "Nothing Mother, I'm good," Mi ho said, "Then let's go and eat if nothing is wrong with you," said Mrs. Lu, he hesitantly followed her to the dining table to eat, they sat down and his mom helped him bring out bones from the chicken wings and kept on top of his rice"Eat up, it is delicious, "Mrs. Lu said and he smiled"I trust you, mother," he said, "Mother, can I ask you a question? he said, "Yeah you can", "Which gift can someone give a friend who hurt her leg? he asked, Mrs Lu, chewed down the food she have in her mouth and said "Which of your friend injured? "It's SEO ran, she got hit by a basketball and it led to bleeding, I want to get her a gift," he said, Mrs. Lu path his hair, "That is so sweet of you to do, I like it, well I think an ointment," She said, "ointment?" he said, "Yeah, so she can be applying it on the injury, it will help her a lot and she will accept the gift" Said Mrs. Lu, "What of sweets and biscuits? Mi ho said, "Of course not darling, what she needs is something that can help her with her knee so ointment will do"Mrs Lu retorted, "Okay mother, thanks a lot"Mi ho replied, "Anything for you darling" Mrs Lu replied and they went on with their food, Mi ho smiled and kept eating, especially the chicken wings, those are his favorite. Lu mi ho cares for Lee SEO ran a lot, and he likes her, he once confessed his feelings to her but sadly SEO Ran turned him down saying she is not ready for a relationship yet and she doesn't feel any intense feelings for him, he still understood but still cares for her, then, he confessed his feelings to her inside the science lab without knowing that Eun Ji was eavesdropping, from that day onwards, her hatred for his crush"SEO ran"increased, but gradually Eun Ji fell out of love with him when she knew that she won't have a chance at all because he kept pushing her away.

Jun SEO was in his game room playing game,he was playing and won,"Yayyyy I made it"he shouted and dropped the game pad,he rested on the swing chair and laughed,he recalled when he carried SEO ran on his arms and how adorable her eyes was,he almost got lost back then,he giggled"She is damn cute"he soliloquized,Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it up,it's his friends asking him to come out and hangout with them"Not possible guys,I am busy right now,I will make up,okay?he said and cut the call,stood up,stretched his hands and giggled,he left the game room and went to Aunt Chen,she is the chief maid of the house but they call her Aunt Chen,she was wiping the glasses in the kitchen,"Aunt Chen,why stressing yourself,why don't you just leave it for the others"he said,"Have you forgotten that apart from being close to you and your brother,I am still a maid in this house,a chief maid so it is still my job"She said,"I know,you have been working for quite long now,you should rest"he said,"I will when am done with this"She said,"Alright aunt Chen,I came to ask for your help"he said,"You can ask for anything,Jun SEO,that is my job"She replied,"There is a friend in school,a girl actually,she injured her knee while playing basketball and I want to give her a gift,to wish her a fast recovery"Said Jun SEO, "But it's just a minor injury,why getting her a gift?Aunt Chen said ,"yes ,yes,I know it is a minor thing but I still need to give her a gift,she is my desk mate and a good friend of mine,I still need to give her something"he said, "okay then,since it's a knee injury,I suggest a medicated bandage"She said,"You are so smart aunt Chen,how could I not think of it,thank you so much,"he said and ran out of the kitchen,he ran outside and met the bodyguards standing in every part of their house,"Hey"he whistled and called one of them"Yes young master"the bodyguard said,"I am sending you on an errand,buy me a medicated bandage and make sure you get the best"he said,"okay young master"the bodyguard said and bowed,Jun SEO dig his hands into his pocket and brought out his card,"Here,this is my credit card,make sure you buy the best"he said and handed it over to him,the bodyguard had to bow again before leaving.